The MSM are slowly starting to admit the truth about Ukraine losing the war and being a CIA proxy.
I should be doing victory laps, but I feel no joy. The damage is already done.
Hundreds of thousands of lives lost and hundreds of billions of dollars stolen.
Truth was too late.
As predicted by pretty much everyone, Nikki does not seem to care that she just got trounced in her home State.
She will refuse to concede, in the hopes that Trump is removed from the ballot.
We might have to endure this cringey charade until July.
Today is going to be fun.
Nikki Haley is going to lose by a substantial margin in her home State.
Then tonight, she will tell us how the race has only started, she’s not stepping down, and that Trump is doomed.
Then we will point and laugh.
Rinse and repeat until July.
The Left are pro-pedophilia.
The Left have been trying to normalize pedophilia under the guise of 2SLGBTQIA+ “inclusivity”.
The Left censor and smear anyone who brings attention to the global child sex-trafficking trade.
They are after the kids.
Google’s AI just admitted it.
Vice, and the rest of MSM, are dying underneath the boot of Citizen Journalism.
These propaganda outlets are going bankrupt, because their lies simply cannot compete with facts and logic.
Elon leveled the playing field, and now we are winning handily. The shift is underway.
Trump is playing coy with his VP choice.
The decision was made long ago, and the “short list” is political theater.
Actually listen to Trump’s comments. He said it “surprises” him how historically, the VP choice has had “no impact” on who wins the general election.
But later, after Laura is done interrupting him for a mildly-witty joke, he says that he would like to pick someone who “could help from the voter standpoint”. Sounds like Trump wants to buck the trend of picking non-impactful VPs, and perhaps go a different route that actually secures more voters.
If this is truly the case, there is only one person he could be talking about. RFK Jr. is currently polling at 12% (Rassmussen) of the general election vote, and pulls slightly more votes from Trump than he does Biden. If Trump is actually serious about securing more votes in the election, he will pick RFK Jr., otherwise we risk splitting the vote and losing to the Deep State candidate, which would quite literally lead to WW3.
I know many of you don’t like this idea. Many Trump supporters don’t like RFK Jr.’s policies, and many RFK Jr. supporters don’t like Trump’s policies, but from a pure numeric and strategic standpoint, RFK Jr. is still the obvious choice.
Nikki is giving a “State of the Race” speech tomorrow.
She is either:
-Dropping out to spare the embarrassment of getting steamrolled in her home State
-Hoping this speech can close the 30 point deficit in SC
Doesn’t matter to me. She’s cooked. It’s only a matter of when.
Ukraine are unable to maintain their front due to lack of funds, ammunition, and bodies.
The “space nukes” story and Navalny’s death, appear to be last ditch efforts by the Deep State to scare/shame MAGA GOP into sending more money.
Which begs the question, who killed Navalny? The only ones who benefit from Navalny’s death are the West, who desperately need an excuse to justify more funding for Ukraine. Now they are using their media to “pressure” House GOP to approve funding.
The impeccable timing, beneficiaries, and coordinated behavior, would suggest that Western assets killed Navalny. Or, it’s all just a VERY convenient coincidence.
The result in Avdiivka is exactly what the Deep State feared would happen if the funding stopped for Ukraine.
Ukraine don’t have the ammunition, bodies, or economic capacity to defend the 600 mile front.
And now Western MSM are starting to admit it.,two%20years%20of%20brutal%20fighting
CNN: “sources familiar with intel” claim Russia’s nuclear space weapon is designed to take out satellites with “energy wave”.
I don’t doubt these types of weapons exist, but to me, it sounds like the Deep State plan to take out satellites, and then blame Russia.
It’s astonishing how in a matter of hours, Western MSM convinced their sheep to glorify a “Far-Right Nationalist”, who attended Nazi rallies and called Muslim Russians “cockroaches”, and got caught planning an actual insurrection 😂
They will believe literally anything.
Now that you’ve heard the fake outrage from the West, let’s look at the information they withheld from you.
Navalny is a terrorist. He was caught planning a color revolution to overtake Russia with MI6.
He’s not “political opposition”. He’s a foreign intelligence asset. A spy.
Below, you can see Navalny discussing planning “mass protests, civil initiatives, propaganda, establishing contacts with elites” with British MI6 agent, James William Thomas Ford, via the funding from unnamed rich billionaires.
Navalny was the West’s frontman to takeover Russia from within. The same exact playbook they used to take over Ukraine.
Navalny was a Deep State asset, and he was treated as such. As a hostile foreign actor looking to overthrow a sovereign nation, on behalf of the West. Treason and sedition. So spare me with the West’s fake outrage and pearl-clutching, as if Putin is unfairly jailing and murdering political opponents, while the Trump witch hunt is going into its 8th year… and while Julian Assange is still being tortured in prison…
Biden and the MSM are already trying to leverage this situation to coerce Americans to send more money to Ukraine. The entire thing is a hoax, just like everything else they do.
Months ago, I filed the Fulton County situation into the “failed hoax” folder in the back of my brain.
I assumed it would dissolve quietly, and the Left would move onto the next hoax.
But this has taken a turn I did not see coming. Fani’s meltdown not only destroyed her case, but will permeate into the other lawfare attempts to prevent Trump from reclaiming office. Now everyone can see just how INSANE these people are who are trying to imprison the current front-runner and former POTUS…
Fani just created unlimited Trump campaign material and ruined any chance the media had at smearing Trump with these phony indictments.
This is the nail in the coffin in the court of public opinion. Nobody is going to take these people seriously.
In the end, Trump was never in any real danger, and the hoax only made him more popular. It happens EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Teflon Don strikes again.
Now that Huma Abedin is back in the news, flashback to McCain’s funeral.
What happened here between Lindsey Graham and Huma?
And why were then Secretary of Defense General Mattis, and Chief of Staff John Kelly, so interested in the exchange?
There’s a shadow war going on.
Russia allegedly want to take their nuclear capacity to space.
If the US government are concerned about this, ask Obama why he cut NASA’s budget and neglected Space altogether.
This also means Trump was right by creating Space Force.
This also feels like another boogeyman story to get the public to fear Putin and generate support for funding Ukraine. I’m not entirely sure, but I do know that the government never tell us anything so willingly unless it benefits them.
There is some level of deception going on, that’s for certain.
The REAL story is, that Trump voters are highly motivated nationwide. Historic victories in IA, NH, SC, and NV by default.
Trump is racking up wins, good optics, good press, building momentum, and his supporters are turning out in record numbers.
The movement is growing!
Nikki Haley just lost her home State, within a minute of the polls closing.
This was never a race. This primary is merely a formality. It’s always been Trump.
If Nikki wants to hang around and keep getting steamrolled, she is more than welcome, but Trump will be the nominee.
Government provider AT&T gets hit with massive DDOS attack, suspected from China.
During the time of the cyber attack, another high-altitude surveillance balloon was flying over the US.
The Biden admin say there’s nothing to worry about.
Color me skeptical.
Google Gemini is pro-pedophile and even refers to them as “minor-attracted persons” (MAPS).
AI does not have individual thought. It makes decisions based on an accumulation of data presented to it.
Meaning Gemini was taught this. This is the world the left wants.
Rasmussen poll has Trump beating Biden by 6 points, and Kennedy securing a substantial 12% of the vote.
Let’s assume Biden is not the candidate, the Dems bring in a different puppet and they close the gap, with Kennedy stealing more votes from Trump, and voter fraud we still have to overcome. If Trump loses just one swing state because of RFK Jr. splitting the vote, that’s the difference between liberty and tyranny.
We cannot continue to ignore RFK Jr.’s support. He is a significant variable in this equation that will ultimately decide the fate of the world. WW3 looming large, bioweapons killing millions, border crisis, economic crisis, mass propaganda, pedo/blackmail intelligence operations, the list goes on. The situation is kind of dire.
You all want to leave that to chance? Or do we want to save the world? It would irresponsible for these men to NOT join forces.
If Nikki wants to hang around and remain MAGA’s punching bag, she is more than welcome to.
She is keeping Trump voters engaged during primary season, and continually proves Trump to be a far superior candidate by juxtaposition.
Her very presence confirms the establishment’s desperation to keep Trump out of office. She stands zero chance of winning, and only remains in the hope that Trump gets thrown in prison or removed from the ballot.
Her social media posts may be the cringiest thing you’ve ever seen, but it’s become an American pastime to ratio every Nikki Haley post. It’s a team-building exercise that is brining many Americans together, and shifting GOP voters away from the Neocon days of old.
All in all, having Nikki around is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s a good thing. She might be annoying, but she poses no legitimate threat, helps us wake normies, and provides the Trump base with good sport to keep us engaged and motivated leading into November.
The West claim they are righteous, therefore incapable of wrongdoing.
They believe they are entitled to overthrow Ukraine, create a puppet regime, and put an army on Russia’s border, all in the name of “Democracy”.
Just like The Crusades, war was justified in the name of “God”, when it was really about conquest. Soldiers were given free rein to murder, pillage, and rape, under the guise that they were God’s righteous warriors, would be absolved of all sin, and granted safe passage to heaven in the afterlife.
The West are no different. They view themselves as infallible. They are willing to steal elections, brainwash the planet, overthrow sovereign nations, release biological weapons, traffic humans, force medical experiments, and sacrifice as many lives necessary… all in the name of “Democracy”. The ends always justify the means, no matter how heinous.
It’s a religious cult, void of any logic or reason. Their “God” is the State. The sheep believe the State’s word as gospel, and all those who question the State’s holy word are heretics that must be shamed and excommunicated.
The West are nothing but the newest iteration of the evil empire. It knows only death, destruction, and deceit. If you still support them at this point, you are part of the cult.
No matter the situation, American politicians’ solution is “fund Ukraine”.
-War in the Middle East? Let’s package funding to Ukraine.
-Border crisis? Ukraine more important.
-Russian space nukes? Solution is to fund Ukraine.
-Navalny dies? Fund Ukraine.
Pure desperation.
I don’t even have the energy to dunk on the 🇺🇦 supporters for Adviivka.
They will convince themselves that it wasn’t strategically important, that Russia suffered some unrealistic amount of casualties, and that Ukraine are still winning.
Reality is irrelevant to these people.
One thing is inarguable.
The Deep State are EXTREMELY desperate to maintain funding for Ukraine.
They are deploying all assets and conducting coordinated propaganda campaigns, in an attempt to reignite public and political support for Ukraine.
They know what’s at stake.
EU President, Ursula von der Leyen, says that they will “spare no effort” to hold Putin accountable for Navalny’s death.
NATO Secretary, Jens Stoltenburg, says Navalny was a strong voice for “democracy”.
Notice how all the Western entities hate all Russians EXCEPT for Navalny?
Thats because he was a Western asset.
All I know is, mainstreamers are now regularly reporting on stories they used to make fun of us for.
They used to turn their noses up at us, and now they are mirroring us.
Nobody is going to come out and admit it, but they all know damn well that we were right about a lot.
Putin has been telling us Russia have supersonic missile capabilities far beyond anything we know about.
Western media said he was lying and that Russia were primitive, and looting washing machines for chips to man weapon systems.
Now they say he has space nukes😭
Which is it?
House Intel Committee says they “have access to information on a serious National Security threat”.
Which one? 😂
-Bioweapon development
-Open borders
-Weaponized intelligence agencies
-Satanic death cult
-US politicians compromised by a pedo honeypot/blackmail operation