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11B Astute Observer

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Trump retweeted this meme on November 28th, 2018.

The media claimed Trump was a fascist dictator looking to weaponize the government to go after political opponents.

It turns out Trump was right, and it was Biden/Obama who weaponized the government to go after Trump.


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This atrocious bill from the Senate is only doing us a favor.

It won’t get through the House, and all it’s done is radicalize and wake up more Americans.

The Deep State have grown sloppy in their desperation to keep their crimes hidden and their money laundering afloat. They are so brazen in their corruption, even the unengaged citizens are starting to notice.

There will not be any lasting changes until Trump is back in the White House anyways, so if the establishment want to overplay their hand and continue to wake people up between now and November, I’m all for it. They are just creating more Trump voters and making it more difficult to steal 2024.

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Reasons I don’t want to send more money to Ukraine:

1- They are literally Nazis
2- Our money is being stolen/laundered
3- The war will end if we stop funding
4- The US/NATO started the conflict
5- The West lied about everything
6- US oligarchs are making bioweapons
7- Our border is not secure
8- We are $33 trillion in debt
9- All foreign aid is a scam
10- The US government and ruling class are evil and profiting from pandemics, human slavery, and war

The American People do not benefit in any way by sending all of our money to Ukraine. The only ones who benefit are defense contractors, big pharma, and corrupt oligarchs.

We only receive poverty, propaganda, illness, and death. If there is a hill to die on, it might as well be this one.

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The “HeGetsUs” Super Bowl commercial is nothing but a sick woke fantasy, using Christianity as a shield to subliminally shit on Conservatives.

Let’s break down the imagery by slide:

1: Black man getting feet washed by police officer

2: They/them lib getting feet washed by traditional-looking pretty blonde white girl

3: Native American getting feet washed by country white man

4: Girl getting her feet washed outside the abortion clinic by older white woman protesting abortion

5: Drug/alcohol-addicted woman getting feet washed by young white girl

6: Asian woman with “clean air now” poster getting feet washed by older white man surrounded by oil rigs

7: Illegal immigrant mother getting off the bus from over the border and getting feet washed by traditional looking white woman

8: Islamic family getting feet washed by white Christian family

9: Pro-censorship protester getting feet washed by anti-censorship protestor

10: Older white and black men washing feet together

11: Flaming gay black man getting his feet washed by a Priest

Each slide contains a Left-wing talking point, and the imagery is used to make them look superior and us to be their humble slaves. It’s humiliation porn for Libs.

All of this imagery is a not-so-subtle attack on Conservative Americans. The commercial has nothing to do with Jesus, and is essentially an excuse to tell Conservatives that they are lesser than, and must kneel at the feet of the Liberals and their ideology.

And people wonder why Conservatives are sick of the woke bullshit.

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Shane Gillis brings up the Biolabs in Ukraine on Joe Rogan’s show 👀

Episode #2098 at around the 2:56:00 mark.

Rogan has an article ready to go about the Biolabs in Ukraine, which is actually an NPR hit piece about me 😂 calling me a “QAnon follower” responsible for the infamous thread on 02/24/22, that served as the catalyst for this story. NPR, and the rest of the MSM, called me every name in the book, while simultaneously admitting that I was right and the labs do indeed exist.

Rogan and Gillis go on to talk about how the media said the labs didn’t exist, how they now admit that the labs are real and the US funds them, and how the US are not above bioweapon development.

Gillis is in here somewhere 😂 dude was itching to bring this up, and Jamie had the article ready to go. Joe and company have clearly talked about this off-air. Gillis is red-pilled all the way.

My how far we have come 👀

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What if instead of WW3, the US came to an agreement with Russia and China?

What if the US stopped with the expansionism, economic warfare, espionage, proxy wars, etc, and we just created a global economy and society that included… everyone?

The world needs diplomacy, not war.

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The Biden regime coerced companies to ban RT and other Russian media outlets at the beginning of Russia’s invasion, under the guise of “combating Russian disinformation”.

In reality, they were just trying to prevent US citizens from discovering the truth.

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Putin appears to be extending an olive branch to the West.

He is willing to negotiate. The only problem is, Biden and the Deep State cannot negotiate, because Putin wants justice for bioweapon development in Ukraine.

This is why they are willing to start WW3 and waste hundreds of billions rather than negotiate, because Putin’s demands will result in their prosecution for crimes against humanity.

This is why the Biden regime have not called Putin, because they never had any intention of negotiating an end to this war.

Putin is waiting for Trump to return to negotiate a deal, because Trump does not have any crimes or assets in Ukraine to cover up. This is why Trump can end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours, because Trump and Putin have the same objective of destroying the Deep State.

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There is something freeing about being smeared by the MSM.

They’ve already called me every name in the book:

-Domestic terrorist
-Right-wing extremist
-Russian agent
-Conspiracy theorist

What are they gonna do now? Call me more names?

There is power in having nothing to lose.

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Fox News is the most watched cable network with an average of 1.85M viewers per night in primetime.

MSNBC averages 1.22M viewers.

CNN only averages 582,000 viewers.

Tucker’s interview with Putin is over 50M views on X within the first 5 hours.

The MSM is dead.

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Initial thoughts after the interview:

-Putin knows way too much history
-Putin is operating on an intellectual plane far above all US politicians
-Putin appears to want cooperation but the West have isolated Russia
-Putin does not want to invade Poland or take over the world
-Putin is not the deranged warmonger the MSM describes him as
-Putin is well-aware of the “Deep State” and recognizes the CIA as nefarious

I really wanted to see Putin go into detail on the degeneration of Western society, gender insanity, etc., because I think it would have resonated with the American People. The history about Ukrainian Nazism will be effective and his talk of “denazification” will certainly draw some attention.

Obviously I wanted Tucker to ask Putin about the biolabs in Ukraine, but as I stated yesterday, this topic might be too far of a jump down the rabbit hole for those new to this realm. This interview seemed to be an introductory first impression to appeal to Western citizens and disprove the MSM-created perception of Putin.

Anyone who watched the interview objectively would have to agree that Putin is not the monster we were told he was, and negotiations can be made if there is competency from US leadership. Hopefully this will change the perception of the US being innocent darlings in the conflict, and can eventually lead to mass realization that the US/NATO are the ones who brought war and weapons to Russia’s doorstep via espionage and CIA color revolutions.

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The Democrats just told us for 4 years that Joe was not senile, and anyone who questioned his mental acuity was a Right-wing extremist.

Now, the Special Counsel claim Joe was too old and senile to be charged with classified document crimes… 8 years ago.

Joe is above the law.

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Citizens of Earth,

Today, you have a choice:

-Watch the Putin interview, and entertain new realities you’ve never thought possible

-Don’t watch the Putin interview, and remain blind to the truth that our government has desperately tried to suppress

The choice is yours.

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Topics I hope Tucker and Putin cover:

-Origins of the Ukraine war, and how US bureaucrats started the conflict in 2014

-Degeration of Western society, destruction of the nuclear family, gender insanity, and normalization of pedophilia

-US Bioweapon development

How about you?

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Interesting exchange 👀

Rodgers and Rogan speak on the lab leak theory and the other conspiracy theories that people were wrongly censored for.

Rodgers highlights the “playbook” that “they” used and alludes to “Disease X”.

Rodgers is all the way red-pilled.


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Imagine that.

Trump has been saying the entire time that they were spying on his campaign.

The Obama admin went full-Gestapo and wittingly disregarded the Constitution in an attempt to subvert an election and obstruct the incoming administration.

Also known as, TREASON!

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Reuters reporting that Putin has been suggesting a ceasefire and negotiations, but the US continue to reject.

The Biden regime never had any intentions of peace. They are the ones who initiated the conflict and WANT war with Russia.

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Americans are incrementally being woken up to the truth about a wide-ranging variety of evil committed by the government and ruling class.

Realities once hidden from us via omission and gaslighting, are now in plain sight.

It’s almost as if we are being un-brainwashed.

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The Senate are trying to send another $60 billion to Ukraine, AND make it illegal for the incoming Trump administration to stop funding Ukraine.

This is batshit crazy.

But it confirms how desperate the establishment are. They know if Ukraine falls, they are fucked.

Their only hope of survival is defeating Russia and replacing Putin. Because Putin and his military have been calling for the heads of the US oligarchs responsible for bioweapon production in Ukraine. If Ukraine falls, and Trump wins, they could face capital punishment via crimes against humanity.

That’s what’s on the line here. That’s why there is so much desperation. It’s life and death.

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To be clear, I don’t “believe” Putin. He just says things that are true.

I don’t “believe” anyone. I gather and analyze as much information as I can, then draw conclusions based on trends and track record.

It’s not my fault Putin has been far more truthful than the US and MSM.

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I don’t know if I’ve ever seen the establishment collectively panic the way they have today.

Even when Trump was elected in 2016, they still had a great deal of control and still had their monopoly on public perception.

Now what do they have?

The evil empire is crumbling.

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20M impressions is absolutely insane.

Seems many are craving an alternative perspective after being lied to for so long.

This is what the MSM and their puppet masters were afraid of when Elon bought Twitter. They knew truth would gain traction and their lies would crumble.

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Many are denying what they saw last night. Trying to reason their way out of accepting realities they once thought impossible.

This is understandable. Being unplugged is a terrifying feeling. Some just prefer servitude to the system.

If you want to be free, the choice is yours.

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Putin: This war can be over. We can normalize relations and prevent WW3. All the US have to do is stop putting armies and missiles on our border, and stop letting the CIA fund Nazi militias, start civil wars, overthrow governments, and commit acts of terror.

The Biden regime:

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This is the most impactful excerpt from the entire interview and perfectly summarizes the insanity of the current US foreign policy.

“Do the United States need this? What for? Thousands of miles away from your national territory. Don’t you have anything better to do?

You have issues on the border. Issues with migration. Issues with the national debt. More than 33 trillion dollars. You have nothing better to do, so you should fight with Ukraine?

Wouldn’t it be better to negotiate with Russia?”

Putin is correct. The US should be concerned with our own issues and not funding wars on the other side of the planet. Sounds kind of like “America First”.

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This was their plan all along.

Now they have an off-ramp to justify ditching Biden, and now they can select whoever they want to be the next placeholder for Obama’s shadow government.

Effectively circumventing a Primary for the DNC.

And they call it “Democracy”.

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Kirby’s panic and projection about the interview tells us everything we need to know.

Kirby has lied to us habitually about the the war in Ukraine, yet wants us to blindly trust his word over Putin’s? 😂

What credibility do the Biden regime have?

They are scared.

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If you’re wondering why Hillary ran to MSNBC to cry about Putin and Tucker, it’s because Russian MIL directly accused her of being one of the main ideologists behind the US biological network in Ukraine.

Putin’s military accused her of crimes against humanity.

She’s scared.

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Rogan and Rodgers on the Left’s agenda to normalize pedophilia 👀

Rogan: “We are one step away from ‘minor attracted persons’ being something that everybody’s cool with”.

Rodgers: “I bet Putin’s probably gonna say something about that in this interview”


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If you’ve never listened to Putin speak, then 100% of your perception of him is based on what MSM told you.

The same MSM that lied about:

-Russian collusion
-Widespread human-trafficking
-Border crisis
-Election fraud

Truth is scarier than fiction.

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