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Holy shit…

Rep Byron Donalds outlines the money trail from CCP-controlled entity that eventually found its way to Joe Biden himself.

Money went from CCP, to Hunter Biden bank account, to James Biden bank account, eventually withdrawn by Sara Biden, and then given to Joe Biden.

This is how corrupt US bureaucrats/oligarchs launder money in exchange for policy decisions and State secrets.

We have a paper trail confirming the sitting POTUS is receiving money from China… The United States is compromised.

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2016: “There is no crisis at the border!”

2024: “Okay maybe there is a crisis at the border… BUT IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!”

2016: “The Deep State is a far-right QAnon conspiracy theory!”

2024: “Okay maybe the Deep State is real… BUT IT’S ACTUALLY A GOOD THING!”

2016: “Epstein island is not real and human-trafficking/pedophilia is a conspiracy theory!”

2024: “Okay maybe Epstein island and human-trafficking/pedophilia is real… BUT IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!”

2016: “The media is not fake news! That’s a far-right conspiracy theory!”

2024: “Okay maybe we lied about some stuff… BUT WE DID IT TO STOP TRUMP!”

I could do this forever.

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Now that we have seen the MSM response to Putin’s victory, I am even more certain that CIA/MI6 assassinated Navalny.

With Navalny dead, they were able to claim Putin “rigged” the election, despite the fact that Navalny was a Western asset, polling beneath 2%…

Cui Bono?

Now the West have convinced their sheep that Navalny was a legitimate threat to beat Putin, and that Putin is a dictator. Navalny was WAY more valuable to the West as a dead man than he was alive.

They used his death to launch a psyop campaign to both garner support for Ukraine, and smear Putin. Yet another hoax, perpetrated by the same people.

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Intriguing response from General Flynn on The Benny Show 👀

Flynn says he would accept a role in the Trump administration under one condition:

“That I can do the things that I know need to be done, and I believe that President Trump would allow that.”

If Trump wins, Flynn will be off the leash. He is talking about mass government reform and going after Deep State-compromised entities. THIS is what Trump supporters have been waiting for.

If there is one man on Earth that the Deep State do NOT want at the helm of cleansing the US government… it’s General Flynn. Which is why he is the best man for the job.

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I went to a comedy show in DC last night. As expected, the whole place was crawling with libs.

Pre-show, the gay guy sitting behind me was loudly bragging about how his friend works at Politico, and he gets all the “scoops” early because “upper management leaks EVERYTHING”.

The group of friends were clutching their pearls about Trump’s “bloodbath” comments, and talking about how they all listen to the “Politico Playbook”, which is a Politico podcast full of insane Left-wing propaganda. Just their egregious headlines in monotone podcast form. It’s blatant brainwashing.

From my perspective, this interaction was a brilliant microcosm of the current state of Left-wingers. They are stuck in this city bubble that is completely devoid of reality. Their conversations are literally just them regurgitating MSM talking points to each other.

At first I was snickering under my breath, laughing at how insanely stupid these people are, but as I continued to listen, I started to become disturbed. I started to feel bad for them. These people are victims. Victims to a machine that has warped their minds beyond repair.

This is not humanity. These people have no individual thoughts or ideas. They are mindless meat sacks, controlled by an outside force.

These are the minds of the people we are trying to save… and unfortunately, many are not going to make it. Some will stay in the Matrix forever.

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Putin holds elections during the war and wins 88% of the vote… the West call it “dictatorship”.

Zelensky cancels elections and blames the war… the West call it “democracy”.

Funny how that works.

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Here we go. Politico wasting no time and already getting the “rigged” election narrative going.

Claiming that Putin “wiped out” all of his “challengers”.

The thing they accuse Putin of doing, Biden is ACTUALLY doing to Trump.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

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The Left need Trump and his supporters to appear violent, so they can justify their blind hatred for us.

“Muh Russia” didn’t turn out to be true. The racist/misogynist claims didn’t stick. Trump didn’t start WW3 like they said he would.

“Orange man bad” is their entire identity. It’s the false shield that allows them to bend the law, abuse power, censor truth, spread propaganda, weaponize intelligence agencies/media, etc.

EVERYTHING they do stems from the preconceived notion that Trump is “literally Hitler”, and therefore must be stopped by any means necessary. This is the entire modern-day DNC platform. It has nothing to do with policy. It’s literally just “stop Trump”.

The bloodbath hoax is just the next iteration of the 8+ year-long disinformation campaign to justify their unbridled tyranny.

It’s not working.

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The Left are desperate to pounce on anything to generate a narrative.

They are begging for another “January 6th”. They need another excuse to purge Trump and his supporters from the internet and justify more tyranny.

Don’t take the cheese.

Poise and awareness.

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They are coming for independent journalism and free speech.

We have amassed too much influence and neutralized their greatest weapon, the media.

They are setting the stage for another “emergency”, so they can control the flow of information again.

This is Information Warfare.

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I need everyone to tighten up.

The Deep State have 7 months to turn the tide and prevent Trump from reclaiming office. If not, they face extinction.

EVERYTHING they try between now and November, is a ploy to help them win.

Don’t take the cheese.

Stay frosty.

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Some of you are really fucking stupid.

The Deep State have done nothing but launder money, start wars, release bioweapons, traffic children, and allow an invasion at our border.

If you believe this bill is about your protection, you haven’t learned a damn thing.

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Consider the timeline:

The Biden regime just deployed every asset to stop Trump from being on the ballot, and they failed. Trump is projected to win.

Now swamp rats want to pass a bill that would give Biden the power to control the flow of information on social media.

The Deep State are in desperation mode. They are looking for any angle to alter the calculus before November. The only way they can get away with stealing the election, is if they cut out our tongues like they did last time. They have to regain their monopoly of the narrative and public perception.

They are coming for X. Make no mistake. You think they really care about China getting our data? They let China fly surveillance balloons over us without consequence. They sell our State secrets to foreign adversaries. Hillary had State secrets on a server in her bathroom… Joe Biden had State secrets in his garage…

This is not about Tik Tok or China. This is about election interference and the power struggle to control the flow of information. Don’t take the bait.

MAGA GOP should not be passing anything until Trump is back in office. All we have to do is maintain the status quo, hold our position, and Trump wins.

Hold the damn line.

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Trump officially secures enough delegates to win the GOP nomination!

The Deep State’s attempts to derail Trump’s campaign have failed. Barring a drastic turn of events, Trump is going to win.

Their only chance is to cheat.

They have 7.5 months to act. What’s it gonna be?

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Pretty standard Wednesday in 2024:

-Biden regime sent another $300 million in weapons to Ukraine

-US MIL admit that Haitians plan to flee via sea, to Florida, to escape cannibal gangs that have taken over the country

-Biden committed the crimes they accused Trump of


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Within the last 48 hours, both Ron Paul and General Flynn have warned of a coming “Black Swan event”.

These two men have been pretty accurate over the last decade. It might behoove us to listen.

The enemy will not roll over and allow Trump to win. They have something planned.

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So the New York Times admit the Deep State is real… but that it’s actually a good thing!

Someone might want to inform the Ukrainian flag-wavers and blue-haired whales in my comments, because they have been assuring me for YEARS that the Deep State is “not real”.

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If you ask a blue-voter why they are voting for Biden, they will say:

-2SLGBTQIA+ rights

Their entire political ideology revolves around murdering babies, and mutilating their genitalia if they happen to make it past the abortions.

Sounds kinda demonic… just sayin’.

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VERY interesting 👀

Obama meets for a private conversation with UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, in London.

The Deep State are in panic mode. Putin just won his election, and Trump is projected to win as well.

They have to act. Obama is scheming.

Next hoax incoming…

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Americans have decades of Cold War propaganda ingrained into their minds. Most automatically assume anything Russia does is wrong.

But your entire perception of Russia is based on the picture the USG and MSM painted for you.

Your perception is based on a mountain of lies.

The same people who lied about the Russia collusion hoax, Covid, vaccine efficacy, Ukraine, January 6th, 9/11, WMDs, human trafficking, pedophilia, Epstein island, and EVERYTHING in between…

The US empire has produced more disinformation than any empire in history, and you want to believe them about Russia?

Truth is stranger than fiction.

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I don’t see how this power struggle comes to a resolution.

What the Left/MSM are doing… it’s unforgivable. They’ve gone full Orwellian dystopia.

How can we coexist, knowing how much they have deceived us? No chance.

The universe requires balance. There must be retribution.

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Putin was just declared winner of the Russian Presidential election with 88% of the total vote.

Be prepared for Western media to claim that Putin rigged the election, and for pro-Ukraine propagandists to be in full cope mode.

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Do you all see the importance of X?

If we didn’t have a viable free speech platform, the bloodbath hoax would have been accepted as reality.

They don’t have any policy to run on, so they are forced to do these pathetic stunts.

The MSM are the greatest enemy of We the People.

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I was invited to a friend’s baby shower. They requested everyone bring a book for the baby.

So I Googled “kids books”, and the sponsored results are INSANE.

-“Everybody Masturbates”
-“The Gay-BC’s”
-“Linda’s Tight Clam Needs Loosening”
-“In My Daddy’s Belly

Nearly every suggested book is about sex, LGBTQ+, or racism. This is absolutely INSANE @Google

Why the hell are you promoting this content to children?

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This is happening in a lot more than just Elon’s friend circle.

This is happening nationwide.

Millions of people have woken up to reality that the Dems have absolutely lost their minds, and will be voting for Trump because of it.

The shift is already well underway.

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We are in the middle of an Information War, that we are winning, and Republicans want to give Biden the power to label Elon/Trump as under “control of a foreign person or entity” (Putin/Russia).

Forcing them to sell Truth Social and X, just in time for the election.

This is the next election interference hoax, and Republicans are taking the bait; hook, line, and sinker.

Remember how all social media wrongfully censored the Hunter Biden Laptop story… And falsely claimed it was “Russian disinformation”… which altered public perception and the votes of millions of people…

They are desperately trying to regain this power, because if they don’t have it, they are going to lose.

Just like the MSM fool the Libs with “Russia, Russia, Russia”, all they have to do is cry “China” and dipshit Conservatives will gladly give away their own freedoms. Just sheep of a different flavor, falling for a different boogeyman.

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There is a disturbing reality that many Americans have yet to accept:

The greatest threat to the American People is not in China, Russia, or Iran…

It’s in Washington D.C.

Once you start looking from this perspective, everything starts to make a lot more sense.

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Free Speech platforms pose an existential threat to the Deep State mind-control apparatus.

So long as we have the ability to counter their propaganda, they cannot control public perception.

This is not about Tik Tok. If they want to win 2024, they have to take out X and Rumble.

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The Clinton Foundation were in charge of the $13+ billion in aid to rebuild Haiti.

Bill Clinton used the phrase “build Haiti back better”.

The Haitian People never saw that money, and now their country is ruled by cannibal gangs. This is what the Dems mean when they say “build back better”. They do not care about helping the needy. They are only interested in enriching themselves under the guise of “foreign aid”.

All of the money went to Clinton-affiliated contractors, who kicked it back to the Clintons via donations and other means. The Clintons DESTROYED Haiti, and the lives of millions, all for their own gain. The state of that country is a direct result of their greed and deception.

They have the same plan for us.

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The Hur Special Counsel testified that Biden was too old and senile to be prosecuted for his crimes. He was in mental decline over 8 years ago.

But just last week, the MSM/Dems claimed Biden is the sharpest he’s ever been.

Which one is it?

Both cannot be true at the same time.

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