Big news 👀
Early voting in swing states shows a significant 10 point shift in Republican turnout from 2020 to 2024!
Trump supporters are motivated to vote. This is the reason the Dems are panicking.
The early numbers bode well for Trump.
Trump supporters are no longer afraid to show their support.
Back in 2016 and 2020, many felt like we had to hide. The media demonized us, and there was a stigma around Trump supporters. It was social suicide.
Not anymore. We are dominating the culture war.
The Dems say their campaign is all about “vibes” and “joy”.
Meanwhile, in reality, Kamala is yelling again. She is overcompensating, because she is weak, and men of all races are refusing to vote for her.
This is what a failing campaign looks like.
Trump really got up in front of a bunch of Catholic bishops, and told the entire nation that all the white dudes who are voting for Kamala, are a bunch of cucks.
Idk how we ended up on this timeline, but I’m all for it. 🤣
Trump is on a rampage and roasts Chuck Schumer right to his face.
“Chuck Schumer is here looking very glum, but look on the bright side, Chuck, considering how woke your party has become, if Kamala loses, you still have a chance to become the first woman president.”
Jim Gaffigan just EVISCERATED Kamala and the Dems.
"The Democrats have been telling us Trump's reelection is a threat to democracy. In fact, they were so concerned of this threat, they staged a coup, ousted their democratically elected incumbent, and installed Kamala Harris."
Myself, and other experienced citizen journalists, tried to warn you all about giving credence to unverified rumors from shady accounts who tease information.
Take note of those who exercised discernment, and those who jumped the gun for clicks and confirmation bias.
Xanax manufacturers and therapists seeing Trump is favored to win.
Читать полностью…Can we talk about how insane this answer is?
80% of the American People are displeased with Kamala’s current administration, and she somehow managed to blame Trump for it?
Absolutely unacceptable and disqualifying.
If you vote for this, you are an enemy of the American People.
Me: “Damn, Kamala really bombed last night. Let’s check in on the Dems to see how they are handling it.”
The Dems:
Is it starting to make sense why the Dems kept a lid on Kamala all this time?
She has only been doing cupcake interviews on DNC-controlled outlets for a reason. As soon as she actually got pressed by an interviewer, she imploded.
If we had an honest media, this is how every interview should have gone up to this point, but Kamala was given preferential treatment, was able to edit out all her embarrassing answers, was given the script, was not pressed, etc. The DNC-controlled media insulated her, and now she is crumbling the moment she steps outside of structure.
The Harris campaign is over. They are not going to admit it, but it’s over, and they know it. Cheating is their only option now.
Live reenactment of Kamala’s interview with Bret Baier 😭
Читать полностью…I’ve seen Kamala have some bad performances, but this Bret Baier interview may have been the single most detrimental media event by a candidate, EVER.
It got so bad, Kamala’s team were off screen demanding the interview be cut short because Kamala was that bad.
The Dems/MSM continue to tell us their gameplan!
MSNBC discuss the importance of Pennsylvania, specifically the counties in and around Philadelphia, and how Kamala needs to “run up the vote” in those counties to win the election.
They are going to try to steal PA.
Their plan is to flood Democrat-friendly districts (Philadelphia) with mail-in ballots, to offset the red counties in PA, and steal the state, and potentially the federal election. Hence why Pennsylvania election officials are telling the MSM to expect delays in Pennsylvania elections. They intend to cheat, again.
They don’t need to steal every state, they just need to steal a couple, and Pennsylvania is clearly their main target.
Welp, Kamala just said she believes in reparations for black Americans…
Every time she opens her mouth, she does harm to her campaign.
They don’t have a plan for America or prosperity. The Dems are out of their minds.
Lizzo: “If Kamala wins, the whole country will be like Detroit.”
Down ballot Dems in Rust Belt states are admitting Trump’s going to win!
Democrat Senators Tammy Baldwin (WI) and Bob Casey (PA) are running ads with Trump cameos, praising Trump, because they fear they will lose their seats, because they project their states will be Red!
This is a MASSIVE indication that Trump is going to win. If Democrat senators in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are backing Trump, it’s clear the Dems do not see a path to victory for Kamala.
They are conceding!
Do you feel the vibe shift?
The Dems, the MSM, Left-wing influencers, all of them are in a severe state of panic.
They are lashing out and projecting, because they know Trump is winning, and they can’t do anything to stop it.
Their nightmare is becoming reality.
The Dems are screwed.
Trump has his 2016 swagger back.
Trump is in his bag tonight. Just dunking on Kamala and the Dems.
“There’s a group called ‘White Dudes for Harris’… but I’m not worried about them at all, because their wives and their wives’ lovers are all voting for me."
The “Black Insurrectionist” account has been either deleted or suspended, after being exposed as a fraud and fabricating allegations for clicks.
This was an op to trick gullible trump supporters, and it worked on many.
Listen to uncle Clandestine…
Elon: “The reason I’m here in person is because Pennsylvania is so important to the future of the world.”
Elon is right.
The people of Pennsylvania will likely determine the fate of humanity. 😂
Will there be WW3 and tyranny?
Or will there be peace and prosperity?
NY Post are reporting that their professional lip reader deciphered much of Obama and Biden’s conversation at Ethel Kennedy’s funeral.
They claim Biden said that Kamala was “not as strong as me”.
Obama replied, “I know… that’s true. We have time”.
Before Biden dropped out, Kamala was polling worse than Biden in a head-to-head matchup with Trump.
The reason her numbers moved up, was because the Dems got in line once they were told who their candidate was. It was completely fabricated hype.
Now that Kamala has been exposed and forced to step into the light, public opinion of her is returning to where it was before she was handed the nomination by Obama. The Kamala hype-train and coordinated MSM rollout fell short. They could only keep her flaws hidden for so long.
You can put lipstick on a pig…
(Pictured are Polymarket odds, not polls. This is a reflection of public opinion, and betting markets are more accurate than skewed polling data these days.)
The Dems are hilarious.
They are up in arms that Kamala was finally confronted with real questions for once, and are now demanding Trump do “tough interviews”.
It’s like they missed the media foaming at the mouth over Trump, every second of every day, for the last 8 years. 🤣
This is an absolute masterpiece 🤣
(Disclaimer: This is AI)
Here’s Baier post-interview explaining how Kamala’s handlers frantically threw in the towel.
Not only did they show up late, trying to shorten the interview, but Kamala was getting massacred so badly, her handlers shut it down even sooner.
Optics could not be worse for Kamala.
Kamala is completely cooked!
When asked about why the American People don’t feel like we are on the right track while she has been in office, she blames Trump.
Put a fork in the campaign. IT’S OVER!
This interview is EXACTLY why Kamala refused to debate on Fox News.
Can’t believe we are 3 weeks out from the election. Look how far we’ve come.
We are all back on Twitter, now X, and we are thriving. We have dominated the airwaves, circumvented the corrupt media, and woken up millions.
This time 4 years ago, they were censoring Hunter’s laptop, the public were far less awake, citizen/independent journalists had minimal reach, and the MSM controlled the narrative.
Not anymore. We have taken control of public perception, shifted the Overton window, and it’s starting to show up in the polling. Trump is in far better position than he was in 2016 and 2020.
I understand fraud is a variable in this equation that we have to navigate, but that’s outside of our control. All we can do is wake up as many people as possible, and show up at the ballot box.
Overall, I’d say we’ve done a damn good job thus far. We are in the home stretch. Just keep firing red pills and vote. We have the upper hand.
Trump is a legend.
He sits down with Bloomberg hack, tells him to his face that he is fake news, and the crowd of business people are all cheering him on in agreement.
This is exactly why the MSM didn’t want Trump to have crowds at the debates.