#new_researches. #JUNK DNA In molecular biology, “junk DNA” was a collective label attributed to the portions of the DNA sequence of a chromosome or genome for which no function has been identified. About 80 per cent to 90 per cent or more of the human genome had been designated as “junk”, including most sequences within introns and intergenic DNA. While muech of this sequence may be evolutionary artefact that serves no present day purpose, some is believed to function in ways that is not currently understood. The conservation of “junk DNA” over millions of years of evolution may imply an essential function. Some authorities consider the “junk” label as something of a misnomer, but others consider it apposite as junk is stored away for possible new uses rather than thrown out, others prefer the term “non-coding DNA Role and Function of Junk DNA Recent studies on junk DNA by scientists have shown that it has some essential and useful functions. • A study from the University of Michigan in 2002 showed that segments of junk DNA called Line-1 elements, once thought to be “leftovers from the distant evolutionary past” now deserve more respect because they are capable of repairing broken strands of DNA. • Junk DNA might provide a reservoir of sequences from which potentially advantageous new genes may emerge. In this way, it may be an important genetic basis for evolution. • Researchers at the University of Illinois society for Experimental Biology found an antifreeze protein gene in a species of fish which evolved from junk DNA. • A study from the Cell Press in 2004, suggests that more than one-third of the mouse and human genomes, previously thought to be non-functional, may play some role in the regulation of gene expression and promotion of gene diversity. • A study from the National Institute of Health in 2005 found that social behaviour in rodents and possibly in humans was affected by portions of the genetic code once thought to be junk. • A study from University of California, San Diego in 2005, suggests that junk DNA is critically important to the evolutionary survival of an organism. • Findings from Purdue University in 2005, stated that many DNA sequences previously believed to have no function–”junk DNA”–may actually play specialised roles in cell behaviour. • Rsearchers from University of lowa in 2006, documented segments of RNA (previously considered junk) that requlated protein production and could generate micro RNAs. • More and more scientists now believe that in fact regulatory layers(s) in the junk DNA, such as through non-coding RNAs, altogether contain genetic programming at least on par with, and possibly much
Читать полностью…#new_researches. #miRNA_and_Cancer : miRNA has been found to have links with some types of cancer. • A study of mice altered to produce excess C-mye—a protein implicated in several cancers— shows that miRNA has an effect on the development of cancer. • Another study found that two types of miRNAs inhibit the E2F1 protein, which regulates cell proliferation. miRNA appears to bind to m-RNA before it can be translated to proteins that switch genes on and off.
Читать полностью…A 24-year-old woman comes to the office for a preemployment medical evaluation. The patient has no known medical problems but reports that her skin bruises and scars easily. She says that most of her family members have a very "flexible" body, and her brother v,orks in a circus as a contortionist. The patient takes no medications and has no allergies. She does not use tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Physical examination findings are shov,n in the exhibit. This patient most likely has an inherited defect in which of the following proteins?
Читать полностью…بتحبوا تعرفوا الطب بأسلوب كان يا مكان الحياة 💙 بتحبوا تقرأوا الطب بحب بشغف بعيداً عن جفاف المعلومات وتقلها.. زوروا قناة:
#Foreign accent syndrome
A very rare neurological disease, which is usually the result of a stroke or a serious traumatic brain injury.
It is characteristic for him that the patient begins to speak in his native language, but with a foreign accent 😱😱😱. #syndromes.
و أخيرا بعد الانتظار الطويل ، عملية زرع القرنية.
لا تنسى انو القرنية أبدا لا تنقسم . لذلك نجاح هلعملية فتح الافق
ارشيف بدائي للقناة
#Bnb_2021 step 2
و مفاجآت على الطريق كتير 😍😍😍 @biotechnologyforlife
صراحة أفضل تلخيص للدنا الزبالة 😂 ، قرأت شي 30 ورقة بحثية لاخر شي للقيت هادا للتلخيص لفهمت بلضبط شو #junk_DNA . . مع العلم هلدراسات 2005 😁
Читать полностью…A. Collagen
B. Elastin
C. Fibrillin-1
D. Hyaluronic acid
0 E. Laminin
F Proteoglycan
ملاحظة : العملية يلي نجحت من جديد اول مرة هي القرنية الصناعية ، مو زراعة قرنية من شخص معطي ، لان هديك كانت ناجحة من زمان 😁😍
Читать полностью…#new_researches
كل التوهامات على عيني راسي ، بس مو هاد التوهم 😭😂😂
#اسعارنا_خلال_هل_اسبوع_على_حالا ❤
اسعار الكتب والمراجع خلال هل اسبوع ارتفعت ..
اليوم وصلتنا نشرة اسعار المراجع من دار الكتب من الموزعين وسعر كل مرجع ارتفع تقريباً
خلال هل اسبوع اي طالب بدو مرجع طبي او بدو يحضر اله بعد عطلة الفحص ، نصيحتنا الكن اشتروه خلال هل اسبوع ( لانو سعره ارخص )
اي كتاب بدك ياه اسألنا عنو عالبوت لنبعتلك التفاصيل عنه 👇👇❤️
بوت التواصل: @OrderMedBooksBot. #منقول
أثبت آخر الدرسات أنو ال surgeons يلي يتمتعوا بلموسيقا يلي بحبوها ، هم الأكثر لمعانا و عبقرية .
و ترتفع نسبة نجاح العمليات لجراحية لديهم ب 50% .
وعداااك عن دور لموسيقا في تخفيف الألم عند العمليات الجراعية .