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Hey Jameson, very interesting theory.
BTW, is there a reason you refer to Satoshi as “they” or “them” every time? Just curious…
The behavior of what Oriol calls a "statistical anomaly" does not make sense for someone to do in a game theoretical sense unless they are just trying to protect their baby.
Читать полностью…My theory is Satoshi wrote a highly optimized multithreaded mining client that they used in order to keep block time volatility low. They monitored the total network hashrate and as other miners joined, throttled down their own hashrate accordingly.
Читать полностью…There's no "1M bitcoins", that's likely just a myth.
The fact is that there are many blocks mined with some statistical anomaly during the first half of 2009. However, it's a logic leap to imply that all anomalous blocks would have come from a same entity, or that that entity would be Satoshi.
IMHO if anything, it's more likely that Satoshi would have used his version of the code, and that those running modified code (leading to the anomalous "patoshi" blocks) were other people.
this "rumor" is around because of this paper from 1996. https://archive.org/details/HowToMakeAMintCryptographyElectronicCash/page/n1/mode/1up
however, it is just a iteration on david chaum's ecash from the 1980s.
so it was nothing new back then.
this approach here is *centralized* (but more private) and hence has nothing to do with bitcoin.
bitcoin's whole point is that it solved double-spending without a centralized minting authority.
keep in mind that cryptography was long a domain of the military. research opened up in the 1970s, but some algorithms were classified as ammunition and their export forbidden. hence adam back printed them on t-shirts in the 90s. for many, bitcoin seems to have come mysteriously out of nothing, but there is a long pre-history of cypherpunk anti-establishment counter-culture in the 1990s.
finally, even if satoshi had an nsa background, it doesn't matter. he doesn't control bitcoin, and it's a system designed and implemented in the most open and transparent way possible. feel free to come up with any idea how it could have been done better in that regard.
I downloaded the archive from the site, checked the hash sums and unpacked it. Then I open the terminal and write the path to the bin folder (it is in the unpacked archive). Press “Enter”. Then write ./bitcoin-qt and press “Enter” again.
Читать полностью…It's so sad. People should learn about wumao and about the geopol stakes here.
Propaganda works so well because of the useful idiots who will acritically keep spreading it out of its source circle.
The cryptosphere has traditionally been fertile grounds for fringe and conspiracy, and so it gets sadly abused for spreading propaganda and influence.
And dev and designer here?
We need you! Send dm for details 🙏🏻
Could anybody let me know if it is possible to spend sats from a Nested Segwit address which is hashed from uncompressed public key ?
I of course know that P2WPKH allows compressed public keys only. But there are funds on this address and it has been hashed from uncompressed public key.
How do you explain tor then ?
Also their technology algo and their research projects ?
check endpoint. add more log to func out more details.
Читать полностью…And it's not just one weird anomaly but rather a variety of unique behaviors from this entity that fingerprint it.
Читать полностью…Nobody had a custom mining client built on day 1. The only way your theory works is if Patoshi was a pre-genesis block Satoshi collaborator.
Читать полностью…It can shake the market at wish but yes its not complete control
Читать полностью…I'm also trying to synchronize now, periodically the laptop reboots, I restart it, synchronization continues :)
Читать полностью…Good afternoon I am having problems installing bitcoincore 28.0 on Ubuntu. Please could someone send me a list of commands to run it. Thanks
Читать полностью…bitcoinjs-lib or btc core * reedem script -> raw transaction(utxo) -> signrawtransaction -> sendrawtransaction.. I hope this helps..
Читать полностью…Tatsuaki okamoto is working for NSA and NTT. Maybe here are many clues. İf we search a bit deep
Читать полностью…NSA is like a big company they can't innovate. also doing something public, non-secretive that's not their process
Читать полностью…Could anyone debunk in few sentences as to why NSA is not the creator of Bitcoin? @adam3us
Читать полностью…I am doing a transaction of 20 btc from wallet A to wallet B. Wallet A has 20 btc. But the balance after the transaction is showing -20 btc in wallet A instead of 0. How to fix this?
Читать полностью…That white search box is weird and the text "search" is almost unreadable.
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