100% signal center and Account management 12 years experience
Hey there Ahmed Hossain, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
Hey there Wwwe, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
@Watsonnoan [882289945] is sending a spam message. Action: Banned 🚷
Aileen Cuya muted for spam! (1/1)
@Beiley [1441692250] is sending a spam message. Action: Banned 🚷
@Prakashf [1443814935] is sending a spam message. Action: Banned 🚷
Hey there Mrim, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
White [1403594169] is sending a spam message. Action: Banned 🚷
@Thonymajja [1318672366] is sending a spam message. Action: Banned 🚷
Hey there Jk, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
Hey there U, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
Elizabeth muted for spam! (1/1)
Hey there Z, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
Hey there V, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
Hey there Rt, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
Hey there Lord, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
Hey there Lam, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
Watson Noah muted for spam! (1/1)
@Aileencuya [1280213739] is sending a spam message. Action: Banned 🚷
Beiley Renea muted for spam! (1/1)
Prakash muted for spam! (1/1)
Hey there M, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
White Thomas muted for spam! (1/1)
Thony Majja muted for spam! (1/1)
Hey there Kasper, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
Hey there H, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
@Elizabethhar [1462677715] is sending a spam message. Action: Banned 🚷
Hey there P, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
Hey there Gt, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?
Hey there O, and welcome to Bitcoin Zimbabwe! How are you?