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I am shocked by some stupidities of people.
One most prevailing in crypto is:
"I will not buy Bitcoin it is over $50,000 now, I don't have $50,000"
I heard this so many times, it is unreal.
So coin that has token for 0.00000001 is better coin?
You heard that you can buy a FRACTION of Bitcoin?
"wow really?"
Bro, best advice for you is, don't spend $1 on crypto until you either learn or admit to yourself it is a FULL GAMBLE.
For people who are not willing to spend basic amount to figure out what crypto is, and that you can buy a fraction of Bitcoin, I really don't feel as tragedy when they lose money. I think it's an education.
I was dumb at hundred different things (more)... crypto punished me and taught me.
One thing I was never faulty at... I was never lazy to do what I need is giving me maximum edge at the level of my capability.
Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.
Cheers BCW brother!
D Man
I was the first to tell when bull run will begin.
Now they are wondering, but I see by the day more "explanations".
Even one famous guy said in 2 weeks it is 170 days post halving so it begins.
If I had big enough twitter account I'd publicly offer him a bet that I'll short his "beginning" week. lol just to prove him he knows nothing.
Such analysis like 170 days after something begins is the EASIEST to mess up and to get folks fucked up.
And all while... yes, I agree, and I said 3 weeks before him, the bull run is here.
If I'm wrong, I'm completely wrong beyond repair.
D Man
You want big caps?
TAO is good
KAS is good
SUI is good
Those lists are EASY. They are proven. Building. Tested.
I can do it drunk, with not much sleep and while banging two Tashas simoultaneously.
Brother, how you don't understand, to bring blue-chip level of analysis to shit category of coins is edge for little guy. For us. You and me bro. Why make exit-liquidity for whales? TAO is what 4bln now... It is trending, it is very good, however, if I can portfolio manage I choose Berry over TAO any day.
If I have no choice of being ok if it goes to zero, then I'd select TAO and have less risks.
These 3 I gave you are better than most of the top 30 marketcap if you exclude stablecoins. I am attaching screenshot of current top 30 by marketcap coins so that we can compare later if D Man's three outperformed majority of others.
D Man has an edge. It's simple.
You have an edge!
D Man
follows our pattern perfectly for now.
Читать полностью…I want to show you something...
Here it touched first level of 10mm mc.
It retraced briefly to 6. It was there for a brief moments, only to catapult up there to 20mm+
I killed two stones with one bird.
Читать полностью…One warning re: lemon, they are bundled as fuck, either team or someone sniped and bundled... so the holders chart doesn't show proper figure, it is in hands of few. Let's use the momentum for quick flip and then see what happens. Cheers!
Читать полностью…Did I say I am bullish on the markets?
Yes, I am bullish on the markets.
Did I say I predicted the VERY DATE of the bull up run weeks ago? Yup, shared a couple posts above.
The time, the boredom, the fucking pain, we all endured through here... is now coming with reward.
Brother, the fact you're in crypto enjoying green days, doesn't mean everyone is.
Many got discouraged.
Many got hyper bearish.
Many are missing out on this.
BCW in this regard did its job, we fought through, so we are the first at the up run.
This nice sentiment can be also because we picked the #1 gainer out of THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of cryptocurrencies out there. Number one. Not hourly, not trending, but last 30 days top rise! Can it be better than this?
D Man
More recepients of the goodies I airdropped to AMA participants. For free. Because they are who they are (true BCW)
Читать полностью…Read this. Don't be lazy. Even if you didn't participate at the AMA. It gives you the good concept of what BCW is vs every, absolutely every other group out there. This is brotherhood, outside is every man for himself. Brotherhood vs any man individually, always wins. This is your BCW brotherhood! Cheers!
Читать полностью…Note it is not official airdrop nor the team didn't know about it. It was my tokens, so don't go ask there for airdrop lol... there was none. Daddy gave you some of his to make you enjoy this greatest runner in crypto AI in this cycle.
Читать полностью…Public service notice: if you're using buy sell, sniper and such bots, although I think you're doing wrong things in crypto, still, consider stopping using them as there are many attacks now on the bots reported... so that you don't lose the funds. Cheers!
Читать полностью…I am proud of knowing you great people. Because the amount you got for airdrop is symbolic. Divided by all of you is not anything big, yet you came, thanked. I appreciate it.
Читать полностью…Rest as I explained in the AMA. Don't read, don't know. Simple.
When we started the AMA yesterday it was 7.2MM mc. Now it is 17.59MM mc and growing.
You do the math. Cheers!
(not cherries, berries!) lol. Cheers my man!
D Man
All joke aside, read the fucking AMA, I think Berry is so undervalued because only BCW got the alpha sneak-peek of what's 'under the hood' of Berry. I think it will eat PAAL, not just the current joke under 20mm marketcap.
Читать полностью…Love you brother (no homo). Thank you for your appreciation. For you and bros like you I do this.
Читать полностью…Want even bigger caps?
Out of top 10 by marketcap coins, I predict that TON will be #1 performer.
(unless solana pulls some heavy manipulation shit, but if yes, watch out afterwards)
What else do you want? Just tell your D Man
Interesting. When you're gonna hate, at least hate properly.
"Sovryn debacle"? Sovryn did 70x from the entry of BCW to the highest it reached. If you didn't book anything, really, should I say anything?
Why low mc?
Again shows you don't follow me.
For me, it's easy to be "popular trader". I don't want that. Give you big name coins, where you can't go wrong.
I want to be for you *profitable trader*... and for that, as I assume MOST here don't have million+ per coin to invest... need smaller mc coins so that their coin has bigger chance of 10-100x than for example Bitcoin.
Bitcoin cannot go 100x in the next 3 months. It would be marketcap of 100 trillion+.
Berry for example can. It would be marketcap of what 1,5 bln
I don't say berry will get there, but it has much higher chance of reaching that multiplyer than Bitcoin.
As such, with up side like that, it has also yes, a greater chance of reaching zero. So most "reputation-protecting" traders will not give it as they might end up looking like losers.
I don't care about the optics, I care to actually make good gains to my followers once the bull run hits.
To have my BCW bros rewarded for all the wait, patience, lessons market required of them and make them winners.
D Man
Now, something similar happened.
10 is obvious psychological support. In realistic event of bullish token, it won't let it completely touch 10, because there is too much interest. It touched 11... My prediction is just a bit of zig zag (bullish, ascending) before next leg up.
Reading something and got to an amazing quote:
"I am amazed by how many individuals mess up every new day with yesterday." Forgiveness and letting go of past hurts is crucial.
Hahaha I see with first green days new crypto signals groups forming...
Brother, WHAT
They haven't been here in most chart-painting days, sessions and experiences.
How can they guide anything or anyone?
Use common sense.
D Man
D Man's FREE Spot Signal #3
Lemonrocks (LEMON)
17.54m mc now
t1: 22.9M Mc
T2: 42M MC
T3: keep open
This is new token, we found out, there is interest, but it is big risk like everything so new. It can go to zero. Don't invest what you can't afford to lose without blinking. Cheers my friend! Enjoy! Do your own research first. I can be wrong.
I think this feedback I just got explains the entire situation the best. Who BCW followers are (awake for the AMA, not for personal interest, but because they felt me 'excited about it', they are grateful and aware of the alpha nowhere else shared, heck, 3x since then, since AMA, why? Because of how we asked questions, how we are respected the founders wish to reward the BCW horde. Cheers!
Читать полностью…You see how big (great) these people are.
It is not just someone out there in crypto just getting and leaving. They each came to thank me personally, regardless of the fact many of their fellow brothers received it as well from the AMA, they felt the gratitude to do so, and they came and wrote their thanks. This is what makes me proud. Some great men I've awaken. United, we are known as B C W.
I don't know one (ONE!) crypto guy who would get tens of thousands of dollars as respect from some coin maker and he would share them with the community.
I know many twitter fake giveaway things that require you to do many things and they NEVER actually reward anyone.
Even the team didn't know I'll airdrop.
They found out on the AMA.
Every participant on AMA basically got their reward (except a couple assholes who tried to join with multiple accounts or those who didn't read & follow what I was saying, causing spams)
So no action was needed, just pure reward.
Most frank answer, I don't know.
It just came to me, I want to share it with you. Like we are in this together, horde sharing spoils of war.
We got it, because BCW commands respect in the community.
Idea was to share it with my most loyal AMA participants and I did:
EVERYONE could get the airdrop that just participated:
x2 if they fucking at least politely said something at the beginning of AMA to say basically hello to their fellow brothers within the first 4 minutes. Fair and correct? Good!
x2 if they are BCW viking, OG, BCW4life or any other decoration. Deserved? Yup, it is.
x2 for every 1000 hearts they have. You gave them, means they contribute. Fair? Yes it is.
+0.5 multiplier if you at least thanked, liked someone's content etc.
Plus, there was a lottery, for a simple question: "write in chronological order 6 BCW traders".
I didn't ask for all traders, but just six.
I didn't accept illiterate answers because that is not what kind of community I want.
I picked two fastest correct answer members, and gave them basically x50+ multiplyer giving them thousands in the airdrop.
Now, outsiders would think "why he did it, he could have bought himself a.... condo, a good car, a..." fill in the blanks. They don't understand, if I want a special community, I want to be a special leader.
I need to walk the walk.
I need to show with something that is scarce and appreciated in the world, that I truly appreciate you and this differentiates us from ALL other groups. Why I am so intense on them? Because they are fake, misleading their followers and some new noobs that come to BCW after being with them, come hurt, injured and without much faith...
So then actions, unity of BCW OGs show that, when there are big nasty forces eliminated, in fact, people have capacity of being really good to each other, and that way, united, EXTREMELY POWERFUL.
Cheers to BCW my brother!
Cheers to you!
D Man
The AMA airdrop rewarded my dear participants... I was gifted by the team, I decided I wanted my BCW bros to enjoy as well. some got symbolic beer money, some luckier or more decorated went into hundreds or thousands. For free. Just because sometimes BCW horde gets spolis of war 🙂 Cheers!
D Man
You're so amazing brother.
Читать полностью…Strawberry AI is bigger gainer than all crypto coins in last 30 days.
Bigger than Neiro that did 20x
Bigger than anything with decent volume.
Just a fact.
I gave it to you at 2mm mc, here, in the free channel.
D Man
First target since fundamental update for me is 60mm mc.
Читать полностью…I think my dream is kinda bullish for Berry token, don't you?