From the author of Amazon bestseller Blockchain Decrypted Probably the most accurate FREE signals telegram channel. For my premium signals, contact @cryptoalfred Upgrade to premium trading signals at Thank you.
FUG got us magnificent target, very fast... And I think it will revisit it's high and shoot further. Narrative seems to be catching up. You're in guaranteed profit, T1 already booked 2.7x in your pocket or whatever, enjoy!
D Man
Loyalty deserves gifts.
Читать полностью…This one shows some revving as it's bull raging ready for takeoff... This might be the last call to buy it while the price is extremely near the announcement price.
Читать полностью…How high will Bitcoin go?
At minimum 100k
(first level is 94k)
Second major level is 144k
Final is 180k
Extension, macro speaking 220-225k which shouldn't happen.
So our highest odds prediction is between 144k and 180k.
D Man
To be on the same page how btc looks like:
It's strong, but it pumped already.
Because it's wild, I don't dare to short it, as next step might be 94k.
It is not yet confirmed that it is above 85k, as next hr can retrace, so it can go down, I don't dare to long it either.
Next 30 hrs are gravity with big liquidity down, however I don't know the influx of new money in crypto, maybe more favorable than the liquidity down.
So, I am on sidelines, chill, waiting for my alts to moon, in the meantime, helping project owners where I can to make best products their teams are capable.
D Man
Major level next one is 94k. Now does it really have the force to go in one go to that high, let's see, btc is magical.
Читать полностью…Nice, we turned the candle red, my BCW booked. My happy warriors! This is just a taste of what's to come. Alt run has not started yet my bro!
Is about to though!
D Man
Even if you saw it at 9mm, got notification, went to kaka for five minutes, turned on computer for 1 minute, logged in for 1 minute, entered a password for one minute, you'd still be able to sell above 7mm which is 2.23x from entry. Not bad for target 1 at all. Not bad. For 9th call. Free call. Spot call. FAST call!
If I sound excited, it's because I am, because most coins besides btc today are quiet.
Target reached brother, enjoy your printed gains!
D Man
T3 open, profits secured and safe, enjoy!
Book some, don't be shy...
Читать полностью…NINE SIGNALS IN A ROW, bro, this signal was 2.9X first target. How cocky is this, not to give you +30%, but 2.9TIMES your investment as first target!
Good job. Good FUG job!
Brother, you not BCW?
You are BCW! It's not the time spent, but your heart and qualities. Having a sheer need to share with Alfred your appreciation, following and being in AMAs when your BCW calls you, shows you're exactly where you belong.
Thank you for being BCW!
D Man
Remember, learning to read the market right, which we mastered, and proven in the reports is far more imporant skill than picking the coin.
In bull market, knowing fundamentals of a coin, is far more important skill than fomoing in on a trending coin.
In bull market, reading sentiment and flow of volume of interesting wallets is far more important than technical analysis.
TA traders who have just started popping out when signs of bull arrived... stand no chance.
BCW #1
For you my brother!
Let's print!
D Man
I'm so in crypto that a friend said there is good deal for 3 month gym membership, I asked him, is there one month membership. Not sure I'd have time to do that even so I go for a walk rather instead.
I'm so in crypto that a friend actually called to send me some Natasha, and I said no. -- brother, you don't know me, but this doesn't happen in slow times. To say no to a hot pair of boobies.
I'm so in crypto that my dog registered a wallet to buy himself cookies.
Bro, I'm as balls deep that I feel a tummy of bitcoin!
Let's do this horde!
D Man
You can't read?
You don't read.
#noflakey #nosnowflakey #realbcwonly
Do you realize Blockchain Whispers is the most armed retail group on the planet?
Some of the tools we have, are tools 100m+ funds have.
And tools are LEAST important.
We store the entire blockchain, and get real time data, raw data when something happens.
Your friend, friend's friend is not faster than that. It is BLOCKCHAIN.
Sure, acting upon data depends on filtering. So while they depend on AI, you know on what we depend?
On good old manual work. Every day. Our filters we have two options, to go as 'smart' and high tech as possible and miss cool things... or to have to sort approx 40-50 projects a day to get 4-5 that meet some elementary criteria to be presented to me for further inspection. We do so.
It got us timely signal into Berry, Vista, ENQAI and also a couple real gainers that I missed due to human error.
So this is the tools part.
Let's go to more important.
We have been here the entire bear market. Every day. Our skill, heck, even just experience, cannot be compared with noobs. They will act smart for a while, but they all get fucked at the end. Not you. Not us. We paid the tax already. We know that without leveling the character first we can't pass the boss. We are MEGALEVELLED!
Blockchain Whispers has years tested traders, that print in bear market. Lol, like my short, might only take us a day or two to adjust to bull market, because not how hard, but how EASY it is!
Blockchain Whispers because it is true, has built over almost a decade respect so our network of friends, and people who come to tip when something is important is huge.
MORE important,
Blockchain Whispers has you. For example you found FAN token. You found they have built entire decentralized funding platform, released a movie, have Hollywood connections, yet are undermarketed and nowhere to be seen. You dug this out, not me. And many other things.
In two AMAs ago, I brought you guy, who is an insider to the whale group. His friend bought 100mm of theta, back when I published about it in the book, when it was dirt cheap. It pumped like magic we told about. He came back, reconnected ages ago, you know why? Because when he did a nice gesture, I put in effort to find him and to reward him. It's a small token of appreciation for such guy, but he remembered it. So he came back and gave you another coin for which he has very little known analysis, a big cap coin, again one I could build my reputation on. I didn't even share it here. Why? Because I want to reward people who came when I called them to AMA.
I don't want AMA or my channel to grow. I am not a fame whore. I want it with quality people.
You brother, and me, and fellow BCW brothers, we do things in AMA that are incomprehendable for modern internet, because low attention noobs are everywhere.
This long message, again, if you're here, I know I have 1) a person capable of reading and comprehending longer 2) someone interested in what I'm doing and 3) a brother who cares about me and BCW and is ready to help.
We united, together, are a powerhouse.
Readier than ever. Finished all the camps, training, mistakes, lessons. We know who to turn to who to listen, who not, what tips are more valuable what less, we know state of macro economy, we know everything... and now, of course, naturally, YES, we are fucking ready to print.
I'll continue with signals. I'll give some advanced things in AMA. Like now I told you warning that after elections Trump memes are in danger aka sell the news (it happened).
Brother almost as a rule of a thumb in report in ama in signals: NEVER everything will be right, and NEVER everything will be wrong. (no guarantee of course, but some personal experience). And there ALWAYS will be some valuable edges to get, because I'm real trader. My team is really caring. And my community built on the super solid, strong foundations. Educating the right and proper approach.
I got ahead of myself, it's 8/8
Meaning we have some work to do.
But 8 BADASS ones!
Blockchain Whispers accuracy baby!
D Man
Ok, so this is the retrace after the initial pump that we waited for to signal us when good time for alts starts. If I'm right, just after this one completes, on the way up, alts should start performing. Smaller alts.
D Man
Our time is here.
These levels I didn't need to analyse now. We know them for years. Not only me, many of you who analysed properly the demand. It is question of how well you know the timing (and here my regular macro report researches came handy) and how well you can estimate the power (and here my bear time presence comes in hands, for experience).
Cheers for Blockchain Whispers accuracy!
D Man
If I'm to choose now what to enter in crypto, I'll definitely start shifting now to AI, gaming, useful things... and less for memes. You don't want to be the last guy to discover memes are not hot anymore. I don't think this entire bull run fucking memes will lead. But I am biased, I never liked memes too much anyway.
D Man
I am bullish on crypto - this was a wick expected as or maximum two days of down would suggest me "alright, time for alts to fly now, btc found its range"
Читать полностью…Above 85k is very easy void... so this can go higher, I am not expecting any retrace until 85k is lost... It is trending, momentum here, didn't lose, I see strength. I wouldn't bet against it. That was stab, didn't work, don't commit to any bearishness in such price discovery. the 30 hrs mark still remains as some gravity, but seems momentum and hype is stronger now. Very interesting to participate in.
D Man
I must be REALLY careful, picky for call ten.
I will time the market, wait for alt confirmation, and give a call, that even if technicals fucked, should reach the target.
Currently don't have anything, but happy to have the ball in my corner.
D Man
@bcw_tech informed me I gave it when it was 3.128 so the:
"You gave when it was 0.003128
Target 0.0085 (8.5mm mc)
So it's 2.7 not 2.9X first target.
but anyway 2.9x is 9mm and it also hit, but to be cool, I'll calculate it as lower figure. Bro, even if you doubled up as t1, on spot in what not five days, three days, four... it's nice isn't it? Especially if it is your NINETH WIN IN A ROW!
And it's not rush, it's still holding 7mm mc...
Enjoy my bro!
D Man
It still holds 7mm, you're in green one way or another, 2.9x or 2.2x or 2.4x bro, it's wonderful. It's BCW accuracy!
NINE official calls in a row (counting free calls only, public, right here in this channel)
So happy!
D Man
Hit 9mm!
Target 1 reached!
Alfred will calculate the gain for you etc.
Target I changed to 8.5mm market cap as +40% was too little.
Target 3 remains open!
Congrats, enjoy wins, don't spend on Tashas now, altrun is coming!
Btw. don't spend money on hese premium stars you give me, I liked telegram as there was no benefit on like, no retweet, no subscribe, no any way that I benefit from any algorhytm, as your bro is not a fame whore. I don't know even how to use the benefits of those stars. Save your money. Regular heart, out of heart, sincere, is as meaningful and as valuable to me. Most appreciated.
D Man
Make BCW great again?
BCW is great already. Let's make it greater than it ever was. Let's make it epic, happy place for you and my loyal brothers who put proper attention to what we do here.
I am so in crypto that I don't want to afford myself a new vacuum cleaner until I multiply to be able to buy a couple.
Now's not the time to buy anything except bare essential.
Now comes the alt times, and we are so armed, so prepared to play with the kids. We will just wish it to last longer. However, until it last. Let's print. Let's do signals, let's do AMAs united... I'll try to bring you important interesting people, listen to the community and connections for extra edges, and present you through my system and technicals some signals.
My goal is that if you start today with X, forget the past, open trades etc. what you missed what you won, starting right now is not late. If you start right now with X my goal is to turn that X into a much bigger X. I won't define a number, because it's easy to type out number, and I'm a fan of real rather, but let me put it this way, my goal is to, on non-luck basis, on CONSISTENT basis (again except the times they will get exceptionally lucky) to guide MORE people into bigger average ACTUALLY bookable win, MORE OFTEN and MORE ACCURATE than any other group out there.
My goal is to outpiss them with ease.
We prepared for Jon Jones. We are fighting a woke emo high school kid that never trained in life. We don't underestimate. We will fight like against Jon, but the odds are HEAVY in our favor to humiliate all other groups out there.
Of course, they will NEVER be humiliated. Because you'll hear them bragging about non-existing gains. There are gazillion tricks, they mention a coin, but don't issue a clear BUY HERE SELL HERE IN THIS TIMEFRAME (3 things remember, where to buy, where to sell and timeframe expected)... and then something does well and then it's like they gave you that coin. They gave you shit. In BCW I always approach, if you don't actually book, for me it doesn't count. If you can't actually enter, for me it doesn't count.
Brother, your trust is what I nurture. Not some fame or follow count.
Didn't we have 400k ripple group?
We filtered out the weak, and I shit you not, we got first 73k then with further filtration probably 40k real people as a result. One in ten. 9 noobs gone. 1 who can read, dares to fight, has loyalty stayed.
Now brother this is time to start rewarding, that life starts rewarding your smart actions, your training, your work and attention.
You are ready.
BCW is ready.
Together, united, we will print easily through the crypto green.
The only wish will be: why it didn't last longer.
Brother loves you.
For you your proud
D Man
Blockchain Whispers baby!
P.S. Wen Natasha? 😉
(if you don't know who Natasha, work in the next 2 months to find out, comes in handy, or handful once you succeed!) Cheers!
I intentionally started with signals before the alt run begun, so even the noobest noobs can understand... one by one... worked, no matter how weird it looked. That they get educated, for example Vista was 10 days in drawdown then did 10x recovered and reached all defined targets (tp3 open).
It teaches you. But only if you're self critical.
If you just relax, jerk off, netflix, and "wen next signal sir" - bro, one way or another you'll get fucked... either by my wrong signal, or by your lack of understanding of what trading is.
Now came time of wonderful opportunity. Make a plan.
The hype what those twitter scammers with new engagement-farm channels are saying is true - some projects will turn $1000 into a million or millions.
But they don't tell you that the ONLY thing you can realistically do to find such project is:
PUT ALL ODDS IN YOUR FAVOR. All the edges you can. And then be mentally ready to CRASH AND BURN until you hit that one.
And once you do, you should also thank you LUCK, because this is also needed.
There are more powerful, more connected, more backed people than us, that if there would be a SURE, GUARANTEED, LIQUID way to do 1000x, they'd be doing it before us.
I have one small ask only.
I do EXCEPTIONALLY, technically, fundamentally and humanly good for what's possible when leading such large groups.
Don't expect me to be more than this. I am not magician, and although for noobs it is super easy to with some lying, faking like is common on twitter to give such vibe, I don't want such stupid audience. I want audience that is fully capable of reading this long message.
Twitter cannot read this long.
Completely incapable.
I'd rather have 100 of my decorated BCW spartans, than have 100k of their engagement-farmed followers.
Because those guys already failed the IQ test. They got sucked onto their bullshit.
You on the other hand, rolled up your sleever and said: "let's work!"
You know what it takes.
And your my friend odds of winning, I don't overestimate, are at least TEN TIMES higher than of such noobs. AT LEAST ten times higher.
So my plan is, although I give an occasional bigger cap, my plan is that you get in as tight as you would in a 18 year old virgin pussy. Barely. So than the effect it gets you is the MOON upon success.
I don't care about the failures, as long as every one that we participate in has TP3 of really good moon shot!
Let's print!
D Man
"If you're not afraid of work, you're not afraid of hunger" - old proverb