Graphic footage. Conflict continues. Many civilians killed.
Читать полностью…Christ Is King?
Nick Fuentes (confronted by Adam Green) does not seem to understand that the promotion of a religion that worships a Jewish rabbi and the God of Israel—and therefore his chosen people by proxy—will not lead to any legitimate opposition to Jewish influence in his nation.
If that isn't bad enough already, the overwhelming support for Israel—rather than their own homelands—the vast majority of Christians have will only continue to grow the more people convert to Christianity.
"Christ is King," they chant while omitting the most important part of what these verses state—being "of the Jews." As John 4:22 states: "You [Gentiles] worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews."
Читать полностью…A preliminary Book on Hanafi-maturidi Theology, by the founder of the Maturidi School of Kalam,
Abu Mansur al Maturidi (Rahimullah).
The Translation and Commentary Done by Suleiman Ahmed.
The Neo Nazi / Right Wing Perspective On This :
"The girl that was butchered by the sand niggers was an innocent German girl that was in Israel for a music festival.
She might've been a Jew or a Jew lover and most likely those fucking arabs thought that she was an Israeli, but even if they knew she's an innocent German girl, they probably would've done the same thing.
I shared this to remind you that Arabs are bunch of subhumans, they're rapists and specially when it comes to other races, they rape, butcher and kill every woman and child just for their satisfaction and their religion actually justifies it."
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Читать полностью…You're acting as it I'm some naive teenager that has no clue where to look. I am very well aware that haqiqatjou, uthman, jake etc are salafi. I agree with most they proclaim but not all. They are all good brothers that do great work. That does not mean that I have to agree with everything. I'm not a snowflake neither and look only for "friendly people". The truth is the truth. However hardcore literalism is something I have a lot of experience with through out plenty of religions. And it's just a spectrum of the whole. It's, as I said, an extreme. Islam is ballance. The salafi approach rejects reason and hence comes to conclusion Allah has 2 right hands. This is an extreme. It is not what I subscribe too. The excuse for such anthropomorphism is always "Yes! But the hand is nothing like a hand in creation!" that's a copt out. Just as the "3=1" in Christianity. If God is all transcended of time and space, he has no hands. This is where Kalam fills the gap. Moreover, the oneness of God can be experienced. This is the mystical experiencal knowledge that is laughed off by salafis as "hahaha Suuupper Sooofiii! Show me the Hadiiithhh!" this is the same arrogance and ignorance you find with Vegans, when they tell you "that's anecdotal evidence! Doesn't count! I don't care how good you feel eating meat. Show me the studiiieeeess!!!!!"
Читать полностью…I will kick people for the sake of having a productive environment which brings people forward in Life. This group should help you in Religion, Nutrition, Sport, Business etc. I have zero tolerance for teenage Keyboard Salafis that have nothing else to do with their lives than call everyone a Murtad in a Telegram group. As if their word has any impact at all. People like Rumi are being called Kafir, meanwhile Muslims came to him during his time to get Fatwas. Multiple great Islamic Characters have been slandered by absolute Nobodys with no credentials to their fake Internet Nickname.
Читать полностью…Quoting Rumi’s poem: P125-127, poem 31.
“What is to be done, O Moslems? for I do not recognize myself.
I am neither Christian, nor Jew, nor Gabr, nor Moslem.
I am not of the East, nor of the West, nor of the land, nor of the sea;
I am not of Nature’s mint, nor of the circling’ heavens.
I am not of earth, nor of water, nor of air, nor of fire;
I am not of the empyrean, nor of the dust, nor of existence, nor of entity.
I am not of India, nor of China, nor of Bulgaria, nor of Saqsin
I am not of the kingdom of ‘Iraqain, nor of the country of Khorasan
I am not of the this world, nor of the next, nor of Paradise, nor of Hell
I am not of Adam, nor of Eve, nor of Eden and Rizwan.
My place is the Placeless, my trace is the Traceless ;
‘Tis neither body nor soul, for I belong to the soul of the Beloved.
I have put duality away, I have seen that the two worlds are one;
One I seek, One I know, One I see, One I call.
He is the first, He is the last, He is the outward, He is the inward;
I know none other except ‘Ya Hu’ and ‘Ya man Hu.’
I am intoxicated with Love’s cup, the two worlds have passed out of my ken;
I have no business save carouse and revelry.
If once in my life I spent a moment without thee,
From that time and from that hour I repent of my life.
If once in this world I win a moment with thee,
I will trample on both worlds, I will dance in triumph for ever.
O Shamsi Tabriz, I am so drunken in this world,
That except of drunkenness and revelry I have no tale to tell ”
The limited mind will only see kufr of course. Talking Without any understanding. The difference is between Ilm and Marifa.
Читать полностью…Video shared on social media shows that a Palestinian using a tractor continues to break through the Gazan Tactical border unhindered
Let's not talk about Palestinian Children. "Conservative Christian Americans" are the biggest Zionists.
Читать полностью…🇵🇸🇮🇱 Retired IDF soldiers talk about their experience in the Israeli military and laugh as they do so.
“One of the soldiers r*ped a 16-year-girl *laugh*”
“He put Palestinians in a cage and killed them”
“Soldiers chased villagers with flamethrowers and set them on fire”
“If I saw school children with their hands raised, I killed them.”
“I fired and killed everyone. It’s impossible for me to count *laughs*”
Both these men are living as free citizens in Israel.
That's the Woman that got killed. Very strange. She seems like a new ager. I know her type. What's even weirder, is the comment section, in which many turks ally with Israel 🤔
EDIT: I went through her profile, she's been in Israel for a long time. Even back in 2017. So it's not the narrative that she "just went to party on a festival". She's been around. Nevertheless, just because the Israeli army are animals, doesn't justify what Hamas did. She's a civilian after all, the treatment is unjustified. Hence, from my side, condolences to the family.
Listen, I do understand that there are good, pioused Catholics out there that don't agree with the Pope. BUT, that's exactly the issue at hand! This IS Catholicism. The catholics departed from the Orthodox way to have a "Vicar of Christ". Catholicism chose the papacy! This is why they split with the Orthodox. The orthodox knew, that it is too much Power for one Man to hold. And this is why your Pope now is a satanic Puppet. Catholicism is a flawed Ideology.
Читать полностью…Ash'ari Creed:
Founded by Imam al-Ash'ari (d. 935 CE).
Emphasizes the use of rational thought to understand and interpret Islamic beliefs.
Accepts the concept of "Kalam" (theology) as a tool to discuss complex theological issues.
Believes in the divine attributes but often interprets them allegorically or metaphorically to avoid anthropomorphism.
Affirms human free will within the framework of God's divine decree.
Generally dominant in the eastern Islamic world, including Egypt and parts of the Arabian Peninsula.
Maturidi Creed:
Founded by Imam al-Maturidi (d. 944 CE).
Shares similarities with Ash'ari theology but places a greater emphasis on tradition (Hadith) and consensus (Ijma) in theological matters.
Accepts rational inquiry but relies more on the Quran and Hadith for theological guidance.
Holds a moderate view on the issue of human free will, suggesting that humans have limited free will within God's preordained plan.
Prevails in Central Asia and among the Hanafi school of jurisprudence.
Athari (Salafi) Creed:
Also known as the "Ahl al-Hadith" or "Salafi" creed.
Opposes the use of Kalam (theology) and rational speculation in theology.
Advocates strict adherence to the Quran and Hadith without allegorical interpretation.
Rejects the discussion of divine attributes, affirming them without delving into their nature or interpretation.
Believes in predestination (Qadar) and argues for the absolute sovereignty of God.
Prominent in some conservative Sunni communities and associated with the Salafi movement.
I have a more Naturalistic perspective on this question. If we are in a wild area were people grew up as close to nature as possible, they haven't heard of abrahamic religion, they still would pair bond and have hierarchical structures. They would have spiritual aspects as well. In Islam this is called Fitrah of course. Islamicly speaking, you need a contract. However, we would all agree that the whole concept of Marriage goes in opposite to fornication. Hence it is a way of binding to people, that would otherwise potentially engage in degenerative sexual behaviour. However, in nature, there is no contract. So it's more of an agreement between the man and the woman, and potentially the parents. However, and we need to take this aspect into consideration, just a few generations ago, independent of religion, when parents would find out that their son/daughter fornicated, they would get forcefully married. And this example tells us everything we need to know. It is about sex after all. So if the daugter/son had sex, they'd had to marry because the true spiritual bond between man and woman happens through the sexual act. This is why sexual liberation etc is satanic. It's about destroying this holy unity and defiling it. The bible speaks about marrying and becoming one flesh. Which is the sex act again. I've seen my fair share of sex magic, rituals, to understand that the main spiritual marriage is in the wedding night.
Читать полностью…Total Mental illness. That's what Polytheism and Vegetarian diets do to your Brain.
Читать полностью…What's the birthday of prophet Muhammad pbuh?
Читать полностью…And this is how you instantly become my favorite comedian.
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