Judaism is everything the Mainstream Media propagated against Islam. It's by far the most violent, vile, ethno centric Religion there is.
Читать полностью…Screaming in German always sounds like Hitler.
Ever wondered why so many Hindus poop on the street? Maybe it has something to do with their religion. Or, genuinely, maybe their religion discusses pooping on yourself, because they like to poop on the street. Ultimately it's like the chicken and egg question. We'll never know what was there first, but we sure know that Hindus love poop. 💩
Читать полностью…No hate, but for all the Tate Fanboys, the original Quote comes from El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz.
Читать полностью…For all the Isis lovers. You're following a fake Islam, infiltrated by Jews.
Читать полностью…Salam Aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! Jummah Mubarak. Go to Masjid.
The final day of the Bobby's Perspective chat has come. The chat had it's ups and downs, positive and negative contributions. However, ultimately, the negative outweighed the Positive and I therefore see it as my duty to delete this chat.
As I mentioned previously,
I had a near death experience in the hospital and realised what's truly important in Life.
it's Love.
This is what pleases God. All the Arguing, Profanity, Conflict and Hate is not the way of the Believer.
It is a humongous waste of Time and therefore a Sin! Because what is worse than wasting the precious time given to you by God!? None of this will benefit us on our Deathbed. I herby pray thay we are all guided to the righteous path. Especially the ones that go to extremes in their conceptualization of the Religion and call for senseless violence - May Allah guide them. It is just natural that the Truth (Islam) will be attacked by the Devil. This is why we see sectarianism, extremism and ofcourse the projection of the individuals Mental Illness onto the Religion. May God keep us steadfast on the Middle path.
Finally I want to thank everyone for being here, I wish you well. For people that are sincere and want to stay in touch, I have the Patreon Option.
The 10$/Month Tier and above gets access to my private Patreon group chat.
For people that don't want to spend 10 bucks per Month - Great! Because that weeds out the Real ones. This Group chat was for free and it invited the bottom of the barrel. The Patreon group chat is exclusive for like minded people that want to move forward in life successfully with a positive attitude. No Autism is tolerated there.
And this sums it up. May Allah bless you all. Much Love and Peace.
Tik Tok 🕧 These are the last hours of the Chat. Tommorow Insha Allah it will be No More.
Читать полностью…Pajeet Rapist Energy. No matter where, it's always the same.
Читать полностью…To all the little pseudo terrorists that condone the knife attack on the Priest, here's a good read:
We're back!
Western Men have completely abandoned their Daughters.
Читать полностью…This Aussie cracks me up every time. Go to Europe you goofball.
Читать полностью…The Arrogance of Neo Nationalists in USA is beyond delusional. You want an Ethno state? Do a dna test and go to Europe. The same applies for American Blacks that want an ethnostate. Go to Africa. America is not a white country. It's a country based on a certain Ideal. Those people are lost and are in dire need of Islam.
Читать полностью…Just a reminder of what some of you guys decided to inject into your body for no good reason.
Читать полностью…https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1782303920431280505
Guy runs over Civilians with a Car in Israel.
Most people nowadays focus on other hadiths.
Читать полностью…https://youtu.be/Zd0Vj3hoiAQ?si=A4LMU5zyxPgBvOlx
Читать полностью…https://youtu.be/je-cOqAbR8c?si=ypT1vDUP3zsAhmqP
Читать полностью…Extremely Shameful and Humiliating. New Type of Drug turns people into Zombies.
Читать полностью…