Votes: 👍 - 0 | 👎 - 0
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 2
Transfers: 2
Name: Sky Shiba
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xF6FfaF361040A8b47f0aDf4C9731be502A7e0FC6
⛓ Etherscan: 0xF6FfaF361040A8b47f0aDf4C9731be502A7e0FC6
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 10 ETH
🍿 SKYSHIB liquidity: 500,000,000,000,000 SKYSHIB
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 41,860 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 83,720 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 50 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
Votes: 👍 - 0 | 👎 - 0
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Total Supply: 267,743,394,303,360
🦄 Uniswap: 0x82B92FEB4eAD0BE7006AC7d29C3e3554ffA7Aa52
⛓ Etherscan: 0x82B92FEB4eAD0BE7006AC7d29C3e3554ffA7Aa52
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 25 ETH
🍿 BARKCUBAN liquidity: 167,743,394,303,360 BARKCUBAN
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 104,700 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 167,116.76 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 62.65 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
Votes: 👍 - 0 | 👎 - 0
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 1
Transfers: 10
Name: French Shiba
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x8148ce0A8600185A2e3326C6448627f51F1A38Bb
⛓ Etherscan: 0x8148ce0A8600185A2e3326C6448627f51F1A38Bb
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 10.1 ETH
🍿 USHlBA liquidity: 1,000,000,000 USHlBA
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 41,995.8 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000041 $
📈 FDMC: 419,958 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 10 %
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🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 2
Transfers: 2
Name: Sarabi Inu
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xe994EdD9D50928b387f5bB85a66Fa634C459311E
⛓ Etherscan: 0xe994EdD9D50928b387f5bB85a66Fa634C459311E
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 5 ETH
🍿 SARABI liquidity: 500,000,000,000,000 SARABI
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 20,750 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 41,500 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 50 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 2
Transfers: 0
Name: DogeDao
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x044f613cDfffbAC8BBA42283dd8D97B81C8b3f3C
⛓ Etherscan: 0x044f613cDfffbAC8BBA42283dd8D97B81C8b3f3C
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 9.5 ETH
🍿 DogeDao liquidity: 3,000,000,000 DogeDao
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 39,178 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000013 $
📈 FDMC: 130,593.33 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 30 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 1
Transfers: 2
Name: Kashu Inu
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xBdE22ba4d7D48B178f990EEED79B896751432a5C
⛓ Etherscan: 0xBdE22ba4d7D48B178f990EEED79B896751432a5C
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 10 ETH
🍿 KASHU liquidity: 500,000,000,000,000 KASHU
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 41,270 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 82,540 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 50 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
Votes: 👍 - 0 | 👎 - 0
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 2
Transfers: 2
Name: Ainu Inu
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xFd1ABCC6109b482A45a56Dd1e8e50947E28cA575
⛓ Etherscan: 0xFd1ABCC6109b482A45a56Dd1e8e50947E28cA575
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 6 ETH
🍿 AINU liquidity: 50,505,050,505,050,504 AINU
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 24,666 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 48,838.68 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 50.50 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 2
Transfers: 2
Name: Hattori Inu
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x829999b513491cb93c96B08daa5B262f451d5d77
⛓ Etherscan: 0x829999b513491cb93c96B08daa5B262f451d5d77
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 2 ETH
🍿 HATT liquidity: 475,050,505,050,505.06 HATT
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 8,266 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 17,400.25 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 47.50 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 1
Transfers: 1
Name: Klee Kai
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x382f0160c24f5c515A19f155BAc14d479433A407
⛓ Etherscan: 0x382f0160c24f5c515A19f155BAc14d479433A407
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 0.75 ETH
🍿 KLEE liquidity: 100,000,000,000,000,000 KLEE
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 3,105.75 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 3,105.75 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: Opal Doge
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x103d7469A78E20F062459B71a9142574dc30eFDB
⛓ Etherscan: 0x103d7469A78E20F062459B71a9142574dc30eFDB
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 36 ETH
🍿 ODOGE liquidity: 10,000,000,000,000 ODOGE
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 148,896 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 148,896 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
Votes: 👍 - 0 | 👎 - 0
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 8
Transfers: 8
Name: American Shiba
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xB893A8049f250b57eFA8C62D51527a22404D7c9A
⛓ Etherscan: 0xB893A8049f250b57eFA8C62D51527a22404D7c9A
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 3.7 ETH
🍿 USHIBA liquidity: 31,000,000,000,000,000 USHIBA
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 15,273.6 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 49,269.67 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 31 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 1
Transfers: 1
Name: Animal Doge Kingdom
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xda6712dfBd4AEc01714a9D1e273eac8365E4f9Dd
⛓ Etherscan: 0xda6712dfBd4AEc01714a9D1e273eac8365E4f9Dd
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 7 ETH
🍿 ANIMALDOGE liquidity: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 ANIMALDOGE
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 28,763 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 28,763 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: KiShiba Inu
Total Supply: 3,000,000,000,999
🦄 Uniswap: 0x1F84e4c4D9Bde391552457F43b985DaE4C1a32b2
⛓ Etherscan: 0x1F84e4c4D9Bde391552457F43b985DaE4C1a32b2
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 4.2 ETH
🍿 KISHIB liquidity: 1,449,900,000,480 KISHIB
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 17,278.8 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 35,751.70 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 48.32 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 2
Transfers: 2
Name: Cryptovator
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x811ff1c091753174651A4B1f856E26022e917687
⛓ Etherscan: 0x811ff1c091753174651A4B1f856E26022e917687
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 0.00 ETH
🍿 CVR20 liquidity: 10,000,000 CVR20
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 0.00 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 10,457.6 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 0.00 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 2
Transfers: 0
Name: Our Shib
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xC11a6ef32464985cBC52fEd419e3A557dE36CfC8
⛓ Etherscan: 0xC11a6ef32464985cBC52fEd419e3A557dE36CfC8
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 2.5 ETH
🍿 OSHIB liquidity: 100,000,000,000 OSHIB
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 10,102.5 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 101,025 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 10 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
Votes: 👍 - 0 | 👎 - 0
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 1
Transfers: 2
Name: Jack Russell
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x1E80cc602e8f1cb0AF2c196b9077e58558904773
⛓ Etherscan: 0x1E80cc602e8f1cb0AF2c196b9077e58558904773
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1 ETH
🍿 RUSSELL liquidity: 50,000,000,000,000 RUSSELL
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 4,189 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 8,378 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 50 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
Votes: 👍 - 0 | 👎 - 0
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 46
Transfers: 97
Total Supply: 988,606,536,174.35
🦄 Uniswap: 0x8B68591FE802585a9713BD6EBe75D6C285236c54
⛓ Etherscan: 0x8B68591FE802585a9713BD6EBe75D6C285236c54
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 7.6 ETH
🍿 DOGEVIPER liquidity: 313,500,000,000 DOGEVIPER
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 31,813.6 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 100,322.59 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 31.71 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
Votes: 👍 - 0 | 👎 - 0
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: Blue Shiba Inu
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xf273ADA6f43fd3C618894718f9a59815bb313Ff0
⛓ Etherscan: 0xf273ADA6f43fd3C618894718f9a59815bb313Ff0
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 9 ETH
🍿 BSHIB liquidity: 400,000,000,000,000 BSHIB
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 37,422 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 93,555 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 40 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
Votes: 👍 - 0 | 👎 - 0
Scam Level: ⚠️ MODERATE
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: Woofy
Total Supply: 2,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x1AA8EC84968E22e176c2fD27e31fAB4C66DA2440
⛓ Etherscan: 0x1AA8EC84968E22e176c2fD27e31fAB4C66DA2440
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 20.5 ETH
🍿 WOOFY liquidity: 1,000,000,000 WOOFY
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 84,665 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000084 $
📈 FDMC: 169,330 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 50 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: ⚠️ MODERATE
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 3
Transfers: 3
Name: Park Shiba
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x0b9300BFc893C9ceA6E08132fA1691BA04FeB5e1
⛓ Etherscan: 0x0b9300BFc893C9ceA6E08132fA1691BA04FeB5e1
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1 ETH
🍿 PShiba liquidity: 30,000,000,000 PShiba
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 4,138 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 13,793.33 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 30 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 3
Transfers: 3
Name: Family Shiba
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x3618a9595F6eB1DF033AC95B764ea6f55e6E446A
⛓ Etherscan: 0x3618a9595F6eB1DF033AC95B764ea6f55e6E446A
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1 ETH
🍿 FIS liquidity: 30,000,000,000 FIS
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 4,127 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 13,756.66 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 30 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
Votes: 👍 - 0 | 👎 - 0
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 2
Transfers: 2
Name: Lazy Shiba
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x9AAE4E1c9C13897274f664Cd2681ae659212fF9F
⛓ Etherscan: 0x9AAE4E1c9C13897274f664Cd2681ae659212fF9F
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 3 ETH
🍿 LSHIBA liquidity: 50,000,000,000 LSHIBA
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 12,372 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 24,744 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 50 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: Nushu Inu
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x794F71c12e09E0A9512AD7adA5757228D3586757
⛓ Etherscan: 0x794F71c12e09E0A9512AD7adA5757228D3586757
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 10 ETH
🍿 NUSHU liquidity: 500,000,000,000,000 NUSHU
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 41,470 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 82,940 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 50 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 158
Transfers: 450
Name: Woofy
Total Supply: 56,828,854.72
🦄 Uniswap: 0xD0660cD418a64a1d44E9214ad8e459324D8157f1
⛓ Etherscan: 0xD0660cD418a64a1d44E9214ad8e459324D8157f1
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 9.15 ETH
🍿 WOOFY liquidity: 500,000 WOOFY
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 37,835.25 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.075670 $
📈 FDMC: 4,300,267.85 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 0.87 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
Votes: 👍 - 0 | 👎 - 0
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: Rocket Shib
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xC844cEDA9e917302012FA4f3692CC46B6ec54968
⛓ Etherscan: 0xC844cEDA9e917302012FA4f3692CC46B6ec54968
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 10 ETH
🍿 RSHIB liquidity: 500,000,000,000,000 RSHIB
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 41,460 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 82,920 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 50 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: Antijindoge
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x0Bb8586B437c845D2c4ffb09641911C2eab0B8c3
⛓ Etherscan: 0x0Bb8586B437c845D2c4ffb09641911C2eab0B8c3
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 10 ETH
🍿 ANTIJINDOGE liquidity: 100,000,000,000,000 ANTIJINDOGE
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 41,170 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 41,170 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: ⚠️ MODERATE
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 3
Transfers: 3
Name: Fan Doge
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x93c51579Ad6a384D7d43DAFf9e5764E8044DA571
⛓ Etherscan: 0x93c51579Ad6a384D7d43DAFf9e5764E8044DA571
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1.5 ETH
🍿 FDoge liquidity: 30,000,000,000 FDoge
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 6,160.5 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 20,535 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 30 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Sushiswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 2
Transfers: 5
Name: Woofy
Total Supply: 180,030.15
🍣 Sushiswap: 0xD0660cD418a64a1d44E9214ad8e459324D8157f1
⛓ Etherscan: 0xD0660cD418a64a1d44E9214ad8e459324D8157f1
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1 ETH
🍿 WOOFY liquidity: 51,758.50 WOOFY
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 4,111 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.079426 $
📈 FDMC: 14,299.17 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 28.74 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 1
Transfers: 3
Name: Japan Akita
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xeAF84cdbF79cA721a080c3F1D362a85d12251B73
⛓ Etherscan: 0xeAF84cdbF79cA721a080c3F1D362a85d12251B73
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1.5 ETH
🍿 JAkita liquidity: 30,000,000,000 JAkita
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 6,091.5 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 20,305 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 30 %
Crypto AD service - Find your audience
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 3
Transfers: 3
Name: Space Akita
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xd531B0b0CB860a1e62429985c77f8b3E30e7ebFF
⛓ Etherscan: 0xd531B0b0CB860a1e62429985c77f8b3E30e7ebFF
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 5 ETH
🍿 SKITA liquidity: 27,018,512,887,735,250 SKITA
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 20,245 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 74,930.10 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 27.01 %
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