🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: BABY Die Protocol
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x3DE59B0D6D44B8E66Db98E0643c9dfD0762c8815
⛓ Etherscan: 0x3DE59B0D6D44B8E66Db98E0643c9dfD0762c8815
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1 ETH
🍿 BABYDIE liquidity: 950,000,000 BABYDIE
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 1,288 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000001 $
📈 FDMC: 1,355.78 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 95 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 1
Transfers: 5
Name: Nothing Is Stable
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x6a7009510dfa135D43db257f3524d33DfeB5aA2e
⛓ Etherscan: 0x6a7009510dfa135D43db257f3524d33DfeB5aA2e
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1 ETH
🍿 $NOTHING liquidity: 950,000,000 $NOTHING
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 1,288 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000001 $
📈 FDMC: 1,355.78 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 95 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: Generational Trauma
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xf25D76662170263D1AB0F9Fb8A119C7962eB73Ce
⛓ Etherscan: 0xf25D76662170263D1AB0F9Fb8A119C7962eB73Ce
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1 ETH
🍿 FLOP liquidity: 100,000,000,000 FLOP
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 1,290 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 1,290 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Sushiswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 2
Transfers: 1
Name: Unknown Shards
Total Supply: 27,210
🍣 Sushiswap: 0xe2555f3d77959d31e34AdE2d86BC802Dd6501F71
⛓ Etherscan: 0xe2555f3d77959d31e34AdE2d86BC802Dd6501F71
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 0.5 ETH
🍿 USHARD liquidity: 200 USHARD
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 645.5 $
🚀 Initial token price: 3.2275 $
📈 FDMC: 87,820.27 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 0.73 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: ⚠️ MODERATE
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 8
Transfers: 10
Name: BLUR
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x47C27405C582f7384a2Bd8f3241fD12d4D2CcC04
⛓ Etherscan: 0x47C27405C582f7384a2Bd8f3241fD12d4D2CcC04
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 15 ETH
🍿 BLUR liquidity: 140,000,000 BLUR
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 19,290 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000137 $
📈 FDMC: 137,785.71 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 14 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: ⚠️ MODERATE
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x04B4DffB21628b34B51B26BC51081f62D2bAc69A
⛓ Etherscan: 0x04B4DffB21628b34B51B26BC51081f62D2bAc69A
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 15 ETH
🍿 ROO liquidity: 8,000,000,000,000 ROO
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 19,275 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 24,093.75 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 80 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 1
Transfers: 0
Name: OMG
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x911e397906034fAe929d646dD479c721f3b83611
⛓ Etherscan: 0x911e397906034fAe929d646dD479c721f3b83611
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1 ETH
🍿 0MGO liquidity: 100,000,000,000,000 0MGO
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 1,291 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 1,291 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: OnlyStables
Total Supply: 100,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xFab93da3ac913F3850880bEc39604988c6f1415d
⛓ Etherscan: 0xFab93da3ac913F3850880bEc39604988c6f1415d
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 6.08 ETH
🍿 $OS liquidity: 100,000,000 $OS
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 7,843.2 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000078 $
📈 FDMC: 7,843.2 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: veSTG
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xBA58F94a83293D0A2d5fe28712bDeE087d230281
⛓ Etherscan: 0xBA58F94a83293D0A2d5fe28712bDeE087d230281
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 5.08 ETH
🍿 veSTG liquidity: 1,000,000,000 veSTG
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 6,568.44 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000006 $
📈 FDMC: 6,568.44 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: V
Total Supply: 1,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x8CbdCfE00bA2166f01db7B8622849898A5C5Db7C
⛓ Etherscan: 0x8CbdCfE00bA2166f01db7B8622849898A5C5Db7C
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1 ETH
🍿 V liquidity: 890,000 V
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 1,289 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.001448 $
📈 FDMC: 1,448.31 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 89 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: ⚠️ MODERATE
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: SpacePi
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x4AAEc9c9FfFF09c073e0cF85b123499ED10ac4b0
⛓ Etherscan: 0x4AAEc9c9FfFF09c073e0cF85b123499ED10ac4b0
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 0.3 ETH
🍿 Spacepi liquidity: 1,000,000,000 Spacepi
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 383.7 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 383.7 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 1
Transfers: 0
Name: Ape Protocol
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xf7Fe41302E18CfD20358924035CB6BF26068Ed93
⛓ Etherscan: 0xf7Fe41302E18CfD20358924035CB6BF26068Ed93
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1 ETH
🍿 APEP liquidity: 990,000,000,000 APEP
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 1,282 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 1,294.94 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 99 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: @Scruffyyyyyy on TG likes MEN
Total Supply: 1,278
🦄 Uniswap: 0x54C35aa2d75F53fBFab69EB6107f84bb61156100
⛓ Etherscan: 0x54C35aa2d75F53fBFab69EB6107f84bb61156100
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 4.20 ETH
🍿 AIDS liquidity: 1,000 AIDS
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 5,389.03 $
🚀 Initial token price: 5.389038 $
📈 FDMC: 6,887.19 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 78.24 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: ⚠️ MODERATE
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: /channel/defidegenerates
Total Supply: 696,969,696,969
🦄 Uniswap: 0x2D97A97BaC1A25772Df6cA261E96Dc283A3052e6
⛓ Etherscan: 0x2D97A97BaC1A25772Df6cA261E96Dc283A3052e6
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 10 ETH
🍿 DeFi Degenerates 🐵 liquidity: 69,696,969,696 DeFi Degenerates 🐵
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 12,790 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 127,900.00 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 9.99 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 1
Transfers: 0
Name: AlphaProtocol
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xEB0667a016d71a16dd8A949878c1fceda5af0305
⛓ Etherscan: 0xEB0667a016d71a16dd8A949878c1fceda5af0305
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 2.78 ETH
🍿 AP liquidity: 1,000,000,000,000,000 AP
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 3,548.31 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 3,548.31 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: OnlyStables
Total Supply: 100,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x3f056fd18398Aa08426F8ce0e3F3758E13019Cc5
⛓ Etherscan: 0x3f056fd18398Aa08426F8ce0e3F3758E13019Cc5
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 5.04 ETH
🍿 OS liquidity: 100,000,000 OS
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 6,497.96 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000064 $
📈 FDMC: 6,497.96 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Total Supply: 200,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xA47E0524243601e1Db3613C46A1099D520C9F4Fa
⛓ Etherscan: 0xA47E0524243601e1Db3613C46A1099D520C9F4Fa
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 10 ETH
🍿 BANGER liquidity: 199,000,000 BANGER
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 12,890 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000064 $
📈 FDMC: 12,954.77 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 99.5 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: GenerationTrauma
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xE113923Bb49599E2d0be9d3d75C2e785146fB6AB
⛓ Etherscan: 0xE113923Bb49599E2d0be9d3d75C2e785146fB6AB
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 3 ETH
🍿 GT liquidity: 1,000,000,000,000,000 GT
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 3,870 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 3,870 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Sushiswap
Scam Level: ⚠️ MODERATE
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 1
Transfers: 0
Total Supply: 14,000,000
🍣 Sushiswap: 0x7810dE926C52454e91d0D83aaF3B781779D825C4
⛓ Etherscan: 0x7810dE926C52454e91d0D83aaF3B781779D825C4
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1.4 ETH
🍿 ATH liquidity: 2,000,000 ATH
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 1,806 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000903 $
📈 FDMC: 12,642 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 14.28 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Total Supply: 777,777,777,777
🦄 Uniswap: 0x8Eb03446121DC020C802c57029E0d4bE84722f2e
⛓ Etherscan: 0x8Eb03446121DC020C802c57029E0d4bE84722f2e
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1 ETH
🍿 TEHPPL liquidity: 777,700,000,000 TEHPPL
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 1,285 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 1,285.12 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 99.99 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 1
Transfers: 1
Name: Fable Of The Dragon
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x3860797c233433439205CC897A196Db7285FbCc7
⛓ Etherscan: 0x3860797c233433439205CC897A196Db7285FbCc7
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 10 ETH
🍿 TYRANT liquidity: 900,000,000 TYRANT
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 12,920 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000014 $
📈 FDMC: 14,355.55 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 90 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: ⚠️ MODERATE
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 1
Transfers: 0
Name: Killforcoin
Total Supply: 333,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x7B692a5CE6CE97751d03DeA9ADCAcdDb90774c1F
⛓ Etherscan: 0x7B692a5CE6CE97751d03DeA9ADCAcdDb90774c1F
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 0.00 ETH
🍿 KLFC liquidity: 1 KLFC
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 0.12 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.1291 $
📈 FDMC: 42,990,300 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 0.00 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 2
Transfers: 1
Name: Killforcoin
Total Supply: 333,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x1D514Cc83dc3FA42Bee3b9AEC7385ad968D69c40
⛓ Etherscan: 0x1D514Cc83dc3FA42Bee3b9AEC7385ad968D69c40
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 0.00 ETH
🍿 KL4C liquidity: 1 KL4C
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 0.12 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.1292 $
📈 FDMC: 43,023,600 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 0.00 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: ⚠️ MODERATE
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: Yes Protocol
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0xa9475EC8D15e110e10DD2edd72Ee363B49E9ddb5
⛓ Etherscan: 0xa9475EC8D15e110e10DD2edd72Ee363B49E9ddb5
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 6.66 ETH
🍿 $YES liquidity: 860,000,000,000 $YES
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 8,604.72 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 10,005.48 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 86 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 82
Transfers: 575
Name: Mango INU
Total Supply: 200,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x335E14d18D8A903B782A39059Dc35d61b94e1c1B
⛓ Etherscan: 0x335E14d18D8A903B782A39059Dc35d61b94e1c1B
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1.06 ETH
🍿 MNGO liquidity: 409,209.92 MNGO
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 1,372.40 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.003353 $
📈 FDMC: 670,757.25 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 0.20 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: The Example Protocol
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x756B0DAcAf6B6919038acCfE1e3D3E81bE0857aB
⛓ Etherscan: 0x756B0DAcAf6B6919038acCfE1e3D3E81bE0857aB
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 10 ETH
🍿 TEP liquidity: 1,000,000,000 TEP
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 12,820 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000012 $
📈 FDMC: 12,820 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 4
Transfers: 7
Name: Vitalik Protocol
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x337730eB5Eccf50b916E168b1415f18d6969e4B0
⛓ Etherscan: 0x337730eB5Eccf50b916E168b1415f18d6969e4B0
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 15 ETH
🍿 $VIT liquidity: 100,000,000 $VIT
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 19,215 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000192 $
📈 FDMC: 192,150 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 10 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 👀 LOW
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: XDAO Protocol
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x67FF9C11b12261234857E35798faE6230251F059
⛓ Etherscan: 0x67FF9C11b12261234857E35798faE6230251F059
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 3 ETH
🍿 XDAOP liquidity: 1,000,000,000,000,000 XDAOP
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 3,840 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 3,840 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: 🚨 HIGH
Contract Verified: ❌
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: ok what have I done
Total Supply: 696,969,696,969
🦄 Uniswap: 0xe8ecf61954439822c09DF1ffb64558Bb25c3adea
⛓ Etherscan: 0xe8ecf61954439822c09DF1ffb64558Bb25c3adea
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 0.3 ETH
🍿 OK liquidity: 696,969,696,969 OK
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 384 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.000000 $
📈 FDMC: 384 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot
🆕 Listed new token on Uniswap
Scam Level: ⚠️ MODERATE
Contract Verified: ✅
Holders: 0
Transfers: 0
Name: Kayo
Total Supply: 10,000
🦄 Uniswap: 0x42917d4618f3D73F88C90CAb80220846C13fE33C
⛓ Etherscan: 0x42917d4618f3D73F88C90CAb80220846C13fE33C
Liquidity and market cap info:
💎 ETH liquidity: 1.3 ETH
🍿 KAYO liquidity: 10,000 KAYO
💰 Liquidity worth in USD: 1,669.2 $
🚀 Initial token price: 0.16692 $
📈 FDMC: 1,669.2 $
⚖️ Secured tokens: 100 %
Total Burned Ether Bot