⚠️🔴 CBG -74.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 1.1642749477267778$
Current Price: 0.2998080448044747$
Token Age: 83 days
Token Address: 0xee363f5233ffed83de01f468f05a424177e220d6
Tax: 4.00%
/ 3.00%
MarketCap: 917.1K
Liquidity Before: 47626.48477 USDT
Current Liquidity: 24187.48217 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -49%
Top Seller: 0x91d3…4caf
Sold: -23439.00260 USDT
Still Has: 23152.80117 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 9 / 58.1K
1h: 0 / 9 / 58.1K
6h: 0 / 9 / 58.1K
1d: 1 / 10 / 58.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 Clist -73.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00018778060050905301$
Current Price: 0.00005042004854525844$
Token Age: 660 days
Token Address: 0x7a685c6dbd6c15e6d600f7c713f9252ebb3c472a
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 61.3K
Liquidity Before: 346.48174 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 179.49689 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -48%
Top Seller: 0x9db8…f780
Sold: -121.73806 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 21 / 29 / 28.0K
1h: 170 / 79 / 160.9K
6h: 391 / 176 / 271.7K
1d: 391 / 176 / 271.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 UVC -74.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00346241175179855$
Current Price: 0.0008914204265934101$
Token Age: 287 days
Token Address: 0x1a50aace5906da512317d7ddec6bc2f22a87b698
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 912.6K
Liquidity Before: 35580.52160 USDT
Current Liquidity: 18064.76861 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -49%
Top Seller: 0xcac9…8947
Sold: -17524.75198 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 5 / 5 / 36.6K
1h: 5 / 5 / 36.6K
6h: 5 / 7 / 36.9K
1d: 6 / 7 / 36.9K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 $POV -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0000000017453618654057712$
Current Price: 0.0000000004945699491593659$
Token Age: 131 days
Token Address: 0xc2eaaf69e6439abab12dd21f560ba0ec7f17cff7
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 307.8K
Liquidity Before: 1207.55466 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 643.71888 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0x43ef…e59d
Sold: -138.78310 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 31 / 18 / 82.9K
1h: 163 / 102 / 254.6K
6h: 403 / 223 / 367.8K
1d: 696 / 381 / 476.9K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 BITCAT -94.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0000055683660107010715$
Current Price: 0.0000003107691592394558$
Token Age: 236 days
Token Address: 0xca8c7b9ae56b7c5e49f9b6149b693f69800e27be
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 1.1M
Liquidity Before: 64400.11835 BUSD
Current Liquidity: 15228.49112 BUSD
Liquidity Variation: -76%
Top Seller: 0xc1a7…791b
Sold: -49171.62722 BUSD
Still Has: 0.00000 BUSD in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1h: 0 / 0 / 0.0
6h: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1d: 0 / 1 / 1.4K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 MVTP -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 45.93156784229661$
Current Price: 13.252109731453666$
Token Age: 104 days
Token Address: 0x53ae8d29bcb29b47cc74a3e33472c0f2448696ec
Tax: 9.00%
/ 8.00%
MarketCap: 1.5B
Liquidity Before: 87602.05159 USDT
Current Liquidity: 45161.24574 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -48%
Top Seller: 0x6333…356c
Sold: -6671.32865 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 6 / 6.6K
1h: 1 / 24 / 37.2K
6h: 1 / 26 / 37.6K
1d: 8 / 33 / 39.5K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 KGT -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 80.22982507265236$
Current Price: 23.42922642690004$
Token Age: 175 days
Token Address: 0x82ef83a8a29bb119c0566a6e8e95f20896ed94cb
Tax: 4.00%
/ 3.00%
MarketCap: 24.3M
Liquidity Before: 1302.18771 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 704.51187 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xc5e9…e106
Sold: -241.92948 WBNB
Still Has: 450.01138 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 45 / 44 / 120.7K
1h: 69 / 59 / 471.0K
6h: 69 / 59 / 471.0K
1d: 72 / 59 / 471.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 HD -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.043402951033495035$
Current Price: 0.012999040181718107$
Token Age: 104 days
Token Address: 0x874240fe2238f0c1716884c4f88ca15f6f603cca
Tax: 3.00%
/ 4.00%
MarketCap: 678.7K
Liquidity Before: 57795.48693 USDT
Current Liquidity: 31652.89963 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xfa6e…f7be
Sold: -13174.24014 USDT
Still Has: 0.00071 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 4 / 1.3K
1h: 5 / 34 / 26.0K
6h: 7 / 34 / 26.0K
1d: 15 / 38 / 26.5K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 YFIDAO -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 5.711531855808626$
Current Price: 1.6310160245265675$
Token Age: 230 days
Token Address: 0x6a131b0688781263f26fd3116b2c2f2123e5d974
Tax: 4.00%
/ 4.00%
MarketCap: 61.8K
Liquidity Before: 61062.40443 USDT
Current Liquidity: 32660.32372 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0xd501…247e
Sold: -24892.63039 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 15 / 40 / 19.3K
1h: 16 / 45 / 31.5K
6h: 16 / 47 / 31.6K
1d: 16 / 47 / 31.6K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 QWASP -72.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.18286175852152584$
Current Price: 0.051130061217040154$
Token Age: 73 days
Token Address: 0xbce73271a894ce98c10725ea63dee0ced75ee6a7
Tax: 8.00%
/ 7.00%
MarketCap: 111.3K
Liquidity Before: 49345.05272 USDT
Current Liquidity: 26113.38961 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -47%
Top Seller: 0xfbf1…b7eb
Sold: -23256.55066 USDT
Still Has: 5157.46347 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 5 / 20 / 18.2K
1h: 39 / 104 / 192.5K
6h: 146 / 296 / 581.2K
1d: 188 / 306 / 591.2K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 BGC -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00005942097897136323$
Current Price: 0.000016825885649105474$
Token Age: 177 days
Token Address: 0x772dd2150e3a428abe92e274e754e8692a04bc4f
Tax: 4.00%
/ 3.00%
MarketCap: 169.8K
Liquidity Before: 33222.47345 USDT
Current Liquidity: 17691.95154 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0xc578…16e1
Sold: -15577.95240 USDT
Still Has: 14705.86726 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 3 / 5 / 9.8K
1h: 9 / 21 / 49.2K
6h: 11 / 30 / 49.4K
1d: 15 / 35 / 49.6K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 FDO -73.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 8.388956610750402$
Current Price: 2.213335813309701$
Token Age: 79 days
Token Address: 0xb83a8ecddaf04675d88b7107e290d9b8ab6a8888
Tax: 6.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 320.1K
Liquidity Before: 48273.86085 USDT
Current Liquidity: 24815.91773 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -48%
Top Seller: 0x84ed…22e1
Sold: -23359.75806 USDT
Still Has: 22342.41933 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 6 / 16 / 40.0K
1h: 6 / 22 / 64.5K
6h: 6 / 30 / 65.0K
1d: 6 / 42 / 66.5K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 FEED -74.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.003232610819718005$
Current Price: 0.0008300882353793804$
Token Age: 838 days
Token Address: 0x67d66e8ec1fd25d98b3ccd3b19b7dc4b4b7fc493
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 208.5K
Liquidity Before: 183.95240 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 93.33979 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -49%
Top Seller: 0xf424…f791
Sold: -107.83920 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 8 / 9 / 18.3K
1h: 91 / 87 / 109.7K
6h: 139 / 138 / 136.9K
1d: 139 / 140 / 136.9K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 CMCX -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0006659196632302624$
Current Price: 0.00019065718830717888$
Token Age: 812 days
Token Address: 0xb2343143f814639c9b1f42961c698247171df34a
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 722.0K
Liquidity Before: 46084.30994 USDT
Current Liquidity: 24732.60623 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0x06b3…851e
Sold: -26058.47281 USDT
Still Has: 10361.59428 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 36 / 23 / 39.7K
1h: 59 / 40 / 73.2K
6h: 60 / 41 / 73.3K
1d: 64 / 44 / 73.3K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 SNK -65.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.03293837454663692$
Current Price: 0.011313021631939223$
Token Age: 276 days
Token Address: 0x05e2899179003d7c328de3c224e9df2827406509
Tax: 5.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 88.0K
Liquidity Before: 25707.15191 USDT
Current Liquidity: 15075.62896 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -41%
Top Seller: 0x635a…0a99
Sold: -7088.24623 USDT
Still Has: 1050.69462 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 7 / 6.1K
1h: 2 / 44 / 22.6K
6h: 174 / 148 / 269.3K
1d: 176 / 149 / 270.8K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
⚠️🔴 CBG -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 3.9872910275584577$
Current Price: 1.1642749477267778$
Token Age: 83 days
Token Address: 0xee363f5233ffed83de01f468f05a424177e220d6
Tax: 4.00%
/ 3.00%
MarketCap: 2.8M
Liquidity Before: 88073.52315 USDT
Current Liquidity: 47626.48477 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0x91d3…4caf
Sold: -40447.03838 USDT
Still Has: 46551.33979 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 4 / 35.5K
1h: 0 / 4 / 35.5K
6h: 0 / 4 / 35.5K
1d: 1 / 5 / 36.0K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 Clist -74.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0006951735060380273$
Current Price: 0.00017658883362170886$
Token Age: 660 days
Token Address: 0x7a685c6dbd6c15e6d600f7c713f9252ebb3c472a
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 696.0K
Liquidity Before: 665.71362 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 335.73150 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -49%
Top Seller: 0x789d…b14d
Sold: -330.00000 WBNB
Still Has: 21.42130 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 5 / 2 / 528.3
1h: 109 / 42 / 32.3K
6h: 314 / 131 / 138.1K
1d: 314 / 131 / 138.1K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 PLAY -72.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0017838584558374619$
Current Price: 0.0004967308653387002$
Token Age: 401 days
Token Address: 0x5ecbad49898f06fdbaa01282bc6edb83f217f365
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 54.7K
Liquidity Before: 409.91470 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 216.47229 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -47%
Top Seller: 0x789d…b14d
Sold: -142.67272 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 35 / 19 / 46.3K
1h: 115 / 58 / 98.4K
6h: 115 / 58 / 98.4K
1d: 115 / 58 / 98.4K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 STARSHIPDOGE -72.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00000000000000000008861686399611414$
Current Price: 0.000000000000000000024740777169165053$
Token Age: 121 days
Token Address: 0x67e4cfd91e4baa4a6794c7974fec892247b26d3c
Tax: 10.00%
/ 9.00%
MarketCap: 22.1K
Liquidity Before: 164.85303 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 87.16857 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -47%
Top Seller: 0xef5d…5819
Sold: -16.56283 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 6 / 15.8K
1h: 19 / 14 / 27.1K
6h: 153 / 130 / 418.7K
1d: 272 / 193 / 442.9K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 Tdg -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.000000012776478848839783$
Current Price: 0.000000003829330648495744$
Token Age: 634 days
Token Address: 0xd02193a88ff17d40c0bb97d316067b3fd4cb3b9d
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 134.6K
Liquidity Before: 419.98704 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 230.22679 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xb66b…a8c7
Sold: -148.68472 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 51 / 24 / 57.2K
1h: 151 / 88 / 98.6K
6h: 160 / 96 / 101.6K
1d: 168 / 110 / 107.8K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 KGT -74.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 317.45978845480823$
Current Price: 80.245658291919$
Token Age: 175 days
Token Address: 0x82ef83a8a29bb119c0566a6e8e95f20896ed94cb
Tax: 4.00%
/ 3.00%
MarketCap: 106.7M
Liquidity Before: 2586.67437 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 1301.56547 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -49%
Top Seller: 0x1662…14b7
Sold: -755.15189 WBNB
Still Has: 381.78357 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 3 / 101.8K
1h: 2 / 6 / 216.6K
6h: 2 / 6 / 216.6K
1d: 5 / 6 / 217.2K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 JET V2 -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 3.6422222186944313$
Current Price: 1.046397628862001$
Token Age: 235 days
Token Address: 0x065e847c36498e105fbf32587b5aa4fafb0e008e
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 127.0K
Liquidity Before: 38483.85403 BUSD
Current Liquidity: 20644.72028 BUSD
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0x96a8…148b
Sold: -16446.66533 BUSD
Still Has: 3019.40099 BUSD in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 7 / 9 / 18.7K
1h: 7 / 9 / 18.7K
6h: 7 / 9 / 18.7K
1d: 7 / 9 / 18.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 AG -72.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00026076424512635213$
Current Price: 0.00007119749309197234$
Token Age: 295 days
Token Address: 0x88888888faedeb25b94a015af705f18666079038
Tax: 4.00%
/ 4.00%
MarketCap: 85.9K
Liquidity Before: 77097.08245 USDT
Current Liquidity: 40315.89351 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -47%
Top Seller: 0x97dd…206a
Sold: -36830.70732 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 1 / 8 / 32.9K
1h: 1 / 42 / 32.9K
6h: 1 / 237 / 33.1K
1d: 4 / 266 / 34.5K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 QWASP -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.6195049644713901$
Current Price: 0.18286175852152584$
Token Age: 73 days
Token Address: 0xbce73271a894ce98c10725ea63dee0ced75ee6a7
Tax: 8.00%
/ 7.00%
MarketCap: 361.8K
Liquidity Before: 90756.82407 USDT
Current Liquidity: 49345.05272 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xfbf1…b7eb
Sold: -41411.77135 USDT
Still Has: 28406.45651 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 15 / 37.5K
1h: 36 / 88 / 183.2K
6h: 140 / 273 / 557.3K
1d: 182 / 283 / 567.3K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 BGC -76.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00024984784366869896$
Current Price: 0.00005869528980958409$
Token Age: 177 days
Token Address: 0x772dd2150e3a428abe92e274e754e8692a04bc4f
Tax: 4.00%
/ 3.00%
MarketCap: 633.1K
Liquidity Before: 68065.39419 USDT
Current Liquidity: 33018.72939 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -51%
Top Seller: 0xc578…16e1
Sold: -35046.78877 USDT
Still Has: 30046.38649 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 2 / 4 / 20.4K
1h: 3 / 21 / 30.4K
6h: 5 / 23 / 30.6K
1d: 9 / 28 / 30.9K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 FDO -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 29.422552522875776$
Current Price: 8.321112798831532$
Token Age: 79 days
Token Address: 0xb83a8ecddaf04675d88b7107e290d9b8ab6a8888
Tax: 6.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 1.6M
Liquidity Before: 90337.09970 USDT
Current Liquidity: 48078.01872 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0x84ed…22e1
Sold: -42259.08098 USDT
Still Has: 45614.53900 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 6 / 30.1K
1h: 0 / 7 / 30.1K
6h: 0 / 15 / 30.6K
1d: 0 / 27 / 32.1K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 CTOP -99.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.03995825282877432$
Current Price: 0.00001016416767894652$
Token Age: 434 days
Token Address: 0x70fdd0d36535fb8cff37020945f342f7320f4d44
Tax: 5.00%
/ 4.00%
MarketCap: 1.4M
Liquidity Before: 525157.00054 USDT
Current Liquidity: 8386.03563 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -98%
Top Seller: 0x34fb…dfa1
Sold: -516770.96491 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1h: 3 / 7 / 1.7K
6h: 21 / 53 / 13.4K
1d: 30 / 108 / 25.6K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 MINION -65.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0000000005798972033832821$
Current Price: 0.0000000002017809844829772$
Token Age: 116 days
Token Address: 0xba7e2a9e5193e60368f440e4ae881cc312d6a160
Tax: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 97.9K
Liquidity Before: 46289.09592 BUSD
Current Liquidity: 27322.81202 BUSD
Liquidity Variation: -40%
Top Seller: 0x952e…35a8
Sold: -1402.04714 BUSD
Still Has: 0.00000 BUSD in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 1 / 10 / 10.8K
1h: 1 / 16 / 18.8K
6h: 3 / 17 / 18.9K
1d: 63 / 24 / 33.3K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
⚠️🔴 SNK -97.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 2.5835592919537245$
Current Price: 0.05709197753577979$
Token Age: 276 days
Token Address: 0x05e2899179003d7c328de3c224e9df2827406509
Tax: 5.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 18.8M
Liquidity Before: 232346.89385 USDT
Current Liquidity: 34621.16595 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -85%
Top Seller: 0x6b67…e535
Sold: -197725.72790 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1h: 0 / 0 / 0.0
6h: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1d: 2 / 1 / 1.5K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️