⚠️🔴 FS -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0000014031223374032628$
Current Price: 0.00000039462163575194945$
Token Age: 57 days
Token Address: 0x369bada97b3d2b7a512908901d77ddb67dd14513
Tax: 4.00%
/ 3.00%
MarketCap: 427.8K
Liquidity Before: 178.71862 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 95.93275 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0x7f56…7dcd
Sold: -15.37888 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00001 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 6 / 23 / 9.0K
1h: 39 / 47 / 25.1K
6h: 108 / 77 / 39.8K
1d: 400 / 220 / 107.2K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 SHIDO -74.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00011599444620775251$
Current Price: 0.00002962466989896551$
Token Age: 99 days
Token Address: 0x0b842c7b18bef85daea11f23e1dabe0d6671c19a
Tax: 1.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 2.4M
Liquidity Before: 152.08867 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 76.92740 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -49%
Top Seller: 0x7ef6…a5ef
Sold: -75.41155 WBNB
Still Has: 62.89850 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 9 / 7 / 14.4K
1h: 12 / 12 / 15.6K
6h: 40 / 27 / 57.0K
1d: 129 / 61 / 92.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 TINC -79.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.01829308194253873$
Current Price: 0.0038215057910523276$
Token Age: 571 days
Token Address: 0x05ad6e30a855be07afa57e08a4f30d00810a402e
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 17.1M
Liquidity Before: 609.05586 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 278.56958 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -54%
Top Seller: 0x5963…bb97
Sold: -332.84145 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1h: 1 / 1 / 62.6
6h: 9 / 5 / 372.5
1d: 38 / 34 / 13.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 YES -75.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0001063922347054436$
Current Price: 0.00002572205421221902$
Token Age: 124 days
Token Address: 0x15e2a4b298db8b1c8117901edeb8ea8a0bd6b13b
Tax: 4.00%
/ 4.00%
MarketCap: 229.0K
Liquidity Before: 205.96968 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 101.55853 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -50%
Top Seller: 0x0796…9960
Sold: 3.03548 WBNB
Still Has: 2.81062 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 67 / 134 / 13.1K
1h: 725 / 696 / 224.8K
6h: 2083 / 1235 / 613.2K
1d: 5948 / 3220 / 1.8M
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 WGPT -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.023666482955040247$
Current Price: 0.006978962822976889$
Token Age: 94 days
Token Address: 0x1f415255f7e2a8546559a553e962de7bc60d7942
Tax: 6.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 163.2K
Liquidity Before: 37615.73048 USDT
Current Liquidity: 20447.72718 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xf1b1…9b37
Sold: -19245.13309 USDT
Still Has: 16537.37335 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 20 / 7 / 7.6K
1h: 106 / 80 / 148.5K
6h: 178 / 190 / 182.1K
1d: 236 / 271 / 205.4K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 WGPT -75.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.3207468718107$
Current Price: 0.0792908232619561$
Token Age: 94 days
Token Address: 0x1f415255f7e2a8546559a553e962de7bc60d7942
Tax: 6.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 2.0M
Liquidity Before: 138201.41250 USDT
Current Liquidity: 68782.75446 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -50%
Top Seller: 0xf1b1…9b37
Sold: -72315.24855 USDT
Still Has: 64990.32565 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 8 / 1 / 7.2K
1h: 34 / 58 / 75.7K
6h: 105 / 155 / 107.8K
1d: 162 / 236 / 131.1K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 lUSD -99.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.9076319175123766$
Current Price: 0.00006608125821442691$
Token Age: 979 days
Token Address: 0x23e8a70534308a4aaf76fb8c32ec13d17a3bd89e
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 1.4M
Liquidity Before: 214824.43875 BUSD
Current Liquidity: 1835.31441 BUSD
Liquidity Variation: -99%
Top Seller: 0xac70…7fc2
Sold: -213000.00000 BUSD
Still Has: 834.85806 BUSD in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1h: 0 / 1 / 362.8
6h: 1 / 3 / 568.8
1d: 5 / 11 / 4.6K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 MED -72.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.011943257391493907$
Current Price: 0.003261650068906528$
Token Age: 380 days
Token Address: 0xee0ed249325a8284d66af5f98dcbb7c620ebbe45
Tax: 1.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 1.3M
Liquidity Before: 63308.31729 USDT
Current Liquidity: 33109.88401 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -47%
Top Seller: 0xca88…f9d1
Sold: -14048.60058 USDT
Still Has: 29966.01365 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 9 / 21.9K
1h: 0 / 12 / 26.8K
6h: 0 / 12 / 26.8K
1d: 0 / 12 / 26.8K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 GWM -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 3.2322877442586266$
Current Price: 0.9657059648129873$
Token Age: 90 days
Token Address: 0x3e195dd3c55568362dcab32a61d253c1ca365786
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 30.6M
Liquidity Before: 37435.68568 USDT
Current Liquidity: 20499.79967 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xbd33…0f53
Sold: -22508.59726 USDT
Still Has: 20467.33736 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 18 / 18 / 15.0K
1h: 174 / 187 / 402.3K
6h: 198 / 215 / 433.1K
1d: 316 / 320 / 573.0K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 GWM -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 30.48550941200462$
Current Price: 8.875443899110525$
Token Age: 90 days
Token Address: 0x3e195dd3c55568362dcab32a61d253c1ca365786
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 284.7M
Liquidity Before: 114507.18953 USDT
Current Liquidity: 61879.22688 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xbd33…0f53
Sold: -56136.55172 USDT
Still Has: 62582.68383 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 19 / 23 / 36.6K
1h: 70 / 86 / 276.7K
6h: 100 / 110 / 308.5K
1d: 214 / 215 / 445.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 NRC -97.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.7311008537050108$
Current Price: 0.017701487550162112$
Token Age: 76 days
Token Address: 0x0e26cd3f32fa0c02e1845588bea3101ac5162733
Tax: 3.00%
/ 9.00%
MarketCap: 73.1M
Liquidity Before: 33695.43000 USDT
Current Liquidity: 5248.63304 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -84%
Top Seller: 0x71f3…c8d7
Sold: -28446.79696 USDT
Still Has: 0.00177 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1h: 0 / 2 / 647.7
6h: 0 / 2 / 647.7
1d: 0 / 2 / 647.7
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 OET -86.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.7842810012625057$
Current Price: 0.10623979050010986$
Token Age: 285 days
Token Address: 0xd91a5f4553b3f3a8c6459d433044ff2694381041
Tax: 9.00%
/ 8.00%
MarketCap: 6.0M
Liquidity Before: 277248.86518 USDT
Current Liquidity: 102142.51887 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -63%
Top Seller: 0xb748…bca7
Sold: -175439.47157 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 13 / 2 / 467.7K
1h: 35 / 5 / 474.8K
6h: 59 / 6 / 479.4K
1d: 312 / 51 / 694.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 YYDS -75.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 53.429504876864236$
Current Price: 13.161590188193374$
Token Age: 90 days
Token Address: 0x844020b85692e534b8b8d0262c82c59cbc129e41
Tax: 6.00%
/ 6.00%
MarketCap: 103.4K
Liquidity Before: 153.70083 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 76.64793 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -50%
Top Seller: 0x660f…f3d2
Sold: -70.17233 WBNB
Still Has: 6.27673 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 116 / 34 / 15.0K
1h: 1074 / 1427 / 265.4K
6h: 2641 / 2155 / 763.7K
1d: 7030 / 4014 / 1.9M
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 YYDS -76.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 421.30900824561417$
Current Price: 98.40812984418277$
Token Age: 90 days
Token Address: 0x844020b85692e534b8b8d0262c82c59cbc129e41
Tax: 6.00%
/ 6.00%
MarketCap: 1.0M
Liquidity Before: 427.54743 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 207.26793 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -51%
Top Seller: 0xcdc8…6fd0
Sold: -10.25824 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 62 / 18 / 9.8K
1h: 584 / 381 / 191.2K
6h: 1917 / 956 / 636.7K
1d: 6188 / 2777 / 1.7M
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 LSC -98.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 2.8808937502401397$
Current Price: 0.04807536461429707$
Token Age: 93 days
Token Address: 0x2b3559c3dbdb294cbb71f2b30a693f4c6be6132d
Tax: 4.00%
/ 3.00%
MarketCap: 28.7M
Liquidity Before: 1281381.50473 USDT
Current Liquidity: 165710.34956 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -87%
Top Seller: 0x9ef7…6deb
Sold: -1115719.20077 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1h: 1 / 0 / 115.5
6h: 12 / 2 / 1.2K
1d: 152 / 53 / 29.3K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 ST -90.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0001838798398998284$
Current Price: 0.000017676210312968058$
Token Age: 446 days
Token Address: 0x1e4f2ab406aa9764ff05a9a8c8bf6b1c8b6f531f
Tax: 6.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 185.1K
Liquidity Before: 223.03772 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 69.21191 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -68%
Top Seller: 0xa692…6e14
Sold: -153.82581 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1h: 0 / 0 / 0.0
6h: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1d: 0 / 0 / 0.0
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 CRHT -73.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00045538883323889264$
Current Price: 0.00011955876285488311$
Token Age: 111 days
Token Address: 0x98d4c60deea495c94d50d162d331278658a6b681
Tax: 4.00%
/ 3.00%
MarketCap: 446.2K
Liquidity Before: 324.38342 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 166.33675 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -48%
Top Seller: 0xfca5…c4da
Sold: -69.73867 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 1 / 1 / 14.6K
1h: 1 / 8 / 33.5K
6h: 6 / 17 / 35.1K
1d: 123 / 86 / 75.6K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 USEA -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00004146271578920755$
Current Price: 0.000012393904700299159$
Token Age: 192 days
Token Address: 0xdf7ff95aa3d855a6fb21399432166a92fdcf1b1a
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 12.2K
Liquidity Before: 41376.12127 USDT
Current Liquidity: 22646.53282 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xf6dc…28dc
Sold: -9248.10955 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 5 / 7 / 4.6K
1h: 19 / 20 / 33.0K
6h: 20 / 25 / 33.0K
1d: 20 / 42 / 33.0K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 YES -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00033236010329573885$
Current Price: 0.00009828129574917098$
Token Age: 124 days
Token Address: 0x15e2a4b298db8b1c8117901edeb8ea8a0bd6b13b
Tax: 4.00%
/ 4.00%
MarketCap: 884.3K
Liquidity Before: 362.70185 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 197.80409 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xf0a1…51f3
Sold: 9.60000 WBNB
Still Has: 4.71007 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 80 / 66 / 26.9K
1h: 726 / 438 / 261.4K
6h: 1946 / 897 / 568.8K
1d: 5766 / 2882 / 1.7M
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 WGPT -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.07943884721481714$
Current Price: 0.022704171230864257$
Token Age: 94 days
Token Address: 0x1f415255f7e2a8546559a553e962de7bc60d7942
Tax: 6.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 556.8K
Liquidity Before: 68847.00835 USDT
Current Liquidity: 36841.52869 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0xf1b1…9b37
Sold: -36154.48235 USDT
Still Has: 32987.08890 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 14 / 4 / 9.3K
1h: 76 / 73 / 120.4K
6h: 148 / 175 / 153.4K
1d: 205 / 256 / 176.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 lUSD -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.021851394107883986$
Current Price: 0.006302756773943992$
Token Age: 979 days
Token Address: 0x23e8a70534308a4aaf76fb8c32ec13d17a3bd89e
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 10.7K
Liquidity Before: 34298.42749 BUSD
Current Liquidity: 18553.40424 BUSD
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0x0668…8747
Sold: -8983.12014 BUSD
Still Has: 16311.71600 BUSD in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 155 / 98 / 49.0K
1h: 935 / 555 / 1.0M
6h: 936 / 557 / 1.0M
1d: 940 / 565 / 1.0M
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 MED -72.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0032350339708507882$
Current Price: 0.0008975688354452851$
Token Age: 380 days
Token Address: 0xee0ed249325a8284d66af5f98dcbb7c620ebbe45
Tax: 1.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 348.2K
Liquidity Before: 32839.69686 USDT
Current Liquidity: 17382.43651 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -47%
Top Seller: 0xca88…f9d1
Sold: -13178.88165 USDT
Still Has: 14260.98917 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 1 / 14 / 17.3K
1h: 1 / 26 / 44.0K
6h: 1 / 26 / 44.0K
1d: 1 / 26 / 44.0K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 GWM -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 8.712413007038199$
Current Price: 2.5874358571765854$
Token Age: 90 days
Token Address: 0x3e195dd3c55568362dcab32a61d253c1ca365786
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 82.7M
Liquidity Before: 61311.90680 USDT
Current Liquidity: 33465.51672 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xbd33…0f53
Sold: -30571.45714 USDT
Still Has: 33433.24384 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 23 / 24 / 31.2K
1h: 112 / 131 / 334.9K
6h: 142 / 159 / 368.5K
1d: 254 / 264 / 505.6K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 GWM -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 102.42563190978701$
Current Price: 29.075165197920054$
Token Age: 90 days
Token Address: 0x3e195dd3c55568362dcab32a61d253c1ca365786
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 999.3M
Liquidity Before: 209607.67662 USDT
Current Liquidity: 111823.82527 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0xbd33…0f53
Sold: -92289.88942 USDT
Still Has: 111791.76184 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 11 / 13 / 56.0K
1h: 29 / 37 / 162.6K
6h: 56 / 60 / 183.3K
1d: 174 / 166 / 322.5K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 TER -74.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 21.160279967096663$
Current Price: 5.495555973096568$
Token Age: 294 days
Token Address: 0xbcc8f0e375081257d2ef8bf251fc0538c32a73d8
Tax: 9.00%
/ 8.00%
MarketCap: 21.5M
Liquidity Before: 932808.99880 USDT
Current Liquidity: 475716.66562 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -49%
Top Seller: 0xdd94…b79c
Sold: -437529.68309 USDT
Still Has: 190664.58318 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 1 / 3 / 334.5K
1h: 8 / 5 / 338.1K
6h: 9 / 9 / 345.6K
1d: 76 / 26 / 374.0K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 OET -81.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 4.168872971566309$
Current Price: 0.7792281059805871$
Token Age: 285 days
Token Address: 0xd91a5f4553b3f3a8c6459d433044ff2694381041
Tax: 9.00%
/ 8.00%
MarketCap: 78.1M
Liquidity Before: 638747.94540 USDT
Current Liquidity: 276353.18807 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -56%
Top Seller: 0xb748…bca7
Sold: -363616.60749 USDT
Still Has: 179873.29483 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 5 / 1 / 862.2
1h: 25 / 3 / 7.7K
6h: 49 / 4 / 12.3K
1d: 303 / 49 / 227.6K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 YYDS -74.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 121.85215348652594$
Current Price: 31.208508076623197$
Token Age: 90 days
Token Address: 0x844020b85692e534b8b8d0262c82c59cbc129e41
Tax: 6.00%
/ 6.00%
MarketCap: 181.1K
Liquidity Before: 230.77799 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 117.19653 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -49%
Top Seller: 0x0707…3f14
Sold: 5.95757 WBNB
Still Has: 2.49795 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 114 / 411 / 41.1K
1h: 755 / 817 / 255.1K
6h: 2165 / 1454 / 701.5K
1d: 6478 / 3291 / 1.8M
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 MOVEZ -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.002774572388712297$
Current Price: 0.0007949391590676855$
Token Age: 475 days
Token Address: 0x039cd22cb49084142d55fcd4b6096a4f51ffb3b4
Tax: 1.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 4.4M
Liquidity Before: 345.23006 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 184.89760 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0x055a…7066
Sold: -84.84290 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 56 / 90 / 34.8K
1h: 73 / 146 / 67.3K
6h: 147 / 290 / 122.4K
1d: 205 / 340 / 140.5K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.