⚠️🔴 ARMY -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0000000005413588373733722$
Current Price: 0.0000000001569671588678981$
Token Age: 326 days
Token Address: 0x906089721cc5cb41c87d35bb05bea70bdf47a269
Tax: 5.00%
/ 4.00%
MarketCap: 80.4K
Liquidity Before: 167.95495 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 90.50739 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0x3497…dab7
Sold: -7.73839 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 3 / 8 / 10.9K
1h: 5 / 14 / 24.3K
6h: 5 / 14 / 24.3K
1d: 6 / 15 / 24.4K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 MOM -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.000035711536133124526$
Current Price: 0.000010620938438568668$
Token Age: 61 days
Token Address: 0x73fb20d51c7295ad4373b55ba22d1828a46a63a3
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 72.4K
Liquidity Before: 158.58117 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 86.54556 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xdc42…ca12
Sold: -32.06165 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 1 / 162.8
1h: 4 / 59 / 23.4K
6h: 343 / 181 / 92.6K
1d: 344 / 181 / 92.6K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 CC -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.6216715660926652$
Current Price: 0.1850988641668713$
Token Age: 192 days
Token Address: 0x1a97b0cf1efb5228027dd782ed5d82c901694042
Tax: 1.00%
/ 10.00%
MarketCap: 1.0M
Liquidity Before: 116275.58238 USDT
Current Liquidity: 63531.54777 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xde46…9809
Sold: -17834.85351 USDT
Still Has: 18.38113 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 2 / 42 / 9.6K
1h: 140 / 155 / 266.9K
6h: 225 / 188 / 334.4K
1d: 288 / 229 / 378.5K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 AREA -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.027152802152632785$
Current Price: 0.008124549711194045$
Token Age: 454 days
Token Address: 0x3cb26f04223e948b8d810a7bd170620afbd42e67
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 4.6M
Liquidity Before: 434.73600 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 238.17720 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xcb87…27fb
Sold: -202.11098 WBNB
Still Has: 139.78186 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 80 / 107 / 180.1K
1h: 162 / 193 / 538.8K
6h: 209 / 254 / 583.9K
1d: 401 / 383 / 878.0K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 NUKEM -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00023174363437279693$
Current Price: 0.00006763768126030352$
Token Age: 207 days
Token Address: 0x51015f4fefe3366c6f62539140149f8088888888
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 6.2M
Liquidity Before: 136706.15392 USDT
Current Liquidity: 73909.04575 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0x017a…febd
Sold: -62797.10818 USDT
Still Has: 43352.61524 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1h: 2 / 1 / 2.0
6h: 2 / 2 / 698.9
1d: 5 / 3 / 1.4K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 A4 -73.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0010300195894333906$
Current Price: 0.00027084549667907875$
Token Age: 763 days
Token Address: 0x9767203e89dcd34851240b3919d4900d3e5069f1
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 345.1K
Liquidity Before: 43239.41613 BUSD
Current Liquidity: 22200.34053 BUSD
Liquidity Variation: -48%
Top Seller: 0xc085…1369
Sold: -21632.61977 BUSD
Still Has: 10471.86485 BUSD in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 6 / 10 / 29.3K
1h: 6 / 10 / 29.3K
6h: 8 / 10 / 29.3K
1d: 9 / 12 / 30.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 NPLY -77.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.009798595862257434$
Current Price: 0.0022284150572513925$
Token Age: 67 days
Token Address: 0x2f619816e53ff65ba2c336ae3e19a4e2bdeaf8a3
Tax: 1.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 830.5K
Liquidity Before: 202887.25052 USDT
Current Liquidity: 96838.09360 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -52%
Top Seller: 0x3350…7c00
Sold: -106216.88346 USDT
Still Has: 74386.16825 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 9 / 11 / 289.0K
1h: 9 / 29 / 303.6K
6h: 9 / 36 / 305.5K
1d: 9 / 44 / 306.0K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 BBG -71.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.3362402055159556$
Current Price: 0.09680226157393351$
Token Age: 81 days
Token Address: 0xac4d2f229a3499f7e4e90a5932758a6829d69cff
Tax: 4.00%
/ 6.00%
MarketCap: 9.8M
Liquidity Before: 429204.90483 USDT
Current Liquidity: 230468.78040 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -46%
Top Seller: 0x7a2f…c867
Sold: -91277.26389 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 12 / 40.8K
1h: 8 / 36 / 512.2K
6h: 42 / 61 / 512.3K
1d: 150 / 170 / 513.3K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 BTDAO -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00421387745708514$
Current Price: 0.001261620451001219$
Token Age: 174 days
Token Address: 0xc72067138633c903ffc97e6814cda685006da00a
Tax: 3.00%
/ 2.00%
MarketCap: 138.9K
Liquidity Before: 300954.38443 USDT
Current Liquidity: 85813.30443 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -71%
Top Seller: 0x3fcc…ef27
Sold: -3884.23077 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 6 / 3 / 561.9
1h: 199 / 254 / 66.7K
6h: 566 / 1793 / 310.0K
1d: 604 / 1840 / 319.0K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 XCB -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.04237675065328028$
Current Price: 0.012537953867474362$
Token Age: 748 days
Token Address: 0x9dcd6ab0511b2e72af3d088538d678bae9bbf552
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 634.6K
Liquidity Before: 123.83503 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 67.45276 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0x1d71…96a1
Sold: -58.28008 WBNB
Still Has: 28.18703 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 37 / 42 / 30.3K
1h: 39 / 43 / 30.8K
6h: 46 / 54 / 46.4K
1d: 107 / 127 / 92.9K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 KMC -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 22.245763190673966$
Current Price: 6.662882930287504$
Token Age: 471 days
Token Address: 0x60045b3806c973f3aad8497d98f01e582ccb15b1
Tax: 1.00%
/ 1.00%
MarketCap: 805.9M
Liquidity Before: 815.03039 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 446.42649 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0x05f0…ef2a
Sold: -57.68431 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00484 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 16 / 12 / 75.8K
1h: 20 / 16 / 123.5K
6h: 21 / 16 / 123.6K
1d: 31 / 19 / 124.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 CryptoPesos -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.029522142564310638$
Current Price: 0.0087727141408246$
Token Age: 56 days
Token Address: 0xbb21c4a6257f3306d0458e92ad0fe583ad0ce858
Tax: 4.00%
/ 3.00%
MarketCap: 259.9K
Liquidity Before: 302.88420 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 165.22757 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xafda…a044
Sold: -137.49256 WBNB
Still Has: 98.86614 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 3 / 2 / 4.1K
1h: 7 / 9 / 37.7K
6h: 7 / 30 / 37.9K
1d: 29 / 54 / 38.5K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 JTS -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.014012489985637656$
Current Price: 0.004086516932912443$
Token Age: 57 days
Token Address: 0x299ecc384ded931a8f611b215dbfd370b5e1ccf3
Tax: 6.00%
/ 6.00%
MarketCap: 322.3K
Liquidity Before: 300.73276 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 162.54920 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xb331…4d81
Sold: -129.03023 WBNB
Still Has: 0.91969 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 20 / 32.4K
1h: 0 / 20 / 32.4K
6h: 12 / 34 / 36.5K
1d: 26 / 90 / 39.2K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 AIS -75.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.2669431350059676$
Current Price: 0.06645930096039787$
Token Age: 71 days
Token Address: 0xad57ad531870982f3d6e287cdeadc741a6965f06
Tax: 4.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 169.7K
Liquidity Before: 200.33721 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 100.04210 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -50%
Top Seller: 0x7bfd…20fd
Sold: -100.29543 WBNB
Still Has: 80.01435 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 1 / 3 / 15.0K
1h: 1 / 4 / 21.6K
6h: 2 / 7 / 22.9K
1d: 2 / 10 / 23.1K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 Dsun -73.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0000000022584683312181717$
Current Price: 0.0000000005890866668389123$
Token Age: 255 days
Token Address: 0x1384555d00144c7725ac71da2bb1fd67b9ad889a
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 673.1K
Liquidity Before: 246.28143 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 125.93171 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -48%
Top Seller: 0x1c5d…b1f1
Sold: -122.34835 WBNB
Still Has: 62.09048 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 17 / 19 / 38.8K
1h: 17 / 19 / 38.8K
6h: 18 / 20 / 38.8K
1d: 18 / 22 / 38.8K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 MTS -74.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.06538849387779136$
Current Price: 0.016708841500090277$
Token Age: 738 days
Token Address: 0x496cc0b4ee12aa2ac4c42e93067484e7ff50294b
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 9.7M
Liquidity Before: 43198.07651 BUSD
Current Liquidity: 21850.59275 BUSD
Liquidity Variation: -49%
Top Seller: 0x240a…a456
Sold: -21548.43672 BUSD
Still Has: 0.00000 BUSD in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 3 / 4 / 2.8K
1h: 3 / 5 / 2.8K
6h: 11 / 11 / 3.4K
1d: 51 / 49 / 16.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 JiXiangLong -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.3732643378155983$
Current Price: 0.11195727415353394$
Token Age: 65 days
Token Address: 0xfed4914885380a7986f5b37d61ec6da623bbcdc0
Tax: 6.00%
/ 6.00%
MarketCap: 65.1K
Liquidity Before: 110.89784 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 60.78550 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0x0351…cd07
Sold: -41.38549 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 17 / 10.7K
1h: 0 / 28 / 14.7K
6h: 0 / 32 / 15.1K
1d: 1 / 46 / 16.4K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 AREA -73.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0033617954020421486$
Current Price: 0.0008992011596839715$
Token Age: 454 days
Token Address: 0x3cb26f04223e948b8d810a7bd170620afbd42e67
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 806.9K
Liquidity Before: 153.39263 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 79.57840 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -48%
Top Seller: 0xcb87…27fb
Sold: -89.88389 WBNB
Still Has: 34.83213 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 80 / 113 / 141.5K
1h: 241 / 309 / 682.8K
6h: 289 / 370 / 728.0K
1d: 481 / 499 / 1.0M
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 AREA -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.14869767821924318$
Current Price: 0.043986515438987725$
Token Age: 454 days
Token Address: 0x3cb26f04223e948b8d810a7bd170620afbd42e67
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 25.7M
Liquidity Before: 1014.82429 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 552.97714 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -45%
Top Seller: 0xcb87…27fb
Sold: -491.66195 WBNB
Still Has: 393.08301 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 57 / 53 / 301.4K
1h: 70 / 67 / 312.8K
6h: 116 / 128 / 357.8K
1d: 309 / 257 / 652.0K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
no ideia wat happened here rug or exploit. just alerting u
⚠️🔴 NPLY -77.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0022284150572513925$
Current Price: 0.0005042227831406874$
Token Age: 67 days
Token Address: 0x2f619816e53ff65ba2c336ae3e19a4e2bdeaf8a3
Tax: 1.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 143.1K
Liquidity Before: 96838.09360 USDT
Current Liquidity: 46103.60816 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -52%
Top Seller: 0x3350…7c00
Sold: -50714.96525 USDT
Still Has: 23324.53227 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 15 / 16 / 149.6K
1h: 16 / 39 / 378.4K
6h: 16 / 47 / 381.1K
1d: 16 / 55 / 381.7K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 NPLY -76.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.04164841039230838$
Current Price: 0.009796318894079873$
Token Age: 67 days
Token Address: 0x2f619816e53ff65ba2c336ae3e19a4e2bdeaf8a3
Tax: 1.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 2.8M
Liquidity Before: 417929.12450 USDT
Current Liquidity: 202863.64648 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -51%
Top Seller: 0x3350…7c00
Sold: -215066.47802 USDT
Still Has: 180589.60500 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 1 / 5 / 181.6K
1h: 1 / 24 / 196.8K
6h: 1 / 30 / 198.1K
1d: 1 / 38 / 198.6K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 BTDAO -70.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.004235488522101684$
Current Price: 0.0012659259799565512$
Token Age: 174 days
Token Address: 0xc72067138633c903ffc97e6814cda685006da00a
Tax: 3.00%
/ 2.00%
MarketCap: 138.8K
Liquidity Before: 298088.63796 USDT
Current Liquidity: 85712.05487 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -71%
Top Seller: 0x0c8c…3ddc
Sold: -3333.55898 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 8 / 4 / 614.5
1h: 201 / 255 / 66.7K
6h: 568 / 1794 / 310.1K
1d: 606 / 1841 / 319.1K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 KingU -72.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.13443189513039058$
Current Price: 0.03639477047953387$
Token Age: 48 days
Token Address: 0x5616671d3d989940c67ea57cb9e8d347696826a3
Tax: 6.00%
/ 6.00%
MarketCap: 437.3K
Liquidity Before: 322.17864 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 167.76644 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -47%
Top Seller: 0x21db…cb22
Sold: -18.21080 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 18 / 44.8K
1h: 0 / 22 / 45.0K
6h: 0 / 26 / 45.8K
1d: 1 / 90 / 52.4K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 CryptoPesos -73.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.00878342913833681$
Current Price: 0.002295886213004594$
Token Age: 56 days
Token Address: 0xbb21c4a6257f3306d0458e92ad0fe583ad0ce858
Tax: 4.00%
/ 3.00%
MarketCap: 64.5K
Liquidity Before: 165.32857 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 84.59347 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -48%
Top Seller: 0xafda…a044
Sold: -78.00126 WBNB
Still Has: 18.84335 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 7 / 8 / 30.6K
1h: 14 / 17 / 68.3K
6h: 14 / 38 / 68.5K
1d: 35 / 62 / 69.1K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 Universe -98.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.011785626700079828$
Current Price: 0.00015042500361779783$
Token Age: 104 days
Token Address: 0x71f96ebce5dc89cbf4f4813035eb6062b4bc97f6
Tax: 7.00%
/ 6.00%
MarketCap: 1.2M
Liquidity Before: 60781.16031 USDT
Current Liquidity: 6874.40004 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -88%
Top Seller: 0xae8c…ea14
Sold: -53906.76027 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 0 / 0.0
1h: 0 / 0 / 0.0
6h: 0 / 6 / 224.7
1d: 7 / 36 / 2.4K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 BOT -72.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.03275041503660169$
Current Price: 0.008985147099138844$
Token Age: 150 days
Token Address: 0x59a80dbcea7c3537d91fdc780a4b58b888888888
Tax: 5.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 1.9M
Liquidity Before: 519192.04888 USDT
Current Liquidity: 272156.10258 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -47%
Top Seller: 0x6e5d…0957
Sold: -163955.56600 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 3 / 3 / 68.5K
1h: 17 / 14 / 238.8K
6h: 80 / 73 / 275.4K
1d: 302 / 217 / 412.8K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 Dsun -73.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 0.0000000005900620495011074$
Current Price: 0.00000000015861989312646733$
Token Age: 255 days
Token Address: 0x1384555d00144c7725ac71da2bb1fd67b9ad889a
Tax: 1.00%
/ 0.00%
MarketCap: 180.1K
Liquidity Before: 126.03605 WBNB
Current Liquidity: 65.41467 WBNB
Liquidity Variation: -48%
Top Seller: 0x1c5d…b1f1
Sold: -62.21402 WBNB
Still Has: 0.00000 WBNB in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 24 / 22 / 27.2K
1h: 38 / 35 / 59.1K
6h: 39 / 36 / 59.2K
1d: 39 / 38 / 59.2K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.
⚠️🔴 LY -92.00%
🚨 FlashLoan Alert
Price Before: 3.0457068273310073$
Current Price: 0.221633552356595$
Token Age: 166 days
Token Address: 0x0196a3a38b7a56abc40d30218eea4190ed57a4f1
Tax: 6.00%
/ 5.00%
MarketCap: 4.5M
Liquidity Before: 106748.24238 USDT
Current Liquidity: 28823.16828 USDT
Liquidity Variation: -72%
Top Seller: 0x7abc…17b4
Sold: -77925.07410 USDT
Still Has: 0.00000 USDT in tokens
Buys / Sells / Volume
5m: 0 / 2 / 77.9K
1h: 0 / 2 / 77.9K
6h: 0 / 3 / 78.0K
1d: 0 / 5 / 78.2K
Charts: Dex Screener | PooCoin | DEXView
Links: Holders | HoneyPotIs
🚨 Original Channels: @botflashloan, @NeoFlashLoanETH
⚠️ Be cautious with scam tokens and scam channels ⚠️
❗️ Promote your project here! Contact @NeoOficial for more info.