This channel is a Telegram bot storehouse! Anyone wanting to advertise their bot for free in this channel can contact @Balehngino Feedbacks, recommendations and complaints are very much appreciated :)
Status: working ✅
Name: Anonymous Chat
Username: @secretchat02bot
Category: Chat
Language: English
About: Chat bot lets you talk with other people anonymously with matching functions based on a personal profile or in groups
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #chat #anonymous #chatting #meet #friend #friends
Status: working ✅
Name: Chat bot
Username: @Chat_bot
Category: Chat
Language: English
About: Chat bot lets you talk with other people anonymously with matching functions based on a personal profile or in groups
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #chat #anonymous #chatting #meet #friend #friends
Status: working ✅
Name: SpoofCaller
Username: @spoofcaller_bot
Category: Communication
Language: English, Italian, German
About: This bot is for making international call via Telegram. Invite friends to EARN!
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #spoofcall #call #callerid #change #international #phone #communication #earn
Status: working ✅
Name: UNO Bot
Username: @unobot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: Play the UNO card game via inline commands
Inline: yes
Groups: yes
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #friend #friends #play #fun #card #cards #cardgame #uno
Status: working ✅
Name: Free Steam Games Bot
Username: @FreeSteamOffers_Bot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot will send you messages as soon as new games are released on Steam
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #gaming #update #updates #steam
Status: working ✅
Name: Waifu Catcher
Username: @WaifuGacha_bot
Category: Collection
Language: English
About: This bot provides you with waifus collections for anime lovers
Inline: no
Groups: yes
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #collect #collection #anime
Status: working ✅
Name: Thirty-One Moderator
Username: @ThirtyOneBot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot is a moderator for the card game Thirty-One
Inline: no
Groups: yes
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #friend #friends #play #fun #card #cards #cardgame
Status: working ✅
Name: tech-savvy-games
Username: @tsg_games_bot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: I'm just a simple bot that uses inline keyboards to provide some entertainment.
Inline: yes
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #inline #friend #friends #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: Crux Game - Super Hero
Username: @CG_SuperHero_Bot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot will allow you to play fun riddles
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #riddle #riddles #guess #puzzle
Status: working ✅
Name: EMail Creator
Username: @CreateMailBot
Category: Email
Language: English
About: 📫 Create a temporary mailbox and receive an incoming email to it without leaving the telegram.
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #mail #email #create #creatmail #fakemail
Status: working ✅
Name: SkillGaming
Username: @skillgaming_n1_bot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot allows you to play games
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: Open Source Games
Username: @awesomebot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot allows you to play games
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: RainbowRex
Username: @RainbowRexBot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot allows you to play games
Inline: yes
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: Shell Game Thimblerig
Username: @ShellGameBot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: Play The shell game (Thimblerig).
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #luck #slot #slots #play #fun #shell
Status: working ✅
Name: Password Manager
Username: @upasswordbot
Category: Storage
Language: English
About: 🔐 Secure storage of passwords with encryption from unauthorized access in the database.
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #manager #password #store #storage
Status: working ✅
Name: Anonymous Chat
Username: @secretchat01bot
Category: Chat
Language: English
About: Chat bot lets you talk with other people anonymously with matching functions based on a personal profile or in groups
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #chat #anonymous #chatting #meet #friend #friends
Status: working ✅
Name: Telegram Email
Username: @etlgr_bot
Category: Email
Language: English, Russian
About: Assign an email address to any Telegram chat: send and receive emails.
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #mail #email #communication
Status: working ✅
Name: Chat Against Humanity
Username: @chat_against_humanity_bot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot will let you play the game Chat Against Humanity with your friends in Telegram
Inline: no
Groups: yes
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #friend #friends #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: Treasure Hunt bot
Username: @treasurehuntbot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: The official “Code Hunting Games” bot that will lead you on your treasure hunt.
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #hunt #hunting #treasure #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: Werewolf Moderator
Username: @werewolfbot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot is a moderator for the game Werewolf in Telegram
Inline: no
Groups: yes
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #friend #friends #play #fun #werewolf
Status: working ✅
Name: Mizuki-chan
Username: @Mizukichanbot
Category: Collection
Language: English
About: This bot provides you with waifus and husband's collections for anime loverd
Inline: no
Groups: yes
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #collect #collection #anime
Status: working ✅
Name: TheConnect4Bot
Username: @TheConnect4Bot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot lets you play connect4 against strangers or friends, type /help for more infos. NEW: Tournaments!
Inline: yes
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #inline #friend #friends #play #fun #connect4
Status: working ✅
Name: Inline Games
Username: @inlinegamesbot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: I'm just a simple bot that uses inline keyboards to provide some entertainment.
Inline: yes
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #inline #friend #friends #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: fun riddles
Username: @funquiz_bot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot will allow you to play fun riddles
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #riddle #riddles #guess
Status: working ✅
Name: Game factory Bot
Username: @GameFactoryBot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot allows you to play games
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: Bruno's Game
Username: @brugamebot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot allows you to play games
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: MaxWell Games
Username: @MaxWellGamesBot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot allows you to play games
Inline: yes
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: PartyGames
Username: @PartyGamesRobot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: This bot allows you to play games
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: Sloty Slots
Username: @Slotybot
Category: Games
Language: English
About: A Telegram-based free slot game. Check your luck!
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #game #games #gaming #luck #slot #slots #play #fun
Status: working ✅
Name: Steam Info
Username: @idinfosteambot
Category: Search
Language: English
About: 🤖 I will help you find out information about your Steam account.
Inline: no
Groups: no
Rating: 5/5
Hashtags: #search #steam