@ChannelActionsBot was down (idk since when), but it's now back up.
🎉 Btw, crossed over 75k users in that bot, wow!
~ @BotzHub
@channelLimiterBot, @AnonymousSendBot and @GetFilesRoBot are back up.
Live streaming songs, join the voice chat!
Btw, please give some proper bot ideas in the comments 👇
Below services/bots would be down, until next month:
The following services/bots are back up:
- @channelLimiterBot
- @AnonymousSendBot
- @GetFilesRoBot
- apis.xditya.me
~ @BotzHub
Update to @GetFilesRoBot
You can now specify custom captions while sending the file. Just use "| your caption" after the file hash!
eg: @GetFilesRoBot f_Z2V0X21zZ18xMjgz | Join @BotzHub for cool bots!
~ @BotzHub
Deploy Ultroid to Okteto Cloud
- No bans.
- No Limits.
- Sudo.
Tutorial - https://youtu.be/uPCe0I8yJpg
~ @TeamUltroid