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Luke Belmar 👽

Currently in Singapore interviewing an entrepreneur who’s raised almost a billion dollars for various ventures.

Capital Club Membership opening this summer will be mind blowing 👽

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Luke Belmar 👽

TODAY I WILL REVEAL A DATASET book that has been banned on Amazon. 👽🤝 follow the clues I leave and you will become free.

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Luke Belmar 👽


I think this is a read for all of your. However, I have summarized all 7 spiritual laws of success on your behalf.

1 The Law of Pure Potentiality: This law is about the idea that at our core, we are pure consciousness, pure potentiality, and pure love. By quieting our minds and getting in touch with that pure potentiality, we open ourselves up to being the creators of our own lives.

2 The Law of Giving (and Receiving): This law emphasizes the importance of giving and receiving. Life is a flow of giving and receiving, and by giving that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.

3 The Law of Karma (Cause and Effect): The law of karma says that every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in kind. In other words, what we sow is what we reap.

4 The Law of Least Effort: This law speaks to the idea that nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease. When we try less to force outcomes and solutions, we can create more, with less effort.

5 The Law of Intention and Desire: This law is about harnessing the power of intention and desire. When we place our desires into the field of pure potentiality, we harness the universe's infinite organizing power to manifest our desires.

6 The Law of Detachment: The law of detachment is about allowing the universe to handle the details of our desires, and not getting too attached to a specific outcome or how it should look.

7 The Law of Dharma (Purpose in Life): According to this law, we have all been given unique talents and abilities, which we are here to express. By serving humanity with these gifts, we fulfill our dharma or purpose in life.

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Luke Belmar 👽

I’ve decided to give away a year Membership to Capital Club opening this summer.

Most based comment wins 👽🤝👽

Get ready for the Fkn journey fellow glitches. We have only just begun

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Luke Belmar 👽

At 250k I release the greatest Vlog I’ve ever put out. If you have received any value go subscribe because this will blow your mind.

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Luke Belmar 👽

NEW DATASET. This must-read masterpiece on how to write high-converting copy that sells.

When you get the information that only the 1% get you will have a massive advantage in the marketplace. Im giving you all the game. 👽

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Luke Belmar 👽

CAPITAL CLUB DATASET LIVE this week. Details coming soon 👽🤝👽

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Luke Belmar 👽

Going live with Jordan Welch on his channel in 1 hour. Be there. The datasets will be unparalleled. 👽🤝

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Luke Belmar 👽

Confessions of a Central Banker.

A segment from my private interview with the former Governor of the Central Bank of Albania who is now the chairman of the Central Bank of Montenegro.

A Capital Club exclusive. 👽

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Luke Belmar 👽

Datasets Telegram has grown tremendously but many of you have yet to understand the depth of my philosophies.

Whether you’ve read this or not I need you to do so immediately.

Program your mind or someone else will. Do you hear me?

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Luke Belmar 👽

Rule #1 in business.

Don’t overcomplicate shit.

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Luke Belmar 👽


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Luke Belmar 👽

You’re supposed to prepare your umbrella before it rains. Once it rains it’s too late. I can’t make it more clear than this…

Capital Club is your umbrella. Fade my warning and you’ll sit in the storm. Mark my words.

“Luke you’re being dramatic, trying to cast fear.” Only the bots forgot what went down the last 3 years. Where did the virus go?? It’s Fkn gone lol GONE OVERNIGHT!

I made 28M during the pandemic!And you? You think I’m just lucky?

Please… don’t be so naive like the rest of the masses. It’s the survival of the fittest out here, don’t you get it?!

Anyways, that’s enough for now.

Tomorrow I will be revealing a hidden dataset with you.

If you’re poor and disconnected with no network I hope this message makes you lose sleep because your life is on the line. Take it seriously.

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Luke Belmar 👽

Capital Club opens this summer. I hope you’re ready to be unplugged my fellow glitch.

We have only just begun 👽🌱

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Luke Belmar 👽

2019 LEADERSHIP DATASET I wrote when I started scaling my businesses from 4 to 20 employees 👽🌱

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Luke Belmar 👽

DATASET UNLOCKED ^ you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free 👽

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Luke Belmar 👽

YOUTUBE Disabled my ability to monetize my main channel. I had some super sick gifts planned for you guys with the Ad Revenue.

Fuck them lol

Im making the datasets channel my main YT channel. If you havent subscribed I recommend you do because I will be revealing my whole playbook to get to 8 figures a year on that channel.

If you have gained any value from my content just return the favor with a quick little sub. Thanks fellow glitches

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Luke Belmar 👽

Every time I post on IG I pick the best comment that has the most epic dataset and I give a free 1 year membership to Capital Club.

Just like & comment it’s very simple my fellow glitch

Coming this summer. Are you ready to be unplugged? 👽👽

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Luke Belmar 👽


Set your alarms. Don’t get distracted

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Luke Belmar 👽

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Luke Belmar 👽

If you got jabbed you better start doing your research so you don’t get scammed again. Everything the gov says is a lie. When will you understand this?

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Luke Belmar 👽


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Luke Belmar 👽

Others interview dropshippers but at Capital Club I interview people that print the money supply of the world.

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Luke Belmar 👽

DATASET COMING TODAY. This is what you get for free. Just imagine when Capital Club launches this summer 👽

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Luke Belmar 👽

“eCom doesn’t work anymore” 🤦‍♂️ this is the biggest bullshit cope in the world. Those people are just low IQ.

I’m headed to Singapore this week to interview a guy that does 20M per month in sales in e-commerce.

You’ll have access to his datasets inside Capital Club. I’m not bringing you little millionaires I’m bringing you 9 figure monsters… you’ve seen nothing yet :)

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Luke Belmar 👽

Understand how society is being programmed so you don’t fall for the same traps.

Ex KGB Operative explains how brainwashing works.

This is a must watch my fellow Glitch 👽

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Luke Belmar 👽


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Luke Belmar 👽

IDGAF how you get rich. Get rich and get out of the system fast. You have to become a glitch or you will remain a bot.

If you don’t understand where the world is headed you will soon be found back in 2020 where many of you were FORCED to get jabbed against your will. You don’t think it’s coming again? Really?!?

In 2019 I launched Capital Club because I was able to predict the evolution of A.I. and how it’ll inevitably be used to enslave most of humanity.

The two things A.I. will never replace are community and personal development.

When your currency is worth zero, who will you turn to?

When your government locks you down again, where will you go?

Capital Club is coming this summer.

Be ready… or don’t. I don’t care.

Your $1 a day will have zero impact on the quality of my life. Sometimes I even ask myself why tf am I doing this… but to whom much is given much is required.

A glitch knows the way, goes the way, and then he shows the way. 👽

I hope you’re ready to be unplugged

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Luke Belmar 👽


Best comment gets lifetime access to CC this summer.

Are you ready to be unplugged?

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Luke Belmar 👽

You must wake up from the programming.

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