Talk and help about bugbounty
Long term or temporary ones? AK..... long term, use Pacu and try to do some situational awareness and find out what you can do, on the other hand, temporary keys, unless you got them by assuming a role, They might probably be already expired.
Читать полностью…I recommend anyone new or struggling to try this out. I have taken 7 so far and its worth every penny. Be a master yourself and stop getting confused
Читать полностью…Guys anyone know how to convert pdf code to pdf Document
Читать полностью…If You can solve without walkthrough then your are master. 😉
Читать полностью…How much you practice more you become stronger... try both
Читать полностью…does intigriti have labs or you mean programs on intigriti?
Читать полностью…Вот вам половина чек листа по Пентесту) (Попозже скину вторую половину)
This will come in p5 if you don't show much of the impact like reverse shell
Читать полностью…Try to play with extension, maybe you will get something out of it
Читать полностью…I was able to upload any kind of restricted file to aws cloud of the target domain
Does anyone know how to upload a shell or gain rce from this !
I tried uploading php file but it displays the code inside it
Hey, listen. I've prepared a full course on bug bounty with over 80 high-quality videos, but I have absolutely no idea how to sell it. If anyone can help me sell this, please DM me. I'm willing to share 50-50.
Читать полностью…hello! Operator 'IN' requires two operands. <—- sql injection?
Читать полностью…Yes i did it...but what i mean is how to convert stream to pdf if get a stream object code
Читать полностью…I have got a pdf stream i want to conveet it into pdf document
Читать полностью…This is unbelievably insanely dope.
this week is gonna be good.
Читать полностью…is it better to test skills on live bug bounty targets rather than searching for xss challenges?
Читать полностью…I want to test my XSS skills. Any good challenges after / other than Portswigger, Pico ctf, Hacker101?
Читать полностью…на целый
Offering private classes in Ethical Hacking, Bug Bounty, Pen Testing, etc… for anyone who’s interested! DM if you have any questions or visit my website:
I tried ssrf with the aws ip for the meta info it shows nothing
Читать полностью…any workaround for this??
payload : <script/src=“my.xss.domain”>
Читать полностью…cracked softwares are considered more secure than original softwares ??
Читать полностью…The chance to get it is lower than 1% but it worth 10 min trying
Читать полностью…