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You find dups regardless of the tool or manual test you do if someone came first 🤷♂
Читать полностью…I agree. There is nothing better than manual when it comes this. The only way I’d ever use a manual process is when trying different payloads for a specific function like xss or path traversal with intruder
Читать полностью…A 6yo old kid will find less false positive than automated tool 🔧
Читать полностью…U cannot achive more than xss or some flase positive or maybe some intentional bugs which aren't eligible for a bounty
Читать полностью…Hello all please help me, I just bought a vps and running nuclei but I found information like this on nuclei Templates clustered: 1194 (Reduced 1133 Requests) Is yours also like that?
Читать полностью…In admin page on a specific directory fuzz as much as you can headers params cookies... chance of 80% u will get somewhere ro analyze more
Читать полностью…Possible ways to bypass WAF specifically for SSRF
Читать полностью…Как же мы все любим Битрикс, обожаем просто , рай для хакеров
Читать полностью…Vulnerabilities. You would obviously need to show how it’s vulnerable though. So for example, you stumble across a reflected xss, just do a recording of a non damaging tag like the alert. Don’t actually inject a damaging payload
Читать полностью…You arent testing thousands of hosts manually tho, nuclei is one of the best tools out there to scale big numbers
Читать полностью…There are a lot of paid template u can not imagine how they work and still useless
Читать полностью…Do you think I can report that I can inject code into HTTP headers and reflect them because the TRACE method is enabled? Does anyone know if I can achieve an impact from this? I have seen reports that justify the impact because it can be stored in logs or cause some XSS at another point in the application.
Читать полностью…Try injecting internal port on Host: header like or Host:localhost
Читать полностью…Ideas to bypass Django panel admin authentication?
Читать полностью…During the testing of a domain, i accidently found its subdomain which was the server page. Where it was mentioning:
Welc9me to nginx!
If you see this page the nginx server is successfully installefld and working.
Now when i try to acces
It gives 403. Even i tried for /%2ehtaccess but still it is blocking. Now what should i try?
#bitrix 🚨🚨🚨
Уязвимость модуля landing системы управления содержимым сайтов (CMS) 1С-Битрикс: Управление, позволяющая нарушителю выполнить команды ОС на уязвимом узле, получить контроль над ресурсами и проникнуть во внутреннюю сеть.
Bitrix > 23.850.0
RCE, CVSS 10/10
Удаляем модуль landing, если не используется. Обновляем до версии 23.850.0 и выше, если используется.
Че, пацаны, анимэ?
And in this jason admin directory i get some email transaction id and bcrypt hashed password but the password can't cracked so can i report that information disclosure or broken access control and another question does it high vulnerability
Читать полностью…hello guys i am studying bug bounty and networking for 1 year so does hacker1 pay me by finding vulnerabilities or it need exploitation
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