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Bug bounty chat

I found a system process which deletes a directory controlled by an unprivileged user, can this be exploited using symlink ?

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Bug bounty chat

all of them (except uber) are vdps.

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Bug bounty chat

Hi , what are the public programms have a big scope ?

IBM AND AT&T a lot of hackers scan it

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Bug bounty chat

you can change the duration of subdomain enumeration by changing the number after 'sleep' in this command to your custom seconds

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Bug bounty chat

amass enum -d google.com -o subdomains.txt & sleep 60 ; grep -oE '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}' subdomains.txt

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Bug bounty chat

another custom command, which waits for some seconds for subdomain enumeration in background and then lists out only the subdomains without any additional information

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Bug bounty chat

amass enum -d google.com | grep -Eo '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}' > subdomains.txt

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Bug bounty chat

Not Amas can't do all of that

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Bug bounty chat

ehsahil/recon-my-way-82b7e5f62e21" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/@ehsahil/recon-my-way-82b7e5f62e21

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Bug bounty chat

amass enum -d google.com -o subdomains.txt | grep -Eo '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}' subdomains.txt

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Bug bounty chat

Do I have to create a subdomain.txt file first?

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Bug bounty chat

amass enum -d google.com | grep -Eo '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}' subdomains.txt

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Bug bounty chat

Please tell me a good subdomain finder tool other than subfinder

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Bug bounty chat

Can I become your friend

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Bug bounty chat

If all you do is running default nuclei, the tool isnt the problem

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Bug bounty chat

Goldman Sachs is eligible for bounty with 50 in-scope (sub)domains. That's not big scope.

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Bug bounty chat

gm ford , (maybe uber)

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Bug bounty chat

by default it waits for 60 seconds ( if you copy paste this command)

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Bug bounty chat

This should work for sure

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Bug bounty chat

you have control on 'for how much time, subdomain enumeration should go on before handing out the clean output of only subdomain names'

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Bug bounty chat

amass enum -d google.com | grep -Eo '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}'

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Bug bounty chat

-o subdomain.txt delete

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Bug bounty chat

amass enum -d google.com -o subdomains.txt
grep -Eo '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}' subdomains.txt > subdomains_filtered.txt

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Bug bounty chat

just make an empty file then type those commands

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Bug bounty chat

here's rewritten command:

amass enum -d google.com -o subdomains.txt | grep -Eo '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}' subdomains.txt

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Bug bounty chat

amass enum -d google.com | grep -Eo '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}' subdomains.txt
grep: subdomains.txt: No such file or directory

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Bug bounty chat

try this:

amass enum -d google.com | grep -Eo '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}' subdomains.txt

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Bug bounty chat

Help me, I want to find Subdo with amass How do I enter the correct command so that only subdomains are displayed

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Bug bounty chat

I guess you are new to the field

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Bug bounty chat

Chance of duplicate is lower than 10% on manuel test. Nuclei and any automation tool is higher than 90%

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