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Bug bounty chat

In Google Cloud Where is the main "Wordlist" of DirSearch !!?

It's not in share or lib or etc .!

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Bug bounty chat

Any idea on how to exploit CVE-2022–42889?

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Bug bounty chat

Don't just end the test when u got 200 Ok look for any difference in the response time or application behavior and try to imagine what is happening on the back-end

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Bug bounty chat

Did you try SQL injection?

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Bug bounty chat

Anyone want tryhackme voucher or hackthebox DM me

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Bug bounty chat

Where is that please

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Bug bounty chat

If you make the necessary contact, they can help you via tweet. There are currently 2 trainings available and you can easily become a web3 bug bounter.

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Bug bounty chat


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Bug bounty chat

Hey @headhunter7676 I hunt on hackerone and I've good knowledge about web security, pentesting etc. But I'm thinking about shifting to web3 because of the high rewards and low competition. Can you give me some advice? Is it worth to take this decision or continue with what i am good at?

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Bug bounty chat

Do you work in marketing in hackenproof?

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Bug bounty chat

hackenproof a web3 bug bounty platform

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Bug bounty chat

From here @h4npa

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Bug bounty chat


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Bug bounty chat

What are the things to consider when hunting on login page that passes the credentials in JSON format? I don’t have the credentials and the forgot password functionality required a valid email. I tried passing different values in the json parameter but didn’t work. Im still a new to the field so maybe im missing something i need to look into?

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Bug bounty chat

hey can you help find xxe on it

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Bug bounty chat

Any good tutorial on CBC bit flipping

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Bug bounty chat


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Bug bounty chat

Try adding ' see if it does anything different

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Bug bounty chat

I am pentesting a website
And it have a login page for workers login
If we type any email id not belongs to its database it will throw an error saying email id not recognised
And it only have a input box to enter email address.and a submit button

And it have a hidden password field
A parameter is passing in post request also named "hidden_pw"

Is any way to expolit

I have tried email ennumeration but it has rate limit implimented .any one help me to understand the purpose of this parameter

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Bug bounty chat

I'm interested in web3 bug hunting
what resources can you share to help me

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Bug bounty chat

Hello all
I have a question: how to test the xpath inj parameter. I searched a lot on Google but did not get any results
Aws waf

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Bug bounty chat

Thanks man! Is it very difficult? I can only dedicate like an hour everyday as i have studies too and i work part time! Will it be enough to hit my first web3 bounty in a few months?

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Bug bounty chat

Hello friend, web3 companies are more generous in these matters. If you can visit the hackenproof website on this subject, you will find a few courses and many bug bounty awards.

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Bug bounty chat

I am working hacken turkey team lead

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Bug bounty chat

Rewards vary depending on the degree of error.

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Bug bounty chat

I am working at hackenproff

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Bug bounty chat

Anyone wants Jason haddix The bug hunter course please DM

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Bug bounty chat

hello guys if the apps can be signed by the thirdparty apps. is this considered a valid bug?

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Bug bounty chat

or we can collab on bugcrowd

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Bug bounty chat

hlo i find this i don't how to fruther exploit it


here this article about it

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