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A visual demonstration of bridge construction in 14th-century Prague.
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A KLM stewardess with an AR-10 rifle at shooting practice before polar flights, 1959. The rifle was issued in case of an emergency landing on the ice and the appearance of polar bears.
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A Victorian shoe fitting device. The seller can only see the ankle, he cannot look under the skirt or meet the lady’s gaze.
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Unlike the modern trend of tanning, pre-revolutionary young ladies preferred an “interesting paleness” of the face, which was especially valued at balls. To achieve this, the day before the ball, girls ate almost nothing, tightened their corsets as much as possible, ate chalk, and even drank diluted vinegar.
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Reconstruction of methods for countering attacks with a longsword based on illustrations from a 14th-century fencing manual in Italy.
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Transportation of a drilling rig base. United Kingdom, 1980s.
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A 23-year-old man who defected from the communists to the South Vietnamese government was captured by the Viet Cong and spent a month in a concentration camp, where he was deliberately starved.
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A jaguar skull with a green jade bead in its mouth was buried as part of a ritual offering at the Templo Mayor in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán. It is now kept in the Templo Mayor Museum in Mexico City.
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Grandma overseeing the moonshine distillation process. USSR, 1980s. Back then, this could result in up to 3 years in prison.
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Bombing of the Japanese port of Kobe by American aviation.
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A hunter with the head of the bear he killed. Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, USA, 1957.
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After the war, Messerschmitt, instead of fighter planes, produced these three-wheeled cars in 1954.
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Refugees on a train fleeing from North Korea to the south, escaping advancing communist forces from the north, December 1950.
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A man on Hemskerk Beach, Netherlands, is fined for wearing a bathing suit that was deemed too revealing.
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German knightly armor of the 16th century
The work of armorers from Brunswick, Augsburg, Nuremberg.
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A Swedish dollhouse from 1912.
Four stories high, it featured a working elevator powered by a metal clock mechanism, electric lighting in all rooms, a ringing telephone, a miniature typewriter, a sewing machine, and a chandelier. It could accommodate 30 dolls. Created by John Carlsson for his younger sister.
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They were deliberately not given enough food, thus stimulating them to steal it. However, those who were caught faced flogging.
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Tom Torlino, a Navajo Native American, before enrolling in the Carlisle Indian Industrial School (1882) and after three years of education there. This school was one of several founded by the federal government to assimilate Native American children into "white" culture.
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The patent sketch for toilet paper, created by inventor Seth Wheeler, is dated December 22, 1891.
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Eye paint was typically green (made from copper) or black (made from lead). Egyptians believed that makeup had healing properties. Initially, makeup in Egypt was used as protection against the sun's rays and only secondarily as decoration.
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The decision to ban such events was made due to the shocking behavior of the crowd: before the execution, people were noisy and unruly, and afterward, they tried to break through the cordon to soak their handkerchiefs in the blood of the executed man.
This scene left such a strong impression that the President of France banned public executions, stating that they awaken base instincts rather than deter crime.
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In the province of Mardin, in southeastern Turkey, a Roman villa with remnants of a once-luxurious mosaic was discovered.
A fairly large fragment of it has been well preserved: two large fish (only the head of one remains), an octopus, mussels, eels, and a heron that seemingly came to feast on the sea delicacies can be seen.
The total area of the mosaic is approximately 100 square meters. It was likely created in the 5th-7th centuries.
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A British serviceman stands at the grave of his compatriot who died in an air battle. The inscription written in German translates as follows: "Here lies an unknown English lieutenant who died in an air battle, 14.06.1941." In the background, the tail and part of the fuselage of a British bomber of American production, the "Maryland" (Martin Maryland), can be seen.
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This remained the case until those two cars somehow found each other across 88,000 square miles and collided, effectively reducing the total number of cars in Ohio to zero.
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He was the one who invented the roundabout, the one-way street, the "pedestrian safety island," and designated taxi stands. He also designed the pedestrian crossing sign and the "STOP" sign.
Remarkably, he never drove a car.
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The parents of fifteen-year-old Dorothy Counts teach her to ignore hair-pulling and cigarette smoke blown in her face. Dorothy was the first Black student at Harry Harding High School in Charlotte, North Carolina, where desegregation began in 1957.
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The first football match between the teams "Real Madrid" and "Barcelona."
Spain, 1929.
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The fight ended with the death of 39 fans.
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