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American aviator Jacqueline Cochran with a Northrop Gamma airplane. Later, in 1953, she became the first woman pilot to break the sound barrier, and in 1964, the first woman pilot to exceed twice the speed of sound.
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The first book printed on a printing press was the Bible. This event, which took place in 1455, marked a revolution in the history of printing.
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A nanny shelters children in a cupboard during a German air raid, London, 1942.
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The Orient Express.
A luxury passenger train operated by the private company Orient-Express Hotels, running between Paris and Constantinople from 1883 to 1977.
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Women shaved bald as punishment for alleged collaboration with German occupiers, 1944.
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A gold ring with an integrated sundial and compass. Germany, 1570.
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A soldier who survived the horrors of war. Vietnam, 1966. After jumping from the plane, he witnessed the aircraft fly beneath his parachute and crash into a mountain.
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A basket bearer of a London market, England, 1930.
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Marilyn Monroe with fan letters, 1952.
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Marie Skłodowska-Curie – the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize, the first person to receive a Nobel Prize twice, and the only person to be awarded Nobel Prizes in two different sciences.
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Max Factor taking measurements of actress Marjorie Reynolds using his invented "beauty micrometer," 1934.
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The crew members of the Space Shuttle Challenger, smiling as they board, planning to carry out another mission in orbit.
Just 73 seconds after liftoff, Challenger broke apart, killing them all. January 28, 1986.
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Rally "I Am Proud of My Gay Son." New York, 1974.
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On the business card of American gangster Al Capone, it was written "furniture dealer," although he was involved in smuggling, pimping, and gambling. Despite everyone knowing him as a mobster, the authorities could not gather evidence of his criminal activities and were only able to arrest Al Capone on charges of tax evasion.
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An Inca skull with a gold plate implant over 500 years old, found in Peru.
It is evident that the surgery was successful, as the plate partially fused with the skull, indicating the patient survived and lived for several years after the operation.
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A column of retreating Iraqis bombed by American forces.
Kuwait, 1991.
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Due to the high sulfur vapor content in the air on the Izu Islands, people had to wear gas masks to survive.
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The first American underground nuclear test. Nevada, USA, September 19, 1957.
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At first glance, this photograph seems quite ordinary. But just seconds after the photo was taken, a bomb exploded in the car on the right, killing nearly everyone around, including the photographer. The attack claimed 29 lives.
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According to various estimates, between 70,000 and 200,000 people were shot at Babi Yar from 1941 to 1943.
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One of the ancient Talmud books with illustrations that seem to be from another world...
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At the end of 2001, a tomb of giant proportions was discovered near the Sahara.
Many valuable resources were excavated, but the most frightening discovery was yet to come. In the enormous sarcophagi, mummies of non-human size were found. Their height exceeded 3 meters, and their weight was over 120 kilograms. The exact age could not be determined, but researchers speculate that the giant is over 3,000 years old.
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London after the German raid – "The Battle of Britain," 1940.
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Ancient people carved columns for structures directly from the rock.
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After inspecting the home and marveling at its beauty, Diogenes approached the host and spat in his face, stating that it was the dirtiest place he could find.
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Boxing is a ruthless sport.
French lightweight European champion of the 1920s, Fred Bretonnel.
On the left, he is 16; on the right, 23.
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