A collapsed freeway after a 6.7 magnitude earthquake in Los Angeles, California. 57 people died, and the earthquake caused $20 billion in damage.
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In 1944, due to the war, all alcohol stores were closed for more than three months.
The photo shows a line for strong spirits in Oulu after the stores reopened on December 12, 1944.
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Marlene Dietrich was detained at a train station in Paris for wearing men's trousers, 1933.
A law prohibiting women from wearing pants was in effect in France until 2013 (although it was not enforced in the last few decades).
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He spoke 39 languages fluently and could understand almost as many, despite never leaving Italy. Once, he learned a new language in one night just to hear the confession of a foreign criminal sentenced to death the next morning.
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Such tickets were widely used in the 18th and 19th centuries. Students purchased the tickets from their instructor. The money from ticket sales was used to pay the instructor, the body snatcher, and for the rental of the space.
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Offices of the Central Social Institution in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1937.
It was the largest vertical document storage in the world. The archivists' desks were elevators that could rise, descend, and move sideways.
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The astronomical clock in the Cathedral of Saint John in Besançon, 19th century.
It has a complex and precise mechanism consisting of over 30,000 parts and 11 moving components. The 57 dials display numerous parameters: the date, the season, the time of day, the movement of the planets, solar and lunar eclipses, solstices, tide hours in various ports, Easter dates, and day and night hours in different cities.
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The Cadillac Coupe Deville is a car produced by the American company Cadillac, a division of General Motors, released in 1958.
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Eva Braun's sister threw a burning cigarette into the ashtray and sat on it, as Hitler forbade smoking in his presence. Hitler noticed this and decided to make a joke. He approached her and asked her to explain the rules of the game in detail. The next morning, Eva, having learned everything from Hitler, asked her sister, "How's the situation with the blisters from the burns on your backside?"
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The "Cadillac Motor Car Company" was founded by engineer Henry Leland and entrepreneur William Murphy in August 1902. The brand's name refers to the founder of Detroit, Marquis Antoine Laumet de La Mothe Cadillac.
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The armored gloves of Emperor Maximilian I of the Holy Roman Empire, late 15th century.
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A girl sees her father for the first time — a German soldier returning home after World War II.
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An American advertisement from the 19th century for the sale of slaves: "For sale, a cargo of 94 prime, healthy Negroes: 39 men, 15 boys, 24 women, and 16 girls. Just arrived on the brigantine 'Dembia.'"
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Matador Álvaro Munero, in the midst of a fight, suddenly sat at the edge of the arena in remorse.
Later, in an interview, Álvaro admitted: "Suddenly, I saw not horns, but the eyes of the bull. He was just standing in front of me, looking, not trying to attack. In his eyes, full of innocence, with which animals face the world, I saw a plea for help. Reading this, I felt like the worst creature on earth and stopped the fight. After that, I became a vegetarian and began to fight against bullfighting."
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George Willig climbs the South Tower of the World Trade Center in 1977. It took him 3.5 hours to reach the roof, where he was arrested and fined one dollar and ten cents — one penny for each floor.
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Hitler was charged with treason for his involvement in the failed coup attempt in 1923, known as the "Beer Hall Putsch." This photograph was taken shortly after Hitler finished dictating his book "Mein Kampf" to Rudolf Hess.
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Civil War veteran Yakov Miller lived with an open bullet wound on his forehead.
"Seventeen years after the injury, a shard came out of the wound, and after 31 years, two more pieces of lead fell out."
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Yuri Gagarin is driving through London in a "Rolls-Royce" with a number plate composed of his initials and the number one, as a tribute to the first astronaut in history.
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In 1901, photographer C.C. Pierce took a portrait of a young Hopi girl living in an Arizona reservation. This girl wore a traditional hairstyle known as the "pumpkin blossom curl," which was worn by unmarried Hopi women.
Why do you think photographers of the early 20th century were interested in indigenous culture?
👍 - To preserve the memory of traditions.
❤️ - For exoticism and interesting stories.
⚡️ - For research in ethnography and anthropology.
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A cartoon in an American magazine from 1939 after the division of Poland between the USSR and Nazi Germany.
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