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CherishOS For Vince

Where did you get Cherish on Android 14? It hasn't been posted yet

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CherishOS For Vince

Hey there 先生~, and welcome to CherishOS For Vince! How are you?

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CherishOS For Vince

Hey there BlacKWid, and welcome to CherishOS For Vince! How are you?

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CherishOS For Vince

Hey there Akun, and welcome to CherishOS For Vince! How are you?

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CherishOS For Vince

Hey there Aloo, and welcome to CherishOS For Vince! How are you?

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CherishOS For Vince

Hey there Dynamic, and welcome to CherishOS For Vince! How are you?

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CherishOS For Vince

what recovery should i use for vince?

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CherishOS For Vince

Hey there Jihad Mohammed, and welcome to CherishOS For Vince! How are you?

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CherishOS For Vince

Режиме ожидания продержался 13 дней, а телефону 6 лет

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CherishOS For Vince

Да хочу перейти на 14 андроид

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CherishOS For Vince

Я имею в виду ты 14 андроид протестить хочешь?

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CherishOS For Vince

Ты использовать будешь?

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CherishOS For Vince

Ясен пень она работать будет плохо

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CherishOS For Vince

Дальше не пускает...

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CherishOS For Vince

Спарк и октавиос пока молчат

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CherishOS For Vince

Im getting sudden freezing on latest a14 vince

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CherishOS For Vince

Hey there Aza Store, and welcome to CherishOS For Vince! How are you?

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CherishOS For Vince

Tell me when is expected working firmware 5.0?

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CherishOS For Vince

Hey there Aloo, and welcome to CherishOS For Vince! How are you?

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CherishOS For Vince

Hey there 大姐别撕我自己脱, and welcome to CherishOS For Vince! How are you?

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CherishOS For Vince

Hey there hospot, and welcome to CherishOS For Vince! How are you?

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CherishOS For Vince

List of notes in CherishOS For Vince:
- gapps
- screenshot
- screenshots
- ss
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename, or #notename

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CherishOS For Vince

Не проходит проверку но так все работает

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CherishOS For Vince

Перешел на LG V50 а редми 5 плюс остался для опытов

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CherishOS For Vince

Если редмиком пользоваться то только на 13м андроиде

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CherishOS For Vince

Как если дальше не пускает...?

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CherishOS For Vince

Если вовсе работать будет

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CherishOS For Vince

Это ты на черешне 5.0?

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CherishOS For Vince

Что там за последний маленький файл от 7 числа ?

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CherishOS For Vince

Если это начальная настройка то проигнорируй и потом попробуй еще раз

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