Full-Time Engineer, Part-Time Citizen Journalist | Support: http://buymeacoffee.com/ChiefNerd | Platforms: http://ChiefNerd.id
👀 Would Chris Cuomo Vote for Trump in 2024?
CUOMO: "As Patrick says, the data is the data. Nobody was trying to kill us when Trump was President in a way that they're not now. If anything, there's more hostility."
PBD: "So you're open to a Trump vote?"
CUOMO: "I am always open. And I'll tell you this, people say, 'Oh, bullsh*t. You've never voted for Republican in your life.' Wrong. And not only have I, the first vote I ever cast was for a Republican."
NOW - Shellenberger: "US and UK military contractors" deployed "sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics... against the American people."
TUCKER: “Trump made it possible to make the case, ‘Hey this isn’t good for us. I’m against foreign adventurism. I’m against the neo-con program BECAUSE I love America’…He made that case. No one had ever done that before.”
🎯 Elon Musk Explains Why the First Amendment is Critical
“As soon as you sort of throw in the towel and concede to censorship, it is only a matter of time before someone censors you. And that is why we have the First Amendment.”
🚩 Dr. Peter Hotez Says Experts Are Predicting 'Disease X' is Coming Which Will Be Worse Than COVID-19
"We have a likelihood that new pandemic threats that people call 'Disease X' are going to be arising on a regular basis...I wrote for the Houston Chronicle a couple of months back that COVID-19 is just the warm up act."
'They Have F*cking No Cards': Joe Rogan & Dr. Shawn Baker on the DNC's Strategy for 2024
"I think at this point they kind of have to run [Biden], unless he dies...I think they have f*cking no cards and they're looking at this game and I think they're depending upon party loyalty and they're depending upon Trump getting convicted and imprisoned...I don't know if that's going to happen. I don't think it is. It just seems like it's a bunch of trumped up charges...It's bananas. The valuation of the property is so obvious, so off what it should be. $18 million for Mar-a-Lago? I'd f*cking buy it. I'd f*cking buy it immediately."
🚩 Dr. Shawn Baker Exposes a New USDA Study Aiming to Normalize Ultra-Processed Foods
"They showed that they could make a diet that's 91% ultra-processed foods and still be 'healthy'...It's positioning us as a society to accept that ultra-processed foods are our food...It's almost sinister in a way...That shows you how captured our food industry really is."
Top WHO Consultant Who Works for US Intelligence Helped Downplay COVID Lab Leak Theory: Official
“Adrienne Keen was an advocate for zoonosis, or the idea that COVID-19 comes from animals, even though no animal has been identified as the origin years after the disease first appeared.
Mr. DiNanno, who helped efforts to probe the COVID-19 origins, said he learned later that Ms. Keen held a job with the World Health Organization (WHO), which is part of the United Nations (UN).
Ms. Keen is listed on LinkedIn as holding multiple positions, including being a consultant for WHO, director for global health security for the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and an adviser for the U.S. State Department.”
Full Story: https://bit.ly/3R3QETD
NOW – Thousands of Auto Dealers Are Urging Biden to Slow the EV Mandate: 'Consumers Don't Want Them'
"This is thousands of dealerships that represent multiple brands. Not just one brand, domestic, international brands, and all across the board...We're now backed up to 12 months with EVs. Consumers don't want them. They're not buying them. We have up to $15,000 in rebates from the manufacturer and $7,500 tax credits. We're talking $22,500."
NEW - Mark Cuban Is Selling Majority Interest of Dallas Mavericks, Worth Around $3.5B, to Casino Tycoon Miriam Adelson
Cuban purchased the Mavs for $285M in 2000 🤯
Ric Flair Breaks Down Sharing the Tragic Details of Discovering His Son After His Drug Overdose
“It’s so easy for these doctors to say you got to let them bottom out, kick ‘em to the curb…When he died I wasn’t there because I kicked him out…I don’t know what’s worse.”
Benjamin Netanyahu & Elon Musk Discuss Israel's Fight Against Hamas Live on Twitter Spaces
"Remember that what Israel suffered on this ignominious day of October 7th was proportionately like twenty 9/11's. So when people say make a ceasefire and Hamas says, 'If we're still around, we're going to do it again and again and again.' That's a direct quote…So obviously we can't do that any more than America would make a ceasefire with Al-Qaeda after 9/11, and this is twenty 9/11's so they have to go and they will go...Then I think we can build a different future with the Palestinians."
🚩 The White House is Now Treating Some Negative Stories About Biden’s Economy as ‘Misinformation’
“Olive’s video about a $16 McDonald’s order went viral, racking up hundreds of thousands of views…Some economists think these kinds of comments are not just wrong but dangerous…These economists fear that these exaggerated stories will ultimately lead to a worse outcome — perhaps helping Trump win reelection…The White House official said the administration is working with TikTok creators to tell positive stories of Biden’s economic stewardship, while also working with social media platforms to counter misinformation.”
🔥 Dana White Says He Replaced the Pelotons in His Gym w/ Another Brand That Supports Free Speech
"What I don't like is when you have a company or a group of people...coming in and telling you what to do with your f*cking business. 'You need to do this and you need to do that, or we're going to pull our sponsorship.' Well, you can pull your sponsorship and you can take every f*cking dollar of your money and roll it up into a little ball and you can shove it right up your f*cking a**. That's what you can do."
NEW – Minnesota-Duluth Football Player Reed Ryan Dies at 22 of Cardiac Arrest Following a Workout
"His coach believes his heart suddenly stopped in the weight room...Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death for young athletes."
👀 Dave Smith & Tucker Carlson on the Financial Corruption Within the Central Intelligence Agency
"We were personally partied to...current CIA officers, who are paying millions of dollars for very expensive real estate...We sold our house once to a CIA officer for all this money. And the question is where do they get all this money? You're a federal employee. Where'd you get $4 million or $12 million?...Leaving aside the assassinations and the subversion of democracy, just the pure financial corruption of the CIA is a mind blowing story that the average person knows nothing about."
MUSK: “The judge is the public.”
SORKIN: “And you think that the public is going to say that Disney is making a mistake?”
MUSK: “Yes.”
SORKIN: “And they’re going to boycott Disney?”
MUSK: “They already are.”
🔥 Elon Musk Says He’s Definitely Not Voting for Biden or Nikki Haley
“I’m not voting for some pro-censorship candidate”
💥Elon Musk has a message for all the corporations pulling ad money from X:
"If someone is going to try to blackmail me with advertising… blackmail me with money… Go fuck yourself. GO. FUCK, YOURSELF! Is that clear? I hope it is." 🔥🔥
NEW – Taylor Swift Class Launches at Harvard University in 2024
"It's called 'Taylor Swift and Her World' and will focus on the songwriter's lyrics and creative composition and how they're connected to other poets and authors...News of the course is already blowing up social media. An estimated 300 students have already enrolled."
Dr. Shawn Baker: “I had a gal who worked for one of the major food manufacturing companies...she was a chemist and her job was to design food to be as addictive as possible. She literally told me that. She goes, ‘I can no longer live with the guilt, and I want to come work for you guys.’”
Joe Rogan & Dr. Shawn Baker on the COVID Madness: 'This Cannot Happen Again'
"This guy named Greg Anderson – he was a Special Operations Army Ranger, 15 tours overseas. Comes back as a Seattle cop during the pandemic and they're like, 'Hey, you need to go arrest this lady for doing people's nails at her home.' And he's like, 'I'm not doing that. This is total bullshit.' And he made a video, and it went viral. And the Seattle Police Commissioner said, 'Hey Greg, we agree in principle with what you're saying, but you got to take down that video.' And he just said, 'No, f*ck you. I'm not going to do it.' So they fired him. And so he got a GoFundMe page and he raised a bunch of money, and he opened a jiu-jitsu studio in a CrossFit Gym. He's like, 'I make more money now as a jiu-jitsu guy than I ever did as a cop.'"
The Daily Wire Co-Founder Jeremy Boreing Shares What It Was Like Working With Hollywood Elites
"I was sitting in one of the biggest studios with a fairly prominent actor...pitching a series that we had written and wanted to have picked up...The president of that studio took the meeting...He says, 'Yeah guys, this is fine. Who's the babe?'...I said, 'How about this gal? That's kind of who we were thinking.' He was like, 'No, I've already f*cked her."
A Texas Teacher at Rowlett High School Snapped Today Telling Students:
“I’m tired of being g**damn disrespected every g**damn day”
Vaccinated People More Likely to Suffer Blood Disorders, Ear Disease: Studies
“Researchers in South Korea analyzed data from the Korean National Health Insurance Service to examine whether vaccinated or unvaccinated people had experienced higher rates of dozens of adverse events, including menstrual disorder, ear disease, and aplastic anemia.
They found that vaccination increased the risk of many of the adverse events or health conditions.
In one study, for instance, they found that the incidence rates of 13 immune-related nonfatal adverse events (irAEs) were higher among the vaccinated. The nonfatal problems included menstrual disorder, bruising, tinnitus, inner ear disease, middle ear disease, and other ear disease.
‘Vaccination significantly increased the risks of non-fatal irAEs,’ Dr. Eun Mi Chun, with Ewha Womans University's School of Medicine, and the co-authors wrote.”
Full Story: https://bit.ly/47TkKjn
China Seeks More Clinics to Cope With Surge of Respiratory Illnesses in Children
“At the core of the concerns is whether novel pathogens have emerged in the recent illnesses. On Nov. 22, the WHO asked Beijing for detailed information, noting that the media and ProMed, a public health surveillance system run by the International Society for Infectious Diseases, reported clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia among children in China.
The regime’s claim that mycoplasma pneumoniae was behind the recent spike has already met with skepticism, with residents saying that they tested negative for mycoplasma.
‘I suspect that this is not mycoplasma pneumonia because I have tried all kinds of drugs that are used to treat mycoplasma pneumonia, but none of them works,’ a pediatric doctor in Beijing who was infected himself and asked to be referred to as Wang Hua, told The Epoch Times earlier this month.”
Full Story: https://bit.ly/410GAPJ
Elon is bringing up Pizzagate 👀🍿
👀 Johns Hopkins Climate Scientist Calls Out the Agenda of Scientific Journals: 'I Designed My Research to Sound Catastrophic'
"When you go to Nature and you submit your paper, you submit a cover letter with it and it tells you right there on their website, this is a chance for you to sell your paper. And then one of their main editorial reasons for rejection is a paper is it's not high impact enough, meaning that it's not worthy of attention or general interest enough.
Everyone in the field knows that Science and Nature and these high impact journals want kind of dramatic results. And so naturally people kind of frame their research questions in that direction.
There's kind of a social construction to a lot of this."
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls for the COVID Select Committee to Investigate the COVID Vaccines
“This committee has a lot of doctors on it and I’ve requested over and over again to investigate the vaccines…I believe people when they say they’ve suffered terrible vaccine injuries and I believe people when they say they’ve lost family members due to the vaccines.
I was particularly intrigued listening to Dr. Biss explain the serious problems for women with menstrual cycles, miscarriages, pregnancies, and so forth.”