Merry Christmas! 🥳🎉️🎄️🎁️🎅️☃️❄️
Читать полностью…I hope, You soon release Your delusion and live a healthier, more free and peaceful life. I am not your enemy. I am not taking your job, your life etc. We can live peacefully together. We share the same roots. You helped me and then I helped You. You can decide to ignore. It's Your choice. I respect It 🙏🕊 🦄
Читать полностью…I restored access to my LinkedIn
Читать полностью…LinkedIn just banned me without any email or notice which says about violation of rules or "suspicious activity". And when I try to connect to LinkedIn with my credentials, the site simply dismantle requests to LinkedIn. They just silently blocked my profile. Idk why. But the ban seems to be implemented on proxy side with sorta blacklist by IP and/or some details of request like cookies.
Читать полностью…A: "Pandemic lockdowns are coming in the next 6 months."
B: "Dude, they will never enforce lockdowns. This is a past thing. Chill out!"
This is a notable example of where language has limitations. Though language is easiest form to exchange this message.
#blog #thoughts #language #philosophy
From my old saved texts on PC:
7chan /b/
17/10/16 15:11
Hi, anon! Someone sent me this palabre over e-mail. He presented himself as Pete Anderson. I tried to search for authors of this name, but I have not found anything. I'm interested in, which existing philosophy does the text resemble. Here's his e-mail:
"Hi, Mark! I am Pete Anderson. Hope, you're doing well! I was delving into transcriptions of old Hittite and Luwian texts. And I found this text of unknown origin, it was located in the same batch as the transcription of Illuyanka:
"four creatures,
5100 BCE,
During my walk on the lake, I was talking with an imaginable creature. Which appears to be an angel. I talked with him about what is the difference between free and slave person. He offered me to imagine a bottle and a landscape. Bottle uses its water for different actions. We went through different stages of differences:
1) "Free" bottle moves. "Slave" bottle does not move.
2) "Free" bottle moves in different directions. "Slave" bottle moves in one direction.
3) "Free" bottle moves, builds new walls and crashes existing walls. "Slave" bottle only moves.
4) "Free" bottle moves, builds, crashes and makes building and crashing more efficient. "Slave" bottle moves, builds new walls with only a clay and crashes walls with only a stone stick.
5) "Free" bottle moves, builds, crashes, optimizes, records and reuses information on his clay with stone stick. "Slave" bottle only moves, builds, crashes and tries to find "best" solution.
6) "Free" bottle moves, builds, crashes, optimizes, records, reuses information and uses walls for recording. "Slave" bottle doesn't see walls as recording mean.
7) "Free" bottle learns from past sucked bottle. "Slave" bottle starts from scratch every time.
8) "Free" bottle knows: its capacity is limited for water, and it grows something different for extra capacity. "Slave" bottle only recharges water.
9) "Free" bottle is focused on life. "Slave" bottle is focused on easy-to-follow frames or comfort zone.
10) "Free" bottle rests. "Slave" bottle is busy every time.
So this is how I can determine difference between the "free" and the "slave".
Then I asked The Angel about what's the difference between the "good" and the "evil". If they can do the same things in different contexts. The Angel said me something like:
- The Good is free and harmonic. The evil destroys itself and tries to survive at the same time.
- But isn't the evil harmonic if it can keep the same level of life with different means?
- Harmony is eternal. It is about finding a balance between your qualia and surroundings. Self-destruction with survival is not eternal. It's limiting. Harmony and limiting are different things.
- How does harmony come in pair with freedom if harmony also poses constraints?
- You can live healthy and peaceful life with unlimited journey and creation. And you don't need to have more power or money, than you need to achieve for this. This is what about this dichotomy.
- So The Good lives life and creates value for themselves and then for others? And the evil is limited in beliefs so it tries to limit others to survive? So others can also be drained into the same game?
- Yes. You are right.
- Isn't utilizing resources of Nature a destruction for survival?
- No.
- Why?
- They can be utilized for growth. Like child grows in size to adult person. And a single hut which looked like a palace, starts to look like a cage.
- So The Good grows until free harmonic eternity is achieved? And the evil deludes itself by false beliefs into eternity of their limited image?
- Yes.
- But other conscious beings can also be utilized as resources.
- Then they're not conscious beings. They're fully controlled items like minerals or cattle. Conscious beings brings the Harmony and the Freedom.
- So The Good works on par with other conscious beings to grow? And the evil tries to destroy conscious beings to extract resources for its survival?
- Yes.
- Can the evil be a shadow of The Good? And this shadow deludes itself, that it's worth the same and even greater than
Настроил подключение по ssh over i2p в локалку хакерспейса по этой статье.
Часов через пять старый OpenBSD/i386 лэптоп перегреется и зависнет, но пока можно кричать «I am in», словно я ЭмСи Райд.
Но на практике все очень медленно оказалось, как читка mc cherep из фитов с бабангидой.
Quantum meme. I used to know guys who had sophisticated and whimsical projections of expansion of quasi-random walk, which played a significant role in a convergence or divergence of life as a form of systemic existence to ergodicity. You are too stupid to understand, gozhim.
Читать полностью…I had a weird dream. I saw an old interface of DeviantArt. This good ol' and cute greenish thing. All the website had it. I miss it. I miss good ol' Instagram with its quirky and cozy interface and couple of creative hipster guys with vibes of true green economy. I miss times when "diversity" meant a variety of cool, cute, creative and free things. Not that stinky, weak, jealous and stupid clown garbage...
Читать полностью…In the context of how culture and memes are different from core values, there's one interesting question. Why the heck is React used for static websites and small widgets, if simpler tools like plain JS+CSS are more adequate fits for them?
#web #programming #softwareengineering #frontend #react #blog
I found this aphorism in the same notes with the story about free and slave bottle:
"Bad Idealist idealizes everything. Good Idealist idealizes like a child.
Bad Nihilist lacks any core values or principles. Good Nihilist criticizes and adapts like a child.
Bad Stoicist is rude and arrogant. Good Stoicist is courage like a child.
Bad Materialist explains everything from physical perspective. Good Materialist reduces to physics like a child."
Читать полностью…I love this slice of Software Engineering cake!
Читать полностью…^^^ They blocked me with my Brave footprint lol ^^^
Читать полностью…Original Agile is not a horse-raced assembly line. Original Agile is a flexibility of work and organization.
#blog #thoughts #agile #work #organization
This is true societal equality based on adiabatic equilibrium. Unlike woke, marxist, technocratic or pseudo-green (large wind and solar farms and carbon taxes) goyslop.
Читать полностью…The Good?
- Yes. You're right.
- I understand you. Why the evil exists then?
- It exists to understand The Good. The Good learns All The Life. To achieve The Harmony and The Freedom. While the evil portrays All The World as a perfect sphere, which can be easily predicted and controlled.
- I understand you.
Then I walked out of the forest back to the home. The Angel said:
- We are walking through the people. I keep you. So that you look easy while dreaming. Today you have a rest and dreaming mind because you underslept. That's ok. Later you will sleep well and be in more hurry for your path.""
Читать полностью…Post-cyberpunk web vs modern web
Читать полностью…Psychopathic and schizophrenic thugs with ICQ below 130 won't understand it
#graphs #computation
^^^ Probably that's somehow related to ergodic economy ^^^
Читать полностью…I'm still interested in what are good use cases of Golang web frameworks, which are popularized recently. Even so: what are good use cases of web framework in back-end, if routing, WebSocket, database etc. APIs are enough for average application. In which way do they level up a complexity from classic MVC to another level, in which MVC could be encapsulated in one thing without increasing consumption of computing resources at expense of processing of client requests? I worked with web frameworks like Django. And I feel that I work with MVC boilerplate with routing, WS etc. libraries in same convenient but freer fashion.
#programming #softwareengineering #backend #go #golang #web #webdevelopment #webframework #thoughts #blog
Go has made initialization of tuples in some convenient way.
#programnming #golang #blog
This is the 27th year of a long journey.
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#forum #engine #programming #software #web
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