Art, music, photos, and memes I like. #patterns = photos I took
"I love second Monday, work is gonna be great today!"
POV: you committed to a recording format that would be less received than Betamax
This probably belong on Working Man Memes
We used to be a proper country
Hey pig piggy pig pig pig, all of my fears came true
I love Mondays.Back to the office, no more nagging portfolio.
Those who know...know.
They lie to us about our past and our history
"I like Reuben sammichs"
America will live on in ways we can't imagine
Exploring other planets...with my slow loris.
"It's still fucking MONDAY you coont!"
We're just normal men.
Gotta stay healthy folks
Bum Farto fans devastated
Blofeld came to pick me up in this and I had to tell him I'm taking my own ride.
Thank you for subscribing.
*has a Bucee's brisket sammich once
RIP Jack Karlson. May you enjoy a succulent Chinese meal in Heaven!
Wonder how MEINSWEEPER is doing
There is no exit at the end of the internet.
Totally doing this to when I see him
The last thing a Kurdish tenant sees when he's late on rent
"It's lemonade you heartless prick"
The country once ran on guys like this
Gonna wear these around town.
Happy birthday Gary Gygax
"We're just normal men, We're just innocent men"
The donut maiden awaits me after I die in battle (breakroom at work from stress induced aneurysm)