Notable literature and documents of interest to students of rightist and dissident politics. Searchable by title, author and keyword. Updated on ad hoc basis.
Neema Parvini, "The Boomer Truth Regime", Chronicles Magazine, Vol. 25 No. 2 (February 2025) pp 16-20
Читать полностью…BAC Year in Review: 2024 (British Australian Community, 2025)
Читать полностью…Reminder
- last batch of the inaugural issue of the Observer & Review are available at Sidestream Press.
👉🏻 R. J. Stove, "Regicide and Revolution: Portugal 1908-1910"
👉🏻 Barry Spurr, "Can Great Poetry survive the Post-revolutionary West?"
👉🏻 Edwin Dyga, "Prospects for Paleoconservatism"
👉🏻 Krzysztof Karoń, "Conclusions from the History of Anticulture"
👉🏻 Richard Kouchoo, "Australian Positivism and Infringement on Human Rights: a Brief Overview"
Books reviewed:
📚 Russell Kirk, America's British Culture
📚 Nick Land, The Dark Enlightenment
📚 F. Roger Devlin, Sexual Utopia in Power
📚 Clinton Fernandes, Subimperial Power
📚 Geoff McDonald, Red Over Black
🔊 Issue No 3 is forthcoming from the printers, soon.
Latest issue of the Observer & Review is now available at Sidestream Press:
Correspondence from Paul Gottfried, Alastair Paynter
👉🏻 Edwin Dyga, "Cinema as Symptom and Vehicle of Social Reëngineering: a Japanese Study"
👉🏻 Gregory Butler, "China and the West: Whose Competitive Advantage? The Metanarratives of Engagement and Liberalisation"
👉🏻 Frank Salter, "Multiculturalism as Majority Anglo Strategy"
👉🏻 Zybura & Zgierski, "Is 'Cultural Marxism' a 'Conspiracy Theory' or a Political Reality?"
👉🏻 Luke Torrisi, "The Tangible and Utopia: Thomas Molnar's Critique of Utopia and the Use of Private Property"
Books reviewed:
📚T. S. Eliot, After Strange Gods
📚Jun’ichirō Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows
📚Semmelweis, Jack Kerouac and the Decline of the West
📚Grafton Tanner, The Circle of the Snake: Nostalgia & Utopia
📚Salter & Richardson, Anglophobia: the Unrecognised Hatred
📚Names Redacted, Strategic Consequences of Chinese RacismLimited stock
John Murray Cuddihy, The Ordeal Of Civility: Freud, Marc, Lévy-Strauss and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity (New York: Delta, 1974)
Читать полностью…Seymour M. Hersh, The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy (New York: Random House, 1991)
Читать полностью…⚠️ ANNOUNCEMENT ⚠️
Friends and supporters of the STF may be interested in this new project by Sidestream Press, the Observer & Review, in which we, and various allied organisations, are promoted.
🔊 Two issues are now available for purchase (latest is on pre-order):
👉🏻 Issue No. 1 (shop link)
👉🏻 Issue No. 2 (shop link)
Guzi He, "Hate Speech for Thee, But Not for Me" Chronicles Vol. 47 No. 11 (November 2023) pp. 38-39.
Читать полностью…Richard Hilton, Imperial Obituary: The Mysterious Death of the British Empire (Britons Publishing Company, 1968).pdf
Читать полностью…Richard Lynn, The Global Bell Curve: Race, IQ and Inequality Worldwide (Washington Summit Publishers, 2008)
Читать полностью…👉🏻 Leaked data from a private Discord chatroom, belonging to a coalition of various antifascist organizations. It is provided here care of the anti-White hate monitor the William McKinley Institute. For more information: /channel/justicereport/2240
Читать полностью…Harley Price, "The Great Conservative Death Wish" Chronicles Vol. 47 No. 2 (February 2023) pp. 10-15.
Читать полностью…Savitri Devi, Essai-Critique sur Théophile Kaïris (Doctoral thesis, University of Lyon, 1931)
Читать полностью…Bonaventure Hinwood, Race: The Reflections of a Theologian ([retyped text document] Herder, 1964)
Читать полностью…Julius Epstein, Operation Keelhaul: the Story of Forced Repatriation from 1944 to the Present (Devin-Adair Company, 1973)
Читать полностью…"Things We Won't Say About Race That Are True", Vicki Cooper (dir.), (Channel Four, 2015)
Читать полностью…Lorem Ipsum, Lifting the Veil on the "White Rose Society Australia" (The National Group, n.d.)
Читать полностью…Pam Nilan, Young People and The Far Right (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)
Читать полностью…Replacement Migration: Is it A Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations? ESA/P/WP.160 (Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat, 21 March 2000)
Читать полностью…James Burnham, The Web of Subversion (New York: John Day, 1954)
Читать полностью…As Admin hasn't added anything new to this archive in a while, we thought you might be interested in this new journal, which has great book reviews. It's worth having a look at this new project.
Читать полностью…We interrupt our usual programme to bring you a short interview with an author who has been "cancelled" since "before it was cool". You will find two of his books above.
Читать полностью…Frank Salter, The Voice Referendum: a Statement on Behalf of the British Australian Community (Quadrant Books, 2023)
Читать полностью…John R. Baker, Race (Oxford University Press, 1974)
Читать полностью…Peter Brimelow, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster (Harper Perennial, n.d.)
Читать полностью…Christopher Joliffe, "The Unmaking of Australia and the New Monoculture" Quadrant Vol. 67 No. 7/8 (July/August 2023) pp. 16-20.
Читать полностью…Joseph Sobran, “Pensées: Notes for the Reactionary of Tomorrow” National Review (31 December 1985) pp. 23-58
Читать полностью…Carl G. Jung, The Red Book: Liber Novus, Sonu Shamdasani (ed.) Ulrich Hoenri (pref.) Mark Kyburz and Sonu Shamdasani (trans.) (W. W. Norton & Company, 2009)
Читать полностью…Joseph Scotchie, Writing on the Southern Front: Authentic Conservatism for Our Time (Routledge, 2018)
Читать полностью…Antonio Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebooks, Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith (eds., trans.) (1st ed., 11th print; International Publishers, 1992 [1971])
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