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Notable literature and documents of interest to students of rightist and dissident politics. Searchable by title, author and keyword. Updated on ad hoc basis.

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Closed Reserve 📚

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large (Bruce Publishing Co., 1943)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Leonard W. Doob (ed.), Ezra Pound Speaking: Radio Speeches of World War II Contributions in American studies No 37 (Greenwood Press, 1978)

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Closed Reserve 📚

[authors censored], The Strategic Consequences of Chinese Racism: A Strategic Asymmetry for the United States (US Department of Defence, 2013)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Harold Saltzman, Race War in High School: the Ten Year Destruction of Franklin K. Lane High School in Brooklyn (Arlington House, 1972)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Michael Anton, "Unprecedented" The New Criterion Vol. 40 No. 4 (December 2021) pp. 4-11.

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Closed Reserve 📚

Firstness Journal No. 3 (2021)

👉🏻 Joel Davis
👉🏻 Thomas777
👉🏻 Josh Neal
👉🏻 Marcus Cunningham
👉🏻 Adam Katz
👉🏻 Aaron Hunter
👉🏻 Frederick Boreas
👉🏻 Owen Gilbride
👉🏻 Jim Bonner

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Closed Reserve 📚

Jason Harding and Ronald Schuchard (eds.), The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot Vol. 4 English Lion 1930 - 1933 (Johns Hopkins, 2015)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Anthony Cuda and Ronald Schuchard (eds.), The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot Vol. 2 The Perfect Critic 1919 - 1926 (Johns Hopkins, 2014)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Rachel Aviv, "An Experiment in Abuse" The New Yorker (26 July 2021)

⚠️ "In Germany, foster children were placed in the care of pedophiles for decades. The program was government-approved - how was it allowed to happen?"

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Closed Reserve 📚

John Francis Devanny Jr., "Remembering John C. Calhoun" Chronicles Vol.45 issue 10 (October 2021) pp. 22-24.

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Closed Reserve 📚

Brian R Schefke, "Morality and Materialism: American Conservatives and Science, 1945-1964" (PhD Thesis, Oregon State University, 2001)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Philip Gavin Griffiths, “The Making of White Australia: Ruling Class Agendas, 1876-1888” (PhD Thesis; Australian National University, 2006)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? (Zero Books, 2009)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Asylum, Issue 1 (2021)

👉🏻 Giles Hoffmann
👉🏻 Conrad Black
👉🏻 Charles Haywood
👉🏻 The Fat Nutritionist
👉🏻 Raw Egg Nationalist
👉🏻 Bronze Age Pervert

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Closed Reserve 📚

"Comrade Max", "The Impotence of the Left" in Essential Juche Works 주체 (Red Flame Press, undated [extract dated 2020]) pp. 175-177.

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Closed Reserve 📚

Muhammad Ahsan, "The Meta-Politics of the British Radical Right: The Case of Jonathan Bowden" Journal of European Studies Vol. 34 No. 1 (2018)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Phyllis Schlafly, A Choice Not an Echo (PDF ed.; [1964])

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Closed Reserve 📚

Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung Steve H. Hanke, "A Literature Review and Meta-analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on Covid-19 Mortality" Studies in Applied Economics No. 200 (John Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, January 2022)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Pedro Gonzalez, "Waukesha Massacre Undermined the Charlottesville Myth" Chronicles Vol. 46 No. 1 (January 2022)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Patrick McDermott, "White Politics and Secession in South Africa" The Occidental Quarterly Vol. 21 No. 1 (Spring 2021) pp 77-89.

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Closed Reserve 📚

Firstness Journal No. 2 (2021)

👉🏻 Joel Davis
👉🏻 Chris Bond
👉🏻 Owen Gilbride
👉🏻 Adam Katz
👉🏻 Frederick Boreas
👉🏻 Adam Katz

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Closed Reserve 📚

Frances Dickey, Jennifer Formichelli and Ronald Schuchard (eds.), The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot Vol. 3 Literature, Politics, Belief 1927 - 1929 (Johns Hopkins, 2015)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Jewel Spears Brooker and Ronald Schuchard (eds.), The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot Vol. 1 Apprentice Years 1905 - 1918 (Johns Hopkins, 2014)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Nicholas Horthy, A Life for Hungary: Memoirs, Andrew L. Simon (annotated) (Simon Publications, 2000 [1957])

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Closed Reserve 📚

Hilaire du Berrier, Background to Betrayal: the Tragedy of Vietnam (Western Islands, 1965)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Jim Saleam, “The Other Radicalism - An Inquiry into Contemporary Australian Extreme Right Ideology Politics and Organisation 1975-1995” (PhD Thesis, University of Sydney, 1999)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Charles Bloomberg, Christian-Nationalism and the Rise of the Afrikaner Broederbond in South Africa 1918-48 Saul Dubow (ed.) (Macmillan, 1990)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Wilbur Joseph Cash, The Mind of the South (Alfred A Knopf, 1941)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Firstness Journal No. 1 (2021)

👉🏻 Joel Davis
👉🏻 Adam Katz
👉🏻 Aaron Hunter
👉🏻 Marcus Cunningham

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Closed Reserve 📚

Kim Jong Il, "The Idea of a Multinational, Multiracial Society Means Destruction of the Korean Nation" reprinted in Essential Juche Works 주체 (Red Flame Press, undated [extract orig. pub. 27 April 2006 from Rodong Sinmun]) pp. 171-174.

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