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Notable literature and documents of interest to students of rightist and dissident politics. Searchable by title, author and keyword. Updated on ad hoc basis.

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Closed Reserve 📚

Paul Gottfried, Introduction, A Paleoconservative Anthology (Lexington Books, 2023) pp. 1-15.

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Closed Reserve 📚

Paul Gottfried, "Conservative Gatekeeping" Chronicles Magazine Vol. 47 No. 2 (February 2023) pp. 6-8.

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Closed Reserve 📚

👆🏻 Yes it's true, see for yourself in the uploaded PDF of the book.

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Closed Reserve 📚

Gerald J. Russello, The Postmodern Imagination of Russell Kirk (University of Missouri Press, 2007)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Neville Meaney, "Britishness and Australian identity: The problem of nationalism in Australian history and historiography" Australian Historical Studies Vol. 32 No. 116 (2001) pp. 76–90

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Closed Reserve 📚

Stanley G Payne, "The Myth of the Spanish Civil War" Chronicles Magazine Vol. 46 No. 11 (November 2022) pp. 14-17

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Closed Reserve 📚

Baiba Irving, "The Nationalist Party 1919 - 1930 Organisation and Ideology" (Doctoral Thesis, Sydney University, 1972)

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Closed Reserve 📚

In a departure from our uploading policy (ie we only post books here) we have forwarded this talk only because it contains a very useful reading recommendation for students of politics.

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Closed Reserve 📚

Diana H Windham, "Striving for Natural Fitness: Eugenics in Australia 1910s to 1930s" (PhD Thesis, University of Sydney, 1996)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Steven B. Smith, "Lincoln and the Problem of 'Towering Genius'" (n.d.)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Jack Trotter, "Remembering Mircea Eliade: Historian of the Sacred and the Profane" Chronicles Vol. 46 No. 8 (August, 2022) pp. 20-24

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Closed Reserve 📚

Ezra Pound, ABC of Economics (Faber and Faber, 1933)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Wyndham Lewis (ed.), Blast No 2 (2015)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Tom van Iersel, Tom de Smedt, Olivier Cauberghs, Silvia Jaki and Pierre Voué, Handbook of Hate Memes (St. Lucas School of Arts Antwerp and the EOOH, 2022)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Leftism From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse (Arlington House, 1974)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Harley Price, "The Great Conservative Death Wish" Chronicles Magazine Vol. 47 No. 2 (February 2023) pp. 10-15.

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Closed Reserve 📚

Harry Scherer, "The Faces of January 6" The American Conservative Vol. 22 No. 1 (January February 2023) pp. 41-45

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Closed Reserve 📚

Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin, Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male (9th print; W. B. Saunders Company, 1949 [1948])

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Closed Reserve 📚

Andrew Leigh, "Trust, Inequality and Ethnic Homogeneity" Discussion Paper No. 511 of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (Australian National University, 2006)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Daniel McCarthy, "Remembering Michael Oakshott: Against Rationalistic Politics" Chronicles Magazine Vol. 46 No. 11 (November 2022) pp. 18-21

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Closed Reserve 📚

Carroll Quigly, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in our Time (Angriff Press, 1974 [1966])

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Closed Reserve 📚

👉🏻 Christopher Saint-German, The Dialogue in English between a Doctor of Divinities and a Student of the Laws of England (corr. imp., with additions; London, UK: Company of Stationers, 1623)

👉🏻 Christopher Saint-German, The Doctor and Student, or The Dialogue in English between a Doctor of Divinities and a Student of the Laws of England, Containing the Grounds of those Laws together with Questions and Cases concerning the Equity thereof, William Muchall (ed.) (rev. corr. ed., with additions; Cincinnati, USA: Robert Clarke & Co, 1874)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Luke Torrisi, one of our Senior Fellows at the STF, hosted by the Macquarie University Liberal Club on Sunday, 6 Nov. 2022.

👉🏻 Why there are no conservative political parties.
👉🏻 Laissez faire incompatible with traditionalism.
👉🏻 Neoconservatism and Paleoconservatism.
👉🏻 The importants of the transcendent and enduring moral orders.
👉🏻 Electoral politics vs. the nature of conservatism as a belief and disposition.
👉🏻 The particular vs. the abstract.
👉🏻 The importants of identity and Identitarianism and its status in in the Anglosphere.
👉🏻 Usury and natural law.
👉🏻 The apprehension of Truth and transcendentalism.
👉🏻 Reading recommendations.

📖 The work of Kirk, Burke, Gottfried, Cannavan, Evola, Voegelin, Bradbury, Nisbit, Panichas, Sobran, Minogue, Belloc, Chesterton, Scruton, Oakshot, Bradford and others mentioned...

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Closed Reserve 📚

Alleged leak of the names of Russian draftees intended to reinforce troops in Eastern Ukraine, as per President Putin's recent order.

Source: /channel/CIG_telegram/23322

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Closed Reserve 📚

Costin Vlad Alamariu, "The Problem of Tyranny and Philosophy in the Thought of Plato and Nietzsche" (Doctoral Thesis, Yale University, 2015)

👉🏻 Author pseudonym "Bronze Age Pervert".

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Closed Reserve 📚

Balaji Srinivasan, The Network State (PDF ed.; n.d.)

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Closed Reserve 📚

Ezra Pound, ABC of Reading (Faber and Faber, 1991 [1934])

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Closed Reserve 📚

Wyndham Lewis (ed.), Blast No1 (2014)

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Closed Reserve 📚

⚠️ ⚖️ Leaked: initial draft of an upcoming decision of the US Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade:

Per Justice Alito, Thomas E Dobbs, State Health Officer of Mississipi Department of Health et al, Petitioners v Jackson Women's Health Organisation et al (No. 19-1392).

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Closed Reserve 📚

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Liberty or Equality The Challenge of Our Time (Caxton Printers, 1952)

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