If you are part of this channel but you haven't joined the CMM Warriors Club, YOU SHOULD.
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- Ideas
- Thoughts
- Life Experiences
- Self Improvement Journey
- Anything you want to talk about
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Let's go Warriors💪🏻!!
You win and lose most of your battles in your mind.
That's why mastering your thoughts is the key to mastering your life.
The Power Of Visualisation is NO Joke.
Spend 10 minutes a day visualising your goals
When life gets overwhelming, you lose focus on your goals.
Visualise your goals and:
• Plan your next step
• Track your daily progress
• Figure out solutions for your mistakes
You will be able to achieve your goals faster.
Put yourself out there.
Get uncomfortable.
Lose until you win.
Giving up is NOT an option.
Men who prioritise:
• Getting in shape
• Making money
• Honing their skills
, rarely have time to be depressed.
They are too busy trying to WIN in life.
Just Hit 300,000 Followers,
which means 300,000 people decided to trust me on their journey to become the best version of themselves & achieve Self-Mastery.
Day by day CMM family is growing STRONGER 💪
I will never let you guys down!!
Strong men are masculine.
Strong women are feminine.
Do you understand why they want men to turn feminine & women to behave masculine?
They want you WEAK.
They call masculinity 'toxic' until:
Wars need to be fought.
Buildings need to be built.
Food needs to be put on the table.
Money is POWER.
It gives you the ability to walk away from people and situations you don't like.
Saying "mOnEy iSn'T eVeRyThInG" is just a COPE.
Money isn't EVIL. Lack of Money is.
Most people commit crimes just to earn money.
And money doesn't make you evil, it just amplifies your personality.
If you are a bad person, you'll do more bad things once you have money.
If you are a good person, you'll do more good things once you have money.
Hating money is a BROKE mindset.
If you keep hating on money and rich people, you will never be able to become one yourself.
Lesson: Stop believing money is EVIL & start loving MONEY but don't be overly greedy.
With that said, Happy Sunday CMM WARRIORS💪
Keep Grinding & Crushing your Goals⚔️
If you want people to trust you, show consistency in your efforts.
Nobody believes a guy who is all talk, no show.
Comfort zone destroys your potential.
If you truly want to become the best version of yourself, get out of your comfort zone.
Only then will you realise your true STRENGTH.
There is a cause for everything.
Nothing happens without a cause.
There is nothing accidental about your life events.
You are the one who is responsible.
Your Actions.
Every challenge..
Every hardship..
Every trial..
..is a step towards an unbreakable YOU.
Keep moving forward and remember your strength.
Never Forget:
The things that hurt you the most are the things that will get you ahead the most, too.
As a man, it's your duty to become the:
• Fittest
• Richest
• Smartest, you can be.
Become the first high-value man in your bloodline.
Give a man pleasure and he will forget his goals.
Give a man pain and heartbreak, the beast within him will conquer the world.
Never take advice from someone who is not living the life you want.
The biggest mistake you can make is listening to losers.
Listen to winners, not losers.
Success is reserved for warriors.
If you can't handle the battles, you'll never taste victory.
That's LIFE.
Whether it's:
• Pain
• Suffering
• Indecision
The only cure?
Action is the only thing that can solve your problems & cure FEAR.
Jordan Peterson once said:
"If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of."