In order to ensure the normal development of the embryo, experts have developed a method for supplying calcium to the embryo. This is done with calcium lactate and distilled water. Oxygen is also needed, and it is supplied in its pure form.
Fireflies have special cells with a substance called luciferin in their bodies. When this substance combines with oxygen, it produces a glow.
The open stomata of the Ash Tree.
To live, plants must absorb carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis and draw water from the soil. They do both with the help of stomata, pores on the leaf surface surrounded by closing cells that open and close these stomata.
A camera flash on a wet web causes a rainbow effect and makes the spider glow
A little hermit crayfish found a house.
A funny fact: when a hermit crayfish grows up and goes in search of a new home, its shell goes to a congener in the chain. That is, he leaves his shell to the largest crayfish after him, they leave it to others, and thus the chain of movements is started.
The larva of the Curetis acuta butterfly has a strange shape. When they are angry or frightened, they shoot pom-poms
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"Wool" of the emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri).
Their plumage density is the highest of all birds. This fluffy armor allows them to maintain a constant body temperature (at 38°C) both on extremely frosty land and in icy water.
Meet the Horsehead Grasshopper (Pseudoproscopia latirostris), family Proscopiidae
Sting wasp under a microscope
On the sting we can see two drops of poison. Wasp venom is a cocktail of many different active molecules, some destroy cell membranes, others destroy tissues, and some stimulate the sensation of pain. These and a few other molecules with different effects (not very pleasant) are what make a wasp sting so painful, however, unless you're allergic, a single wasp sting should be relatively harmless to humans.
One neuron is trying to connect to the Neron network - this is an electrically excitable cell that is designed to receive, process, store, transmit and output information
Thus, when you learn something new, the structure of the brain changes. By the way, yes, now you also have another change.
Flea enlarged by 20 times
They are deaf and nearly blind, oriented by smell and heat. Fleas can live without food for up to 3 months, but as soon as they find a food source, they attack immediately.
The falling drop is cut with a thin (0.1 mm) wire.
The time between the first and last frame is about three thousandths of a second.