The smallest house in the world, assembled in a vacuum chamber of a scanning electron microscope. The size of the house is only 20 micrometers.
The sting of an ordinary mosquito in an electron microscope (x1000 magnification).
Nothing out of the ordinary, just the wasps got into the dining room and decided to drag the sausage out of the dough.
A cute female jumping spider just jumped on you. I think she wants hugs.
The grandest phenomenon in the world of insects is the migration of monarch butterflies to Mexico.
The total number of migratory individuals reaches 50 million. Up to 100 thousand individuals can accumulate on one tree.
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Morning procedures of a spider-jumper's
For people, these spiders are completely harmless!
Acne gland is a small mite that lives in human skin, often causing blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid).
In the second photo - the "tails" of ticks and an eyelash.
Terrible paw of an ant
Paw of an ant in a scanning electron microscope (size 0.2 mm).
A dragon head grasshopper cleans its paws.
Cleaning your paws is a must. Since this grasshopper is a predator, food particles accumulate on its paws, and they must be removed so that the victim does not slip out.
Color scanning electron micrograph of plaque (pink) on a tooth. The plaque consists of a film of bacteria embedded in a glycoprotein matrix. The matrix is formed from bacterial secretions and saliva.
In the dry regions of Africa, the praying mantis Phyllocrania paradoxa is found on shrubs and trees. This ghost praying mantis imitates a withered leaf in shape and color. Its upper wings look like dry leaves, and the "folds" on the wings are actually pigmented. The color of the insect changes between molts, and also depends on the level of light and humidity: at low humidity and high temperature, the praying mantis is dark brown, and at high humidity and low temperature it turns green.