Here is a way to test your fruit and veggies, if they are gmo. GMO plants swim on their own in salt water!
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This is HAARP in action over Turkey on February 6, 2023, just before the earthquake.
The wave ring of light emitted from the frequency represents the wave motion of an underground earthquake.
These are weather weapons being used on the populace.
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Universal drink against all diseases
| Nutritious Healthy No Sugar Tasty and Easy Smoothie
You need:
9-12 Almonds
7-8 Cashews Nuts
6-8 Pistachios
6-7 Dates
(Soak Overnight)
2 cup Milk
1 Banana
Ice Cubes
Cinnamon powder
Bless you 🙏🏻
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Whether or not you pay any attention to the lighting overhead, the lighting may be paying such close attention to you.
Don’t place any Amazon tech products In your home, they are operating as surveillance devices and communicating to each other via 5G technology.
The 21st century’s “black gold” is data. This microwave radiation-emitting spider web will allow Big Data/Big Telecom and Big Brother to capture what happens inside and outside every person at every moment of life.
5G has almost nothing to do with improving your lives; it’s all about controlling your life, marketing products, and harvesting your data for Artificial Intelligence purposes.
Next time you want to go and buy a "smart" device, remember the device is not the product, you are.
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Here's how your Smart TV provides access to the government psychos & their agencies view into your room and listen through the mic in the Smart TV.
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Stephen Hawking confirming humans can't travel in space due to cosmic radiation. If that's the case it proves the moon landings were a hoax.
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Coconut oil and MCT to repair brain cells.🧠
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In "space" on minus 270 degrees, with canvas doors.
Well, they could have made a little effort to make it more believable, instead of using mosquito nets as doors.
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GMO Patented chemical Epicyte is designed to make men and women infertile.
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“My that this “citric acid” is the basis of cancer. When my dad got cancer I learned many facts…go look up SV40. Also, most cancer starts as candida then turns into It is introduced to the body as black mold, turns to candida...then to cancer. Well what I learned is that there are virus & other “things” in the vaccines besides the main active ingredients (that’s where the SV40 comes in). Anyways, citric acid appears to be the mold that starts it.”
“When the words "citric acid" appear on a ingredient list, many believe it comes from limes / lemons. The truth is citric acid is poison & comes from genetically modified black mold. Hiding known toxins in food for the masses to consume is actually a form of spiritual warfare carried out by evil forces in a direct attempt to lower the population's vitality & natural vibrational frequency.”
- Connecting Consciousness
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Plants you can grow at your home and their Best uses
Dandelion - Liver -Jaundice, hepatitis, enlarged liver, Arthritis.
Mallow - Constipation, Gangrene, Ulcer, Leaky Gut, Acid reflux.
Milk Thistle - Liver diseases-Jaundice, hepatitis B, biliousness, Cirrhosis, Gilbert syndrome (excess bilirubin).
Sage - Candidiasis, difficult menses, cold, typhoid, ADHD, night sweat, tonsillitis.
Usnea - Sinusitis, Pneumonia, Leucorrhoea, UTI, Malaria, cystitis.
Primrose - Bronchitis, cramps, headache, muscle spasm, paralysis.
Peppermint - hangover, migraine, headache, abdomen distension, indigestion, genital herpes.
Echinacea - bacterial infection, sore throat, snake bite, AIDS, Angina.
Lemon Balm - Peptic ulcers, Acid reflux, wounds, stings, anxiety, hyperthyroid.
Self Heal - Ulcers, wounds, bruises, burns, cuts.
Chickweed - Rheumatism, Psoriasis, Enlarged liver, skin diseases, abscess.
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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Larry Plaevsky, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, and Dr. Lee Merritt discuss the universal antidote (chlorine dioxide) in the last 6 minutes of their weekly show.
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Perverted school board gets bought down beautifully 🔥 they can't come back from this....
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They put pork in everything for a reason… save yourself now…
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the world would be a better place if everybody's kid was like this...
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The truth about the cause of "Gender Dysphoria" - Candice Owens fires off
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Anyone rich coming out and speaking the truth is not to be trusted….
That doesn’t mean we can’t use their truths to wake people up…
Just keep in mind these people are part of the plan… they come out tell the truth look amazing we support them, and defend them…
And then they release the truth about who they really are hoping that we go down with the ship….
So that Normies can say “I told
You so”… and go deeper asleep - nail in the coffin…
This is the game of the elite…
Create people we can hoist up as heroes for telling the truth….
Well the entire time they’ve had plans to use these people to destroy the name of freedom to destroy the name of truth and to destroy our names…
Trust no one, endorse no one….
Always be aware that this is their plan…
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We have been lied to, suppressed and conned by rich globalist money hungry elites.
Water Powered Car in 1974:
- Goes 70 MPH
- Travels over 1000 miles on one tank
- Releases zero pollution
We could be driving water-powered cars but the forces that manipulate humanity would never allow it.
As human consciousness rises, and the control system dissipates, we will see the re-emergence of great technologies like this.
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How to grow a blueberry plant from a single blueberry ♥️
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AFTER THEY RAPED & TORTURED THEM FOR ADRENOCHROME HARVESTING, sold their organs, took their bones (carbon) for making diamonds and delivered their flesh to McDonalds and a lot other „FAST FOOD“ chains!!
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