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This channel is more chatty than helpful gossip night suits it more atleast individual in these group must share there skills free or with price too much knowledge is here among us but no body will do ntng for others
Читать полностью…I’m looking for individuals who are passionate about solving real-world problems and seizing opportunities in unsolved and untapped markets. Whether Lets meet together Connect With me a duo, a trio, or lets meet together and Start innovator, if you're committed and excited about this journey, let’s connect!
Comment below or send me a private message on Telegram if you’re interested. Let's explore how we can build something extraordinary together! 💡
GTA In Real Life Lets Start Business Who Know Comment in Private Message Lets Meet Who Is Serious!
Bro the $ you need for a war is crazy , Considering the heaviness you can imagine how much is needed to keep the ongoing wars
Читать полностью…Ethiopian is in a very hard situation man, they will use the 10.5billion for the ongoing wars and I don't think anyone would like to invest in Ethiopia considering the Instability all around the country .
They better built a healthy ground for business before floating 😒
Like online markets by creating Alibaba and Amazon export ስናደርግ
Developers might become richest communities sasbew remote job in online for other techs profits them
እውነት ነው ፣ አብዛኛው ባለሃብት በብድር ነው ሚንቀሳቀሰው ፣*Already መረጃው ስላለው በተለያዩ Assets ብሩን ተቀይሮአል ።
Читать полностью…No worries ቅጥረኞች ነው ሚጎዱት ንብረት ስሌላቸው🥲በተለይ full-time and government office labours እና መምህራን
Читать полностью…You use the $ for the trade. Hence makes the $ stronger and your currency weaker. They can print back all of the dollar they give us.
Читать полностью…Rich get richer poor get poorer ,
ባለሀብቶች ተበድረው ስንት ነገር አድርገውበታል ፣ ድሃው ይከፍልላቸዋል
The inflation only affects the poor .
I got confusion if we get 10.7 billion dollars from IMF ,we have to give something for imf and what thing is that? or is that like alliance diplomacy ?
Читать полностью…Nah its not its me offering courses also web development full stack is also available, plus graphics designe
Читать полностью…If anybody wants to learn forex trading p2p with free signals dm me 👍Good luck
Читать полностью…አስተማሪ ማርክ የሚሰጠው ብር በከፈልከው ልክ ነው ሚሆነው ሲጠርርበት💀mark my words
Читать полностью…IMF extends US's political interest around the world. It's rarely about the money. The four largest IMF recipients are Argentina, Ukraine, Egypt & Afghanistan. None of them are considered success stories 😂
Читать полностью…What will be the national interest of imf or WB? from this reform ?
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