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The complete audio recording of Richard Spencer’s Vanguard Podcast interview with Bowden, “The Essence of the Left,” has been added to The Jonathan Bowden Archive.
Читать полностью…My favorite part of Eward Luttwak's book Coup d'Etat: A Practical Handbook is his description of the universal "passing out cookies" phase.
Читать полностью…This Saturday on Counter-Currents Radio:
Pox Populi and American Krogan on Being Lost in the Metaverse
Collin Cleary on what Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morality has to teach us about the psychology of the Left, especially about how morality went from being about "good and bad" to "good and evil."
Читать полностью…Spencer J. Quinn reviews Knut Hamsun's Mysteries, a novel about a brilliant yet mentally unstable young man who arrives at a small town in coastal Norway.
Читать полностью…Alain de Benoist on how the holistic society of the Middle Ages began to be broken down by the rise of the marketplace in conjunction with the development of nation-states in Europe.
Читать полностью…Gunnar Alfredsson summarizes a selection of stories from the litany of black criminality that has plagued the United States in recent weeks.
Читать полностью…Jim Goad on the recent drowning death of the Obamas' personal cook, Tafari Campbell, outside their residence in Martha's Vineyard.
Читать полностью…Mark Gullick on the '90s American indie rock band Pavement.
Читать полностью…Asier Abadroa shows how examining the differences in measurable statistics between nations proves that racial biology is the ultimate determining factor of a nation's qualities.
Читать полностью…Alain de Benoist on how liberalism evolved out of Christianity and gradually came to displace the holistic traditional societies that preceded it.
Читать полностью…Beau Albrecht brings us a special Lammas Full Moon report on all the lunacy we're currently seeing among feminists, the People of Capitalization, the LGBTQ crowd, and transsexuals.
Читать полностью…Kenneth Vinther on the fact that the idea that elections force politicians to be accountable to their constituents, or that they lead to governments which reflect the wishes of the average voter, is really nothing more than a folk theory about democracy.
Читать полностью…Margot Metroland commemorates Frederick Weiss, the shadowy German Right-wing activist who lived in New York after World War II and was a friend of Francis Parker Yockey, on the occasion of his 138th birthday.
Читать полностью…A feature film produced by Bowden and also starring him, Venus Flytrap, which is about a misanthropic scientist who wants to replace humans with plants, has been added to The Jonathan Bowden Archive.
Читать полностью…A partial transcript of a BNP stump speech Bowden gave in Liverpool in November 2008, sometimes called "British Power and British Glory" as well as by other titles, has been added to The Jonathan Bowden Archive.
Читать полностью…An update on the Counter-Currents fundraiser, plus Beau Albrecht explains why your support is so important within the larger struggle to take back the narrative and ensure the survival of our people.
Читать полностью…Stephen Paul Foster on how psychiatrists and lawyers came together with angry women to produce the anti-white male regime we have in the United States today.
Читать полностью…Michael Walker's review of Alexander Bätz's Nero: Madness and Truth, a biography of the Roman Emperor that reassesses his legacy as one of history's most notorious tyrants, has been paroled from the paywall.
Читать полностью…The Nobel prizewinning author and man of the Right Knut Hamsun was born on this day in 1859. Find out more about his life and work at Counter-Currents.
Читать полностью…Asier Abadroa concludes his look at measurable differences between nations by showing how this proves that the only valid subject for nationalism is race.
Читать полностью…The second half of Greg Johnson and Richard Houck's discussion and critique of Ted Kaczynski's infamous manifesto, Technological Society and Its Future, has been paroled from the paywall.
Читать полностью…F. Roger Devlin's story of how he came to become a writer for the race-realist Right is now in Czech.
Читать полностью…Alain de Benoist on how the dominance of civilization by the market has transformed human relations, something of which its early theoreticians were already well aware.
Читать полностью…Kerry Bolton's review of Stephen Mitford Goodson's Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd: South Africa’s Greatest Prime Minister is now in Czech.
Читать полностью…A review of a new book by Polish historian Andrzej Nowak which argues that the current conflict in Ukraine is not a clash between the liberal West and the conservative East, but is rather between the concept of a world dominated by nation-states and one dominated by empires.
Читать полностью…Ferenc Almássy describes the Hungarian progressive: how he is different from the progressives of the US and Western Europe, and why he is so useful for Western liberals.
Читать полностью…Jim Goad on Sinéad O’Connor's long history of subjecting the rest of the world to her struggles with mental illness coming to an end with her death, the company that was responsible for last month's Titan submersible disaster now wanting to send 1,000 people to Venus, and the fact that the Ohio school where a white teen was beaten to death last year has not had one student pass the state math exam in the past three years.
Читать полностью…The transcript of Greg Johnson and Richard Houck's discussion and critique Ted Kaczynski's infamous manifesto, Technological Society and Its Future, focusing particularly on Kaczynski's critique of the Left, has been paroled from the paywall.
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