Please stay focused on @COVID19Up-related topics and no spam, hate, porn, racism, personal attacks or politics. Be polite. Speak only English.
I'm sorry that you got confused, it's not my fault. That's the effects of propaganda on you. Anyone who says anything about X is a graphenologist. I simply stated that one part of the Post was true, I don't even comment on the other part of the post, because I don't waste time on propaganda, or on any of that nonsense that is spread incessantly and without proven facts designed by Intelligence services as part of of this war, so that in the dissidents value judgments are made based on suspicions and value judgments with no proven facts as a means to achieve the end they pursue, which is none other than division. But the truth is that the propaganda never had any truth.
Читать полностью…The QUACKS responsible for the Covid mRNA jab Mass Genocide held as 'heroes of mankind' by the Vermin in the Media
Join us 👉/channel/HumanResistanceAllianceHRA
I was promised by "top military intelligence" in this channel there would be zombies
I want my zombiesa
Even just shitty quality control / deviations in production would have resulted in this.
Читать полностью…
Читать полностью…💢 Straight from the horse's mouth. Haters ought to beg forgiveness to every truther they ever ridiculed. Proven right time and time again. Give this some gas and let this little jewel float around the world. This will wake some up.
Читать полностью…
Читать полностью…His info is getting out there. He's toned down his style somewhat so as not to be 'overly' offensive but its still not for everyone. He was doxxed a few years ago for donating to a 'far right' political party so he always runs the prospect of that being used in an attempt to discredit him by opponents.
Читать полностью…I agree it does put some people off but that's the nature of a gloves off, no holds barred appoach. Those that can't handle the rough and tumble of that style of internet discourse are better off over at world council for health.
Читать полностью…He says it like it is but can be extremely professional when needs be as he is here
Читать полностью…Post Vax/Long Covid Congress
Day 1
2:45 Intro from Joachim Gerlach
9:13 Intro from Christie Grace MSc - (Biotech Process and Project Manager)
Lipid Nanoparticle (LNP) Concerns, Charges, Mutations, Plasmids, and Adverse Events
25:45 Post speaker questions Christie
36:52 Presentation from Kevin W McCairn - The SARS-COV-2 Spike Protein: An Engineered PRION Like Incapacitating Agent
1:00:20 Post speaker questions Kevin
1:07:58 Presentation Charles Rixey MBA - SARS-COV-2 & PASC/Long Covid through the prism of Gain of Function Research
1:29:28 Post speaker questions Charles
1:37:40 Presentation Dr Shankara Chetty
2:03:43 Post speaker questions Shankara
2:09:34 Presentation Dr Mannan Baig - Long Covid and the Road to Recovery
2:34:56 Post speaker questions Mannan
2:38:20 Round table talk
3:08:44 Closing points
The US biowarfare project which caused the Covid-19 debacle – Part 6
By Paula Jardine
"THE first of the final links in the chain of events that led up to the Wuhan lockdown and the WHO’s declaration of a pandemic was the refusal of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to fund the EcoHealth Alliance’s DEFUSE proposal because of concerns that it violated the moratorium on gain-of-function research imposed by the administration of President Obama in 2014. The second was the making of the asymptomatic transmission myth.
Purportedly to defuse the threat to humans from bat-borne coronaviruses, Dr Anthony Fauci, then director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) decided to fund the DEFUSE plan himself. To get around the moratorium on such research, the work was outsourced to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) whose researchers were in turn collaborating with the ‘Dr Strangelove’ of this tale, Dr Ralph Baric, the world-leading coronavirus expert based at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
Dr Baric wrote the section of the DEFUSE proposal that gave rise to DARPA’s concerns that it amounted to gain-of-function work. He further assisted Moderna and the NIAID in December 2019 when he was tasked with running the animal testing of their prototype coronavirus vaccine. (The emergency use authorisation of remdesivir as a Covid-19 treatment in May 2020 may have been a reward to Baric for his assistance – he helped to develop it for Gilead Sciences and could well earn royalties on it. One pharmacologist wrote to the BMJ saying it was a drug least likely to be a safe treatment for Covid. Oddly, the WIV also applied for a Chinese patent on remdesivir as a Covid treatment on January 21, 2020.)
In a letter to Congressional Republicans, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), of which NIAID is a part, denied that the EcoHealth/NIH funded research at the WIV amounted to gain-of-function research that would make coronaviruses more dangerous to humans, while simultaneously admitting that Wuhan experiments had unexpectedly made it more infectious in mice. The WIV researchers have been criticised for conducting their research in a Level 2 biosafety lab but if they were working on a bat coronavirus vaccine, as called for in the DEFUSE proposal, they may have thought a top security Level 4 biosafety lab unnecessary.
Dr Michael Callahan, a former DARPA employee and longtime associate of Dr Robert Kadlec, the architect of the biodefence ‘Manhattan Project’, was in China in January 2020 as reports of a new virus broke. Dr Robert Malone, who played a foundational role in developing the mRNA technology on which the vaccines are based and who has long acquaintance with the American intelligence community, says Callahan rang him from China on January 4, 2020. He just happened to be there, according to Brendan Borrell’s book First Shots, collaborating with Chinese associates on avian flu research."
Read more:
I love you, you're so Canadian (and I don't mean that disparagingly, I was born and raised in Canada), but you're too polite! After everything the government has put our people through, you can't imagine it happening to you? Really??? How did the trucker's account get closed? You think it was done business account, and therefore it doesn't matter? No, honey, there's were PERSONAL ACCOUNTS that got closed, not because they were operating s business, but because they were in the vicinity of Ottawa at the time, and the government knew they were truck drivers because they find TAXES, just like you do.
First question on your tax return:
"What is your job title"?
Boom! They've got you.
This is (almost) the exact same thing that happened to most of the so-called January 6th "insurrectionists" in the US. The tactic deleted might have been slightly different (they used a combination of facial recognition and phone tracking), but the principle is the same.
The point is they know more about you than you think, sand if they want to they can shut off your bank account (in which/from which your tax return/deduction is taken, correct?)
I really hope so.
Canada had gone so far off the deep end it's beyond tragic.
I'm sorry. I truly am.
Klaus Schwab Announces The End Of Car Ownership!
If highways will become parks, how will the goods reach the cities, towns and villages?
If one loses one’s phone or a storm knocks out the electricity, then one simply won’t be able to move or even buy anything because cash will also be gone, along with cars?
Why do the world take this self-appointed narcissist unelected ‘leader of the world’ and his insane psychopathic ideas seriously?
Believe there are GO razor blade structures in the jabbed
Читать полностью…Belief is for religious practices. I look for evidence.
Читать полностью…believe what? that there's GO in the shots? or that the document linked is correct?
Читать полностью…Kevin McCairn also addressed that
So the deaths in the vaccinated are dropping. That's good news! 😃
Читать полностью…Which could be a waste of his expertise. But nevermind. Not my problem.
Читать полностью…It was a genuine expression of excitement to see kev in some mainstream medical vid. I had to escape the discord 3 years ago after i asked kev if the black gay jew bashing didnt get in the way of the primary main objective.
Читать полностью…WoW Kevin has learned to become acceptable to people who dont rip on blacks jews gays 👏
Читать полностью…OO! Dr Martin! He'll be talking to the same body in about 2 weeks.
He recently was interviewed and literally gave me hope. Perhaps this will do the same for you.
Oh honey, key me point out the ways.
1) do you have a debit card? Of course you do, everyone does, it comes with the account!
2) that's it.