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COVID-19 Chat

There's this really cool website I found where you can search for stuff, its called 'google'

Here's two results I found using it. I'm sure you can find more

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COVID-19 Chat

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein S1 Domain Accelerates α-Synuclein Phosphorylation and Aggregation in Cellular Models of Synucleinopathy.pdf

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COVID-19 Chat

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COVID-19 Chat


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COVID-19 Chat

Are we still living in the ‘upside down’?

Recorded on this day 2 years ago


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COVID-19 Chat

Some of this is very complex, but the jist of it is understandable. Important reminder the "fact checkers" and regulatory agencies claimed the contamination and promoter were "factually" not there. Now they admit it is there (they lied but couldn't hid it anymore) but need to move the goalpost from 'it's not there. Anti-vaxxers lie' to 'well, actually we lied, but this is fine. Safe and effective".

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COVID-19 Chat

*Self-CPR during a heart attack. Please take two minutes of your time and read this:*

1. Let's say it's 7:25 PM, and you're heading home (alone, of course) after an especially tough day at work.
2. You're really tired, agitated, and frustrated.
3. Suddenly, you start experiencing severe chest pain. The pain continues down your arm and up to your jaw. You're about 5 km away from the nearest hospital.
4. Unfortunately, you don't know if you'll be able to make it there.
5. You're trained in performing CPR, but the person who taught you didn't explain how to do it on yourself.
6. How to survive a heart attack when you're alone? Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack and the heart's rhythm becomes incorrect, leading to weakness, there are only 10 seconds before losing consciousness.
7. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing forcefully and repeatedly. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as if trying to produce phlegm from deep within the chest. Breathe and cough (repeat this every two seconds without stopping) until help arrives or until you feel the heart beating normally again.
8. Deep breaths bring oxygen into the lungs, and coughing movements press on the heart and maintain blood circulation. The action of pressing on the heart helps it return to its regular rhythm. This way, heart attack victims can reach the hospital.
9. Tell as many people as possible. You can save lives!
10. A cardiologist says that if everyone who receives this message sends it to 10 people, we can save a life at least once.
11. Instead of sending jokes, please... contribute by passing on this message, which can save a person's life.
12. If this message reaches you... more than once... please don't be upset... instead, be glad that you have many friends who care about you.

Copy & Paste
Hold your finger on the message and pass it on...

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COVID-19 Chat

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COVID-19 Chat

📝 306 replies

Anti-Vaxxers Are Worse Than Flat Earthers

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COVID-19 Chat

NEW – CDC Data Shows the Infant Mortality Rate Increased for the First Time in 20 Years in 2022, Experts are Baffled

"This is the first we've seen this rate go up in about two decades. More deep dive and drill down will be needed to understand the reasons...There's a bigger story here tied to maternal health...Maternal health and infant health are intertwined. The data from the CDC actually indicates that maternal complications at birth have also gone up...It's still early, though, to say if this is a blip or is this something larger here at play."


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COVID-19 Chat

Is it me or does even 2021 feel like a massive throwback? 😂 Everything pre-vaccine mandate drop feels like a throwback

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COVID-19 Chat

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COVID-19 Chat

Thank you. I feel redeemed

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COVID-19 Chat

That was posted by another. Max isn't guilty of that much retardation

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COVID-19 Chat

It's right there in his rumble link that was posted.

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COVID-19 Chat

Hello, good time
What medicine leads to a person's stroke?
Please tell me that; Is it possible for a person to have a stroke after taking medicine (or solution)?
if yes,
Tell me scientifically and the names of the drugs

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COVID-19 Chat

They're not going to let their failures go. They will try again and again.

"Through Project NextGen, the U.S. government will leverage public-private partnerships to develop new vaccines and therapeutics to better address current SARS-CoV-2 viral strains and prepare for future ones"

Look at some of the sponsors. There's that Gritstone again. 👀

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COVID-19 Chat

Do you feel like the liberals are falling apart because of what their henchmen, the jews, are doing in Palestine?

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COVID-19 Chat

Unfortunately, we uncovered that Monica Bertagnolli, the leading candidate to replace Collins at the helm of the NIH and its $48 billion taxpayer-funded budget, is another entrenched white coat who tortures animals in experiments and plans to repeat the mistakes of her predecessor

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COVID-19 Chat

Starting in 1986 HHS was required by Federal law to send bi-annual reports to Congress detailing how it has made childhood vaccines safer. Yet, HHS has never filed a single report.

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COVID-19 Chat


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COVID-19 Chat

SV40 promoter sequence

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COVID-19 Chat

That's enough cringe for the day

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COVID-19 Chat

Love Brooke
"Shall we wait another 55-75 yrs or sue your ass again?"

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COVID-19 Chat

Time is one big blur for me

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COVID-19 Chat

March 28, 2016. Peter Daszak describing how his colleagues in China made bat coronaviruses infectious to humans.

Keywords: Eco Health EcoHealth Alliance gain of function C-SPAN New York Academy of Medicine

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COVID-19 Chat

Oh., sorry Max. That was also Shiki in response to your link. I'm tired of people being taken in by folks like this. It hurts our side, and distracts from real legit work being done to hold folks accountable in real courts of law and expose real evidence based information and issues without sensationalism that need to be brought forward with legitimacy. Those are not fake tweets. I was showing that he makes these claims himself on his own rumble channel.

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COVID-19 Chat

I thought this was gad saad

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COVID-19 Chat

My only post. A forwarded video

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COVID-19 Chat

Didn't know that was implied

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