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They were and circulated even in telegram. There was even one where he pulled his unwilling wailing wife off because he lost everything during the lockdown. No biz no income and loans piled. So he killed himself and his wife and shouting as they fall, something like scolding Xi the murderer or something.
There were so many cases. All these psychopaths are narcissists. They treasure their reputation more than lives. That's why they are so adamant about censorships and those laws on suppressing freedom of expression
I remember watching jane ruby and the other one who talked about patents
Читать полностью…You know one of my friends - someone i met at a lockdown protest - knows a woman who committed suicide as well during lockdowns. I think its a range of factors, probably something was there to begin with
Читать полностью…In Tottori prefecture, a small political party on loud speaker alerting passerbys of the danger of the IHR amendments and pandemic treaty.
Читать полностью…It does affect people differently. People have different physiology, as you pointed out, and then there are mutations and variants. Some of those are due to immune escape from their dumb mass "vaxx" the global population idea. That's also a reason why flu vaccines don't work and never have. Besides the fact that you can't inoculate against the respiratory virus in the first place, influenza constantly mutates and varies. So even the current flu "vaccines" on market that are not mRNA, are sequenced for a particular variant. It makes no sense because there are so many different variants, and they constantly change, so there's not any way that they can protect well against all the circulating variants, just like c19 products. They add all the dangerous mechanisms of harm from mRNA lipid products. Just a money-making machines.
This article I'm sharing here is from the CDC, so they have conflicts of interest since they are in bed with big pharma. It's interesting because they try to encourage people to get flu vaccines while basically pointing out the reasons that they don't work, just like C19!
We feel that way too. We saw videos with Dr. Malone and Peter McCullough on Rumble that warned us the shot was dangerous. Merry Christmas.
Читать полностью…Worked quite well with no jab no work, no fly no work, vaccine passports and all sorts of coercion, name calling and threats to the unvaxxed.
Читать полностью…Just an interesting fact many don't think about or know, influenza isn't part of the coronavirus family. It does not have spike protein and binds to different receptors in the body through a bit of a different mechanism. It also has its own lipid membrane for host cell entry.
Читать полностью…Rapid antigen. But it doesn't matter because I knew that that's what I had. I had a family member that was at a business conference for an extended period of time earky Feb 21'. That event became a super spreader event during Delta variant spread. Several people even ended up in the hospital in respiratory distress. My family member came home and immediately had symptoms of illness, and the rest of the household became ill within a few days. We just happen to have a whole bunch of rapid antigen tests accessible. Again, even without testing for it was pretty easy to deduce. Natural herd immunity (antibodies) wasn't quite established for that variant. Also, as I said, even though I was pretty mildly ill, I had never experienced some of the symptoms I had with that illness in my entire life. I had absolutely no sense of taste or smell whatsoever for several months. None. And I had clear sinuses.
Читать полностью…
Читать полностью…Trolling me... lol
Seems pretty comfy in here, so yeah, I'll hang out and wait for ya
The vaccine only works as a weapon by people complying. A virus doesn't give a fuck if you comply or not.
Читать полностью…You're not answering you're deflecting. As I said before, you're fixated on the vaccine. Why? Its easy enough to stop vaccinating but not so easy to stop a virus. Blame the vaccines! B-but lets forget about the virus...
Читать полностью…Note that I said less so than taking the shots directly...
I know they are bioweapons and therefore we all will be impacted as a result as part of their experiment.
As for in 20 years...the way the world continues to spiral out of control I would be surprised if any of us are still here then. But that's ok, I take comfort in knowing I will be going to a much better place 😊.
Out to lunch... lol
We'll see how out to lunch you are in twenty odd years
That sequence was in the virus AND the vaccine. It only takes one misfolding to start the cascade. Think about that as you crow on about how you think you dodged a bullet by refusing the vaccine...
I went out on a date with a guy who believed vaccinated were like demons now or something
Читать полностью…That's being generous. I think with some of them, they had agendas to make us all look like quacks.
Читать полностью…I have a platform I've been making active withdrawals of over $30k I joined this platform 4 months ago. From my own findings this platform has been for over a year now. If you are interested Message me privately for more details.
Читать полностью…Just an fyi, the HA and NA mentioned for influenza are what the spike protein is for Sars. They are the proteins that bind.
Читать полностью…I had complete sinus blockage and no chest issues. It wasn't a normal sinus infection. Lost my smell and taste but experienced one night of a horrible chemical taste in my mouth. That was end of 2019. Then when omnicron was supposed to hit I got a high fever and slept for 3 days. Nothing touched the fever and I didn't have the chills with it. Also my body ached so added pepcid to everything I learned people used and that seemed to work. My son had the vaccine and he experienced the same thing about the same time and he lives in another state. I also had brain fog with the stuff in 2019, which I didn't know was a symptom until I asked a nurse what her experience was with covid. Seems to hit people in different ways from what I have observed. That makes me think it has something to do with blood types or is genetic. My husband got nothing!
Читать полностью…I just took my daughter to the doctor in Lafayette Tennessee. I suggested they let her blow her nose into a tissue and they could swab the tissue because I didn’t want that swab up her nose and they had no problem with my idea. It came back positive for covid which I knew it would because she was so sick
Читать полностью…SARS-CoV-2, spike protein, mitochondrial hijacking & associated diseases
TL;DR: However bad you may have thought it was, its probably worse.
it is something else then a flu. if you can feel small diferencies in your body then you can feel difference in those two illneses. primary difference was an alergic reaction when i was sick with covid.
Читать полностью…I'm just curious on how you knew you had covid. Did you get tested and if you did, was it the schwab up the nose? Many have said there was something on those schwabs and I am a granny who never tested. Just stayed home when I felt unwell.
Читать полностью…Professor of Oncology Angus Dalgleish at St George's Hospital Medical School, London: "At the end of last year I reported that I was seeing melanoma patients who had been stable for years relapse after their first booster (their third injection). I was told it was merely a coincidence and to keep quiet about it, but it became impossible to do so. The number of my patients affected has been rising ever since. I saw two more cases of cancer relapse post booster vaccination in my patients just this last week.
Other oncologists have contacted me from all over the world including from Australia and the US. The consensus is that it is no longer confined to melanoma but that increased incidence of lymphomas, leukaemias and kidney cancers is being seen after booster injections. Additionally my colorectal cancer colleagues report an epidemic of explosive cancers (those presenting with multiple metastatic spread in the liver and elsewhere). All these cancers are occurring (with very few exceptions) in patients who have been forced to have a Covid booster whether they were keen or not, for many so they could travel.
So why are these cancers occurring? T cell suppression was my first likely explanation given that immunotherapy is so effective in these cancers. However we must also now consider DNA plasmid and SV40 integration in promoting cancer development, a feature made even more concerning by reports that mRNA spike protein binds p53 and other cancer suppressor genes. It is very clear and very frightening that these vaccines have several elements to cause a perfect storm in cancer development in those patients lucky enough to have avoided heart attacks, clots, strokes, autoimmune diseases and other common adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines.
To advise booster vaccines, as is the current case, is no more and no less than medical incompetence; to continue to do so with the above information is medical negligence which can carry a custodial sentence.
No ifs or buts any longer. All mRNA vaccines must be halted and banned now." Angus Dalgleish
You're still deflecting lol
Muh pharma shill... fuck me you're boring 🙄
Because the "vaccine" is the more effective bio weapon.
Читать полностью…There Is No Safe Dose of Prions
Sars-Cov2 exists. It did create illness and did cause death. Yes, it was embellished and exaggerated and lied about for fear porn to push an agenda. That agenda includes the authoritarian "counter measures", deadly protocols, and the false premise to push mRNA products. Both things are true. The dangers of the product does not negate the fact that dangerous gain of function or dual use research occurred. They took the backbone of a bat virus, which was not naturally pathogenic to humans, and were screwing around with it. They inserted if a furin cleavage site and passed it through humanized mice to do this. There are people suffering from the effects of that.
I was one of them. I had a very mild case. Aside from the fact that I had a very mild case I had complete 100% ageusia and anosmia. My sinus passages were clear. This lasted for months and I've never experienced anything like it in my life. I also had burning chest pain off and on for almost a year. Symptoms of post viral sequelae (aka long covid). I've never received a mRNA vaccine.
Again, this lab experiment has hurt people and so has the mRNA products. It is actually wise to acknowledge both things are true or we are just helping the otherside (ppl like Fauci, Collins, Holmes, Baric, and Dasak) get away with it. Keep telling people that they're dangerous research doesn't exist or doesn't matter.