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COVID-19 Chat

Assessment and characterisation of covid-19 related cognitive decline - Results from a natural experiment

Cognitive decline post covid infection

The effect sizes were large; the observed changes in throughput were equivalent to 10.6 years of normal aging and a 59.8% increase in the burden of mild cognitive impairment. Cognitive decline worsened with coronavirus disease 2019 severity and was concentrated in participants reporting post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2

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COVID-19 Chat

Neurologic Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Transmitted among Dogs

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COVID-19 Chat

Most getting cov’d again again are ones I know who took the jab(s).
I too have noticed personality changes, however subtle.
Didn’t make the connection until brought up by others. And learning the spike protein can cross the BBB. (Blood-Brain-Barrier) Again, only in people I know who took the jab.

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COVID-19 Chat

mRNA Technology Is the Culprit Behind Faulty Immune Response That Prolonged the Pandemic, IgG4 Study Shows

Mistakes Were Made

This blog previously covered several scientific discoveries related to the “IgG4 antibody class switch.” IgG4 refers to a special rare subclass of antibodies instructing our immune system to ignore a pathogen rather than fight it. We learned that repeat COVID vaccinations cause immune tolerance in boosted people, which makes them less able to fend off repeat infections.

While IgG4 antibodies may naturally appear in allergies due to repeat immune stimulations with allergens, they are inappropriate for replicating pathogens such as Sars-Cov-2.

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COVID-19 Chat

It was your cue to 'lets take this to DM' 😁

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COVID-19 Chat

I was replying to the article.

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COVID-19 Chat

"You want to be loved, don't you? Just take part in the experiment!"

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COVID-19 Chat

My parents are getting sick a lot too

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COVID-19 Chat

Catastrophic is an understatement.

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COVID-19 Chat

yeah I was watching/ reading Stew Peter and Jane Ruby until the gang just start spewing utter stupid nonsense. Being stupid is one thing but incorrigibly arrogant and unreasonable is another. Their followers typically don't question, don't research and the topics are foreign and difficult so they will just deny whatever their brain is too lazy to research and jump through the loops of lies.
It was really awesome though how the community came together and debunk when WCH is too tired or if FLCCC is too tired explaining. Fraudulent papers get debunked. Bret Weinstein was right. The authorities chose their worse enemies. They pushed the smart and people with morals to the other side. We will triumph.

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COVID-19 Chat

I think I prefer malone

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COVID-19 Chat

To be transparent here, Malone and Ruby have a very strong dislike for each other.
I dislike Jane for many reasons and am mixed on Malone, but this is the article about the alleged fraud.

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COVID-19 Chat

Have you seen that she was investigated pre-covid for allegedly being involved in fudging some clinical trial information for a medical product for children. The product had poor results, and she allegedly edited some results to be able to sell the product.

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COVID-19 Chat

I recently just reprimanded someone who call the vaccinated mutants. The hatred that is formenting is the same as what the one world order wants of the masses. The more hate, the more incapable of discourse. They want to terminate all forms of logical discourse and send people into animalistic hostility and strife. Only then can they appear god like and 'protect' with absolute totalitarianism

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COVID-19 Chat

A Review of Rick Bright’s Leaked Emails from Early 2020

Rick Bright was instrumental in ensuring hydroxychloroquine was denied to Americans in need. We found and reviewed his leaked emails.

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COVID-19 Chat

If you dig a little you'll find its not just in those who were vaccinated. Spike from viral infection also crosses the blood brain barrier remember.

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COVID-19 Chat

The database is pretty good and growing…There are only 29 studies with psych in the results(most likely because physical is the primary being tracked)…but there are many cases of new onset psychosis

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COVID-19 Chat

I correct. Twitter suck as a concept from beggining xD

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COVID-19 Chat

No, the disease rests soley on the heads of the gulible 🤣

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COVID-19 Chat

Yes, the new tweeter is also a disease

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COVID-19 Chat

I do but tinder isn't working for me

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COVID-19 Chat

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COVID-19 Chat

I read and listened to all sorts of people on covid. Heard people literally bribing people to get the jab. Knew I didn't want it. Now I just look around me and see people who were healthy having all kinds of problems that got the jab. Some do fine but many are getting sepsis, leukemia, ms and are just always sick. Seems kinda strange that two people in a family are getting cancer at same time. I feel bad for them as they were deceived and it certainly hasn't kept them from getting covid or staying out of hospital. The people dieing of heart attacks is off the charts or if you look in the obits suddenly died for the young is crazy. A 17 year old shouldn't die suddenly. I've also noticed some personality changes, and it's not like we ever stayed home and locked up in our state. There were campers everywhere from people fleeing their states. I will continue to observe and be extremely cautious at stop lights. We have been sitting at red lights and watched people just barrel through. So far I've noticed these things in jabbed, but who knows for sure if it won't happen to all of us.

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COVID-19 Chat

The 'authorities' always say correlation is not causation. But they forget causation cannot be established without correlation.

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COVID-19 Chat

Karen Kingston is the one im thinking about

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COVID-19 Chat

I don't know how people will get over or evolve and survive despite the continued shit created in the labs but the solution is never never to isolate, discriminate or hate the other groups who are victims themselves. I think there's propensity for the body to heal and adapt and that's what the eugenists perhaps are waiting for. The super-race that will survive. But I don't think it is 'super race' but rather the people who will be able to minimise all the harms. Even for COVID, even if mutated and made lethal with the spike and the HIV, a functioning immune system is able to get it out.
There are many well meaning but still dumb people who keep spreading the news that mRNA vaccines are being injected into food etc. So? Go find evidence and shame whoever allows it and then collapse those business by mass boycott. If not it is just creating yet another distress for those who can't think anymore.
If not, just avoid those food and support self sustainability if people cannot trust their digestive system. One thing about the nanolipids. They may penetrate into cells and tissues indiscriminately but they need stability to do so and when micelles/ nanolipids are not stable, they fall apart and honestly they are not so different than so many of our processed food. Yes, they will cause inflammation (and mutation - cancerous cells) but our immune system with fasting can purge though it may take time... like trying to clean a house stuffed with all sorts of rubbish.

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COVID-19 Chat

We get mutations ALL the time. We incorporate genes or sequences like we form memories in our mind. We also have mutations just due to random statistical reality. We make mistakes but immune system like common sense and reasoning works by removing these mistakes.
But if people throw away their 'habit' of reasoning and research and leave it to others to tell them, it's like vaccination.

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COVID-19 Chat

I admit that about a year to two years ago i believed more in something like that...

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COVID-19 Chat

I didnt know this girl but apparently she was in a church community center or something like that and engaged, late 20s

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COVID-19 Chat

I know a woman who did. Her husband had just left her for someone else. She was devestated and alone. One of her kids was going to come visit her, then the strict lock downs happened, and they couldn't. She took her life.

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