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My personal journey through the looking glass has ended. I stepped into “alternative” medicine up to my neck and waded out again, poorer but wiser. I now realize that the thing the “alternative” practitioners are really selling is hope—usually false hope—and hope is a very seductive thing to those who have lost it. It is really not surprising that people will buy it even when their better judgment tells them not to do so.
I suspect that the majority of the people who promote “unconventional” or “alternative” treatments for autism truly believe in what they sell. They deserve pity rather than scorn. Most of them will never realize what a disservice they provide to the very people they are trying to help. It is not my intent to make them “see the light.” It is the autistic children (and adults), their parents, relatives and friends that I am trying to reach with this Web site, in the hope that they won’t have to go through what my family has experienced. It is to them that I dedicate my efforts.

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COVID-19 Chat

So I'm gonna post this in full. Why? Cos I actually agree with him. The altmed scene is full of fucking charlatans. Preying on desperate people, lining their pockets selling bullshit. The charlatans ruin it for the very few genuine doctors and researchers that actually have something alternative from the mainstream to offer that is indeed efficacious. Its an industry like any other, with profit being the main driver. Is the following a work of fiction or a genuine description? Who knows, but I can well believe its the truth knowing what I know of the altmed scene.

My Involvement with Autism Quackery
James R. Laidler, M.D.
December 7, 2004
Ever since I began the Herculean (some might say Quixotic) task of exposing the quackery and pseudoscience surrounding autism, I have had people ask me, “Are you the same Jim Laidler who used to talk about chelation at autism conferences?” To them, the idea that I could once have been an impassioned supporter of the very thing I am now trying to debunk is hard to fathom. Well, everyone has something in their past that they are embarrassed about—and that is mine.
I consider myself to be a very scientific person. While growing up, I was skeptical and inquiring and naturally gravitated to the sciences. My first brushes with pseudoscience and quackery in medical school left me convinced that “it could never happen to me.” I was sure that my background and training would keep me from making the same mistake as “those people.” I was wrong.
A year or so after my son was diagnosed with autism, with no hope for cure in sight, I was feeling desperate for anything that might help him. My wife attended a conference about “biological treatments for autism.” She came back extremely excited, having heard story after story about “hopeless” cases of autism “cured” by a variety of simple treatments. I was initially skeptical, but my desperation soon got the better of me. We started out with the simple therapies—vitamins and minerals—but soon moved on to the “hard stuff”: the gluten- and casein-free diet, secretin, and chelation. Some of it seemed to work—for a while—and that just spurred us to try the next therapy on the horizon. I was “hooked” on hope, which is more addictive and dangerous than any “street” drug. Meanwhile, my second son developed an autism-like disability at the age of 18 months.
The next year, I accompanied my wife to the autism conference and was dazzled and amazed. There were more treatments for autism than I could ever hope to try on my son, and every one of them had passionate promoters claiming that it had cured at least one autistic child—usually their own. There were blood tests, urine test, hair tests, saliva tests, brain wave tests and eye tests, all claiming to be able to find the specific cause for a child’s autism. And they had specific treatments for each of those causes. Sure, some of them were contradictory, but nobody seemed to mind that. What really caught my interest was the proposition that thimerosal, the mercury-based preservative in vaccines, caused autism and chelation therapy could cure it. Advocates of this idea spoke authoritatively, with impressive lists of references and well-designed PowerPoint slides. I was intrigued even though the children I had seen with mercury poisoning did not behave like my autistic son and the recommended dosage for the chelating agents made no sense to me.
My next step toward the “Dark Side” was to write a review paper on mercury toxicity and its treatment that might improve what the chelation advocates were doing. Leading proponents were recommending that the chelating agents be given every three hours around the clock for up to four weeks, an obvious source of stress for already overstressed parents. In addition, many of these chelation “experts” predicted dire consequences if a dose is missed or even given an hour late. My paper simply outlined the then-current information about mercury poisoning and chelation therapy for mercury, using articles from peer-reviewed journals.

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COVID-19 Chat

What motivated Dr. James Laidler of Oregon to create the "Hulk" Report in VAERS?

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COVID-19 Chat

Fair enough.
As I found it relevant to current day Description of Mass Formation Psychosis propaganda covid was and now how everyone is within the Israeli government system leading to world domination.

But I understand 👍

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COVID-19 Chat

It is as it mentions how the plandemic was a prelude to global control etc etc. Its good give it a watch

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COVID-19 Chat

I know right 😂 but it gives you a good look at current day Klown-World with its Mass Formation Psychosis and government propaganda

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COVID-19 Chat

This film needs to be watched.

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COVID-19 Chat

Need some context. Which paper in particular is this referring to do you know?

“Notice of paper on mRNA vaccines”
In the notice regarding the paper published today, ``mRNA vaccines are administered wrapped in a shell such as lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), but it is possible that the LNPs may cause secondary adverse events.

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COVID-19 Chat

Thanks bruh you're the man

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COVID-19 Chat

I get chinese emails from "Linked In"

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COVID-19 Chat

“The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, and show people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures.”

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COVID-19 Chat

I'll take that as the next false flag gene therapy is in the works

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My dad said he saw a lot of people in oncology, even young

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COVID-19 Chat

Did the U.S. government censor & direct the scientific review process at these top scientific journals to advance a preferred narrative about COVID origins?

Letters to the editors from the covid select commitee.

Dog and pony show, but the responses or lack of will hopefully be important at some point.


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COVID-19 Chat

Among other things, it debunked the dosing ideas I had encountered at the conference.
Before long, I was invited to join a conference to set up a “protocol” for using chelation in the treatment of autism. I attended and, for the first time, got to see many of the leading lights in “non-conventional” autism treatment outside of the conference hall. Most of these people appeared to hold sincere beliefs but based their assessment of their therapeutic efforts on anecdotes, surveys, and simplistic studies. I thought they would welcome a more rigorous scientific investigation of their methods and results. After the conference, I was asked to compile a “consensus report.” I readily agreed, thinking that my editing could temper the unscientific thinking of the rest of the group. However, my editorial control turned out to be nil. The final report included large tracts of material that were the pet beliefs of the senior members of the organization. Worse yet, even though I disagreed with significant portions of the report, my name was listed as sole author! I have been able to get my name removed from the “official” document, but Internet copies of the original abound.
I was subsequently invited to speak at conferences about chelation and autism and went, with an increasingly heavy heart, until I finally could do it no more. Getting to know the big names in “alternative” autism therapy had exposed me to some ugly truths. What finally changed by feeling, however, was further observation of my children.
After years of “supplements,” restrictive diets and “unconventional” therapies (too many to list), our boys were improved, but were a long way from being cured. We were forced to carry their special foods with us whenever we left the house, lest a molecule of gluten or casein catapult them back to where we had begun. We were nearly broke, despite both of us having well-paying jobs, and we were on the verge of exhaustion. The beginning of the end was when my wife, suspecting that some of the “supplements” we were giving our older son weren’t having any effect, stopped them all—without telling me. I saw no difference, even after two months (when she finally told me). We had been chasing our tails, increasing this and decreasing that in response to every change in his behavior—and all the while his ups and downs had just been random fluctuation. My eyes began to open.
The final step in my awakening came during a Disneyland vacation. My younger son was still on a gluten- and casein-free diet, which we both swore had been a significant factor in his improvement. We had lugged at least 40 pounds of special food on the plane with us. In an unwatched moment, he snatched a waffle and ate it. We watched with horror and awaited the dramatic deterioration of his condition that the “experts” told us would inevitably occur. The results were astounding—absolutely nothing happened. I began to suspect that I had been very foolish.
In the following months, we stopped every treatment except speech and occupational therapy for both boys. They did not deteriorate and, in fact, continued to improve at the same rate as before—or faster. Our bank balance improved, and the circles under our eyes started to fade. And quite frankly, I began to get mad at myself for being so gullible and for misleading other parents of autistic children.
Looking back on my experiences with “alternate” autism therapies, they seem almost unreal, like Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Utter nonsense treated like scientific data, people nodding in sage agreement with blatant contradictions, and theories made out of thin air and unrelated facts—and all of it happening happening right here and now, not in some book. Real people are being deceived and hurt, and there won’t be a happy ending unless enough of us get together and write one.

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COVID-19 Chat

Sometimes people do shit simply for the lulz 🤷‍♀

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COVID-19 Chat

No, you just wanted to push a work of fiction based on theological beliefs.

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COVID-19 Chat

A 'mention' in a theological based movie... Yeah. Not relevant. Bring us science, not religion.

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COVID-19 Chat

Keep on topic. Covid...

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COVID-19 Chat

Hahahaha Hercules 😂

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COVID-19 Chat

What's in their linkedin? Chinada will have rain tax soon. Respect Asian culture 🤓

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COVID-19 Chat

So I had to hack in to your phone to get the text to translate it. Hope you don't mind 🤷‍♀

NANO MRNA 株式会社 代表取締役社長 秋永 士郎 (4571 東証グロース市場) 問合せ先 IR担当 土屋 千映子 電話番号 03-6432-4793
本日公開された論文に関するお知らせの中に、 「mRNA ワクチンは脂質ナノ粒子 (LNP) などの殻でくるまれて投与されているが、そのLNPが副次的有害事象を発生 させている可能性が高い。」 とする表現は、 LNP の生物学的な性質について誤解を招く 可能性があるため、下記の通りご説明いたします。
上述の表現は、 コロナ禍に先行して開発されたワクチン接種でみられた副次的作用 その原因のひとつの可能性を述べたものです。 当該副次的作用は、 同時に接種された mRNA およびそのmRNAから発現したウイルスタンパク質などによる複合的な作用 と考えられます。
なお、LNP は脂質ナノ粒子の総称であり、 脂質の組み合わせによりさまざまな生物 活性を示すものが知られており、現在も安全性を含めて改善されています。
当社は、これまでのDDS (ナノミセル、 LNP) の知見を活かしたmRNA 医薬パイプ ラインを現在も創出中であり、 mRNA 医薬品のさまざまな可能性を今後も追求してま いります。

Run through an online translator gives:

<To everyone>
April 3, 2024
NANO MRNA Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President Shiro Akinaga (4571 TSE Growth Market) Contact IR Representative Chieko Tsuchiya Phone number 03-6432-4793
Explanation for some expressions
“Notice of paper on mRNA vaccines”
In the notice regarding the paper published today, ``mRNA vaccines are administered wrapped in a shell such as lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), but it is possible that the LNPs may cause secondary adverse events. The expression "high" may lead to misunderstandings about the biological properties of LNP, so we will explain it as follows.
The above expression describes one possible cause of side effects seen in vaccinations developed prior to the coronavirus pandemic. This side effect is thought to be a combined effect of the mRNA inoculated at the same time and the viral protein expressed from that mRNA.
Note that LNP is a general term for lipid nanoparticles, and they are known to exhibit various biological activities depending on the combination of lipids, and improvements are currently being made in terms of safety and other aspects.
We are currently creating an mRNA drug pipeline that leverages our knowledge of DDS (nanomicelles, LNPs) and will continue to pursue the various possibilities of mRNA drugs.
that's all

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COVID-19 Chat

I got this today. What does this mean?

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COVID-19 Chat

Posting a link to a paywalled article is essentially spamming... 🤷‍♀

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COVID-19 Chat

WHO coming down the home stretch with invasive testing and vaxxing requirements for tourists and others traveling legally across borders

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COVID-19 Chat

Science Journals Holden Thorp

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COVID-19 Chat

This Australian MP shares part of the story of a Novavax injured, formerly healthy, athletic nurse coerced into the shot she didn't want. She was injured and then treated like garbage and even called anti-vaxxer by two different doctors she went to for help to address her pain when she suggested it could be "vaccine" related.

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