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C++ & Qt

the thing is that I need to get stream metadata while streaming the audio

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C++ & Qt

hi guys qt support chromebook?

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C++ & Qt

I set

        .depthTestEnable = VK_FALSE,
.depthWriteEnable = VK_FALSE,
.depthCompareOp = VK_COMPARE_OP_LESS,
for VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo when configure graphics pipeline, but all standard Quick Items works badly if I use z value as z coordinate for vertices in my custom QQuickItem with Vulkan RHI backend.
It looks they have variable z coordinate across parent window viewport. In Renderdoc I see, that they even not write anything into z-buffer (but seems they depth-test it).

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C++ & Qt

Hi. I have a Q3DScatter graph.
Its axis are configured this way:

    m_graph->axisX()->setRange(-horizontalRange, horizontalRange);
m_graph->axisY()->setRange(-verticalRange, verticalRange);
m_graph->axisZ()->setRange(-horizontalRange, horizontalRange);

where horizontalRange and verticalRange are both 16.0f.
Now, I'm trying to move an item along a given trace. So for example, I'm trying to move an item along a circle. I define the circle using its parametric equations, that is x = rcost, y = rsint. everything is fine except that on horizontalPlane the trace is a perfect circle whereas on OXY (vertical) plane the trace is an ellypse. But its weird, given that this is a graph there has to be consistency between different axis. And yet, the coordinates on Y axis and the coordinates on X axis aren't consistent which results in an ellypse. Any idea why it is this way?

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C++ & Qt

Why? What's the actual issue?

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C++ & Qt

On touch screens, try the clicked() signal

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C++ & Qt

Hi, when I use the QPushButton press signal, it works fine with the mouse, but it doesn't work properly with touch, please guide me.

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C++ & Qt

thanks so much. I can't believe I didn't catch this before

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C++ & Qt

QString upper = lower.left(1).toUpper() + lower.mid(1)

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C++ & Qt

My QSQLite database initialized w/o error, but it doesn't write to disk? What do you think is going wrong in my init file ?

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C++ & Qt

Connect the textChanged signal to a function that makes the first character uppercase

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C++ & Qt

How do I always change the LineEdit first character to uppercase

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C++ & Qt

I try to implement that you say...but server doesn't read & error occurred.

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C++ & Qt

QByteArray byteArray = str.toUtf8();

int bytes_written = 0;
while (1){
if(bytes_written == byteArray.size()) break;
int written = socket->write(byteArray.mid(bytes_written,1),1);//1Byte
bytes_written += written;

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C++ & Qt

Is this some defect of moc or correct behavior?

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C++ & Qt

hi guys qt support chromebook??

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C++ & Qt

hi guys qt support chromebook?

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C++ & Qt

Hi. Where is a place where in RHI QQuickItem::z is applied if backend is Vulkan?

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C++ & Qt

The actual issue that Qt doesn't work well with touch devices

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C++ & Qt

I tested but it didn't work

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C++ & Qt

Welcome to the group, @cesargastonpe! :-)

Wanna share your story of how you started with Qt, QML or C++? Maybe some nice feature that made you stick with it.
Rules are set on the description of the group. :)

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C++ & Qt

That's why you can always ask here!

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C++ & Qt

And then you need to set the text in QLineEdit to upper, of course.

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C++ & Qt

The second parameter in addDatabase() indicates the connection name, not the filename. You can set the filename with db.setDatabaseName(filename); before opening the database. That should work.

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C++ & Qt

Come on, do not post the same thing on all topics. If you're proramming with Qt Widgets, post it only in here.

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C++ & Qt

so far I have tried
auto var = ui->LineEdit->text()[0];
var = var.toUpper();

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C++ & Qt

but that is unrelated to calculating the transfer speed... did you have a working code without the transfer speed calculation?

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C++ & Qt



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C++ & Qt

Question regarding multiple qml engines

Qt Quick has QQmlEngine and QQmlContext. We can create multiple context such that the cpp objects have specified scope in qml. Can we create multiple engines? If we can create multiple engine whats the use case? And lastly.. whats the pros and cons of creating multiple engines?

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C++ & Qt

If a template class A
template<typename T> class A;
it has a friend template operator ==
template <typename E> friend bool operator ==(const A&,const A<E>&){…}
But in my project I haven't called this function in the code, So this code will not be generated by the compiler in the end. Even though underlying type T or E isn’t overloading operator ==, this code should pass compiler check. But Qt6 will generate some code by moc to check these types have some function or not, It seems that moc can't determine whether the code is finally generated by the compiler.

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