when execute "QFileDialog::saveFileContent(data, fileName);" it can create the fileName under this directory, but can not write the data to the new created file.
Читать полностью…hello, I use the QFileDialog to open and selected a directory, then I want create and store a file under this directory,
but in android device, the path = QFileDialog::selectedFiles().first() is the url format: "content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3ADownload%2Fbrowser",
if I want create a file which named "AAA.txt", then I try to append the "%2FAAA.txt" to the path to get the fileName,
then use the QFile file(fileName); file.open(QFileMode::ReadWrite) to open or create the file, but the return value is -1. does anyone know how to store file in android device by Qt?
Nah, I just meant using qt_add_qml_module rather than loading the qml file in main.
Читать полностью…I have two qml files, which one be imported in another one, but when the application setup and running. it show that the one be imported can not found
Читать полностью…Welcome to the group, @brookiestein! :-)
Wanna share your story of how you started with Qt, QML or C++? Maybe some nice feature that made you stick with it.
Rules are set on the description of the group. :)
Hello Community!
Please help me on this
I switch to use the 'QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation);' then can use QFile to create and save file to the local path. I think the real issue is the permission.
Читать полностью…do you know any source about creating modules in QML. I create and import objects in QML files, however modular programming is much better and easy to upgrade
Читать полностью…Dear Qt community,
Does anyone know any discord/telegram group for Visual ToolKit (VTK)?
last month I read the «qt6book-with-frontpage» to learn qml developing, in order to practice so I start to develop the application with qml version, everything is ok in desktop, so I try to port it to android device, then it meet some questions that I can not resolve, so I switch to Qt QWidget and hope it can work well in the android devices. but now seems still have some issue need to resolve.
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