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Spice up your writing: - Personal statements - Motivation letters - Recommendation letters - Personal essays & short stories English & Uzbek languages are working, Russian is being improved. Admin: @sirojiddin_olimov

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Creative Writing


"Every skill you have today was once unknown to you.

The human brain is a learning machine. Stick with it."

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Creative Writing

One of my friend describe how he loves his garden:

"I shall probably circumvent “Hashar”. I like the peace and solitude my time in my garden gives to me. I can saunter or bimble at my own pace, do what I want in the order I choose, decide when I will break for a mug of tea or coffee. It is joyous."

I had to use dictionary to understand his message😅

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Creative Writing

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Creative Writing

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Creative Writing

What is the difference between i.e. and e.g.?

I.e. and e.g. are both abbreviations of Latin phrases. I.e. stands for id est, which means "that is." It introduces a rewording or a clarification, as in "The cough may last for a short period of time—i.e., three to five days." E.g. stands for exempli gratia, which means "for example." It introduces one or more examples that illustrate something stated, as in "Submit a sample of academic writing—e.g., a dissertation chapter."

Is i.e. capital or lowercase?

Capitalize i.e. only when it is at the beginning of a sentence.

How do you use i.e.?

Use i.e. where the phrases "that is" and "in other words" are appropriate. It is always followed by a comma. For example, "They live in The Big Apple, i.e., New York City."

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Creative Writing

Hi Sirojiddin,

My name is Ciara Allen and I am a recruiter at It is a London-based company; nevertheless, we hire freelance writers worldwide.
We are looking for freelance writers with good English writing skills and we would like to offer you apply for this position.
The projects we offer are academic/non-academic jobs on Business and Management, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and different book/ movie reviews, etc.
We offer:
• High salary (up to $15 per 275 words; depends on the deadline and the complexity of the job)
• Timely payments in USD via Webmoney or Payoneer (once a month)
• Flexible schedule (either part-time or full-time job)
• Support Team available 24/7
How it works when you join our Team:
You choose the order > Get it > Complete it and upload > Client accepts it > You get paid
• High Level of the English writing skills
• At least Bachelor’s degree in any field (but we also consider students)
How you can join our Team:
Register on our platform* > Pass proficiency test > Upload your sample essay upon the topic (we can change the topic upon your request) > Upload a photo of your diploma
*Registration and membership are free of charge.
Start making money with us by submitting the registration form via the link:
More information is available via the link:
Message me back if you need any help!


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Creative Writing

chngo13/how-i-won-the-chevening-scholarship-and-how-you-can-too-part-2-writing-your-essays-4485d15f83fe" rel="nofollow">

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Creative Writing

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Creative Writing

Shu bola yaxshigina yordam beradi. Bir ko'ringlarda.

So, to kick off the fall, I'm officially opening registration for my live, pay-what-you-can college application and essay courses:

How to Apply to College: A Step-by-Step Course on Creating an Awesome College Application

The course comes in two parts:

How to Write a Personal Statement (Part 1) - Saturdays in September
How to Write the College Application + Supplemental Essays (Part 2) - Sundays in September
I've put pretty much everything I know about helping students write great college essays into an easy-to-follow, step-by-step video course. I’ve developed a suite of resources so that students will have everything they need to not only write an awesome personal statement, but also tackle their supplemental essays, activities list, the additional information statement, and the new (optional) COVID-19 question.

Students will receive all the video lessons as soon as they register, and can then join me for live sessions throughout September.

Here are a few new additions this year that I’m SUPER excited about:

Get started writing today.
By popular demand and based on our wildly different schedules, I've recorded all of the lessons in video format. So, after you sign up, you'll get instant access and can binge watch them and starting right away. Students will also get recordings of all the live sessions in September.

Brand new content in my new essay revising tool. After analyzing hundreds of outstanding personal statements, I've developed some new approaches that I think will help students find their topics and write better college essays in an even more efficient way and put them in my new Choose Your Own Adventure essay tool.

Updated content for 2020 supplemental essays. I've updated the course with brand new content on the 2020 supplemental essay topics released by colleges in the Common App on August 1st. On the course I'll share guides for writing the supplemental essays for a wide range of colleges.

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Creative Writing

Ilhom kelganda yozaman-da, do'stlar 😅

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Creative Writing

Bir yaxshi tanishimning aytishiga qaraganda, bular eng IELTSdan reliable and effective source lar ekan:




Writing bo'yicha:



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Creative Writing

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Creative Writing

Email from one of my friend from USA. It can be very useful for you.

Hey Siroj!

Please find attached some exercises that can help in creating and framing more of your essays. This is the first time I'm sharing these resources so please let me know if there are any issues with the links provided as they may be restricted. If you can't access the links I can share the details with you directly.

My recommendation would be to go through and complete these three exercises:
Essence Objects Exercise
Values Exercise
My 21 Details
Let me know what you think!



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Creative Writing

“Sakra, sakrasangchi! O’lmaysan” qishloq bolalarining quvnoq va tartibsiz qiy-chuvlari va suzishni o’rganishga bo’lgan ishtiyoq meni suvga sakarashga majbur qildi. Bir necha soniya ichida suvga tushib yana qalqib chiqisha ulgurdim. Belim aralash qo’llarim orasidagi to’rta bakalashka va somon ipdan yasagan qo’lbola qutqaruv nimcham jonimga oro kirdi. Men vahima aralash quvonch bilan suza boshladim. Oh qanday mazza!...

Bu bir grand dasturi uchun yozgan inshoyimning boshlanishi qolagini oʻqishni xohlaysizmi?

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Creative Writing

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Creative Writing

"Writing is the antidote to confusion."

J. Clear

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Creative Writing

GIZ global programme "Sustainability and Value Added in Agricultural Supply Chains" works together with Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) - a global not-for-profit organisation in sustainable cotton production sector in Uzbekistan.

BCI would like to announce a vacancy of Implementation Coordinator in Uzbekistan and Coordinator will based in Tashkent.

The direct Link to the vacancy file

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Creative Writing

How should I start my Masters personal statement?

Try not to waste too much time coming up with a catchy opening. The more you try, the more contrived you'll sound and the more likely you are to fall into the trap of using clichés.

Avoid using overused phrases, such as:

For as long as I can remember…
From a young age…
I am applying for this course because…
Throughout my life I have always enjoyed
I have always been interested in…
I have always been passionate about…
I have always wanted to pursue a career in…
Reflecting on my educational experiences…
Admissions tutors read hundreds of applications per course so the opening paragraph of your personal statement needs to get straight to the point and make a real impact. Avoid overkill statements, gimmicks and popular quotes.

If you're really struggling come back and tackle it once you have written the rest.

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Creative Writing

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Creative Writing

🔊We are pleased to introduce you one of 14 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) scholarship winners in 2020, Farrukh Abdukhalilov. Here below you can read the interview conducted with Farrukh. We hope his best practice and advice will be useful for you👇
"Studying abroad is a lifetime opportunity"

1. Brief biography (information about yourself)

I am Farrukh Abdukhalilov, alumnus of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (BA in International Relations).

2. How did you find out about this programme?

Taking advantage of my networking on various social platforms, I learnt more about EMJMD. Having friends who were nominated for the EMJMD scholarships was especially crucial in this respect. (

3. What is your major and selected EM Joint Master programme?

Euroculture is a two-year, English-taught multi-university Master programme focused on the study of modern European society, culture and politics in a global context. (

4. What was your motivation to apply for Erasmus+?

Being Erasmus+ exchange student in 2016 introduced me the new world of opportunities in terms of education so I decided to apply for EMJMD. Studying abroad is a lifetime opportunity!

5. Please talk about the application process: requirements, challenges

Candidates must have completed an academic Bachelor degree in a discipline of relevance to Euroculture. It is also important that a candidate demonstrates their academic writing and research skills by providing an academic paper or a thesis among their application documents. IELTS - Academic: minimum overall score 6.5, with no part under 6.0 (

6. What do you think what was your strong point for being accepted to the grant?

Several points should be mentioned in this regard. First, my BA major (International Relations focusing on European Studies) and academic achievements. Moreover, having internship records at organisations which closely work with EU was important. Also, tailored extra-curricular activities such as summer schools and seminar & conferences were taken into consideration.

7. What are the benefits of the Erasmus+ programme: financial, organisational and other supports?

You will acquire valuable life-skills and international experience which contribute you to grow personally, professionally and academically to succeed in your career.

8. What are you expecting from studying in Europe?

Theoretical knowledge and practical trainings through interdisciplinary approach to cultural identities and social values in several consortium universities.

9. What are your tips/ recommendations for future applicants?

Check everything on the official website of the programme carefully, especially deadlines and language requirements. Give your special attention to the personal statement and CV. Make sure they complete each other but not repeat! Contact EMJMD scholarship holders and get their unique feedbacks. Remember, it is a long process that requires hard work, patience and strong discipline the end of which always pays off.

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Creative Writing

Celebrating 56 years of 🇮🇳🇺🇿development partnership of capacity building and training.

Happy ITEC56!
Sirojjidin & teachers of Academic Lyceum of University of World Languages of Uzbekistan underwent customized training course on STEM Education system in India under ITEC programme. Watch his views.

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Creative Writing

One of the essays you need to write for the Chevening Scholarship is the leadership & influencing essay. This video helps you to identify your leadership skills and know which ones to include in your essay.

A top tip is to show don't tell!


Leadership Essay Tips:
Career Plan Essay Tips:
Networking essay Tips:
Avoid this Essay Mistake - Sob Stories :

❤️❤️As a THANK YOU for watching the video, I'm giving you Two Months of Skillshare Premium for Free! Click the link to get it:
Thank you for watching ❤️❤️❤️

Let's Connect:

Find Me on Social Media:
For Business and Sponsorship Opportunities:

#scholarships #chevening #essays

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Creative Writing

Ishim va qiziqishim yuzasidan ta'limda bo'layotgan yangiliklar va o'zgarishlar haqida bir narsalarni kuzatib, o'rganayapman. Shu narsalar haqida bir narsalar yozib ham turaman. Qiziq bo'lsa siz ham obuna bo'ling. Fikrlashamiz.


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Creative Writing

“Ha, sen haqsan!” deb o’z xatosini tan olish va g’ururini bir chetga surib, o’zi yana nimalarnidir o’rganishi kerakligini tan olish azobli. Ayniqsa bu ishni o’zing rahbarlik qilayotgan tashkilotda, o’z xodiminga aytish – juda qiyin. Harvey Spektor qanchalik qaysar va o’jar bo’lmasin xato qilganda, qarorlari noto’g’ri bo’lganda buni tan oladi. Hodimlarini eshitadi. Mana haqiqiy rahbar va liderning eng go’zal harakteri.

“SUITS” sevimli serialimnig 8 mavsumini ko’rishni boshladim. Avval aytganimdek, Suitsning har bir seriayasida bir muhim message (xabar/ma’no) bor. Sakkizinchi sezon birinchi qismini, o’zimcha o’yladim, “Ha sen haqsan!” deb ayta olish kerakligini ko’rsatdi.

Menga shu qismi juda yoqdi!

PS: Netflix da ko’rayapman, sifati zo’r funksiyalari ham ajoyib ekan. Endi foydalanishni boshladim.

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Creative Writing

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Creative Writing

I have not read this book, but the title is very promising. Let's read it when we have time.

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Creative Writing

Please listen to TED talks everyday to sharpen your mind and way of thinking.

It is Free, Fun and Informative😃

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Creative Writing

Ko'lga sakragancha qolib ketgan ekanman😅. Bu yozgan inshonimng javobi chiqsa shunga qarab sizlar bilan bo'lishishni reja qildim. Hozircha boshqa insholarni taxlil qilib turamiz.

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Creative Writing

“How to write Study Objectives for Fulbright Scholarship” by Hamza Ahmad Raza hraza1/how-to-write-study-objectives-for-fulbright-scholarship-c6f3caa7ceb2" rel="nofollow">

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Creative Writing

MUST-READ book, if you want to avoid any speling and grammar mistakes :) Sound like professionals

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