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Creepy Land

Abandoned Submarine Base in Balaklava – Ukraine

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Abandoned Submarine Base in Balaklava – Ukraine

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Abandoned Submarine Base in Balaklava – Ukraine

🇬🇧 This old submarine dock in Ukraine isn’t totally abandoned. The decommissioned dock was a former Soviet Union’s most  top-secret facility near Balaklava. It was also known to be able to weather a direct nuclear strike because of its underground location. Today, it serves as a national naval museum booming with secrets unknown!

🇮🇹 Base sottomarina abbandonata a Balaklava, Ucraina - Il sito top secret per l’attracco dei sottomarini vicino a Balaklava, in Ucraina è impressionante e da quando non è più utilizzato dal 1993 è stato convertito in un museo navale nazionale

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Creepy Land

Nara Dreamland – Japan

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Nara Dreamland – Japan

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Nara Dreamland – Japan

🇬🇧 The Nara Dreamland park, opened in 1961, was inspired by Disneyland. The entrance to the park was built similar to the one in Disneyland and it also incorporated its own version of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle within it. But, in 2006, the park was haphazardly closed down due to lower number of visitors.

🇮🇹 Il parco Nara Dreamland, ispirato a Disneyland e aperto nel 1961 è stato chiuso nel 2006. Da allora è meta di esploratori urbani, nonostante le guardie di sicurezza vigilino rilasciando multe a chi sia scoperto nella zona

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Creepy Land

🇮🇹 La storia inizia nei primi anni del Novecento, nella residenza della famiglia Otto a Key West, in Florida.
Uno dei numerosi servitori della casa regalò al piccolo Robert Eugene Otto un bambolotto da lui realizzato alto quasi un metro; il regalo era sicuramente il compagno di giochi perfetto per il giovane rampollo degli Otto. Fu il bambino a decidere di dare alla bambola il suo stesso nome e Robert divenne da subito una presenza costante nelle sue giornate; qui iniziarono i problemi.
Prima di tutto volle essere chiamato con il suo secondo nome, Eugene, perchè Robert era il nome della bambola. Inoltre aveva cominciato a incolpare proprio Robert di tutte le marachelle che combinava, ogni volta che qualcosa si rompeva o si trovava fuori posto lui diceva sempre.. è stato Robert! Cominciarono anche a sentirlo parlare da solo e rispondersi con una vocina leggermente differente. Anche i vicini confermarono di sentire delle risate provenire dalla casa degli Otto e alcuni affermarono addirittura di aver visto, attraverso le finestre, la bambola muoversi in assenza dei proprietari.
Preoccupati da tutto questo, i genitori di Eugene decisero di mettere il bambolotto in una scatola e di chiuderlo in soffitta, dove rimase per molti anni. Il piccolo Eugene crebbe, studiò e divenne un pittore e, dopo essersi sposato, decise di andare a vivere nella casa dove era cresciuto. Decise di ricavare una stanza dal soffitto da adibire a studio e durante i lavori ritrovò il suo giocattolo d’infanzia. Nonostante fosse un uomo si affezionò di nuovo alla bambola e, proprio come faceva da bambino, la portava con sé ovunque. Questo non andava a genio alla moglie che cercò anche di sbarazzarsi del giocattolo, senza successo. Questo fece infuriare Eugene e diede il via al declino della loro relazione. Dopo la morte dei coniugi la casa passò a varie persone e tutte giurarono di sentire risatine provenire dalla soffitta. Un giorno la figlia di uno degli occupanti trovò la bambola e la portò nella sua stanza. Da quel giorno cominciò ad avere incubi terribili e in più di una occasione disse che la bambola aveva provato ad attaccarla. Dopo questo episodio Robert venne donato all’East Martello Museum.

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Creepy Land

Xochimilco - Mexico

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Creepy Land

Xochimilco - Mexico

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Creepy Land

Sturdivant Hall - Alabama

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Creepy Land

Sturdivant Hall - Alabama

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Creepy Land

Shi Cheng City - China

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Shi Cheng City - China

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Creepy Land

House of the Bulgarian Communist Party – Bulgaria

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House of the Bulgarian Communist Party – Bulgaria

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Creepy Land

Abandoned Submarine Base in Balaklava – Ukraine

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Abandoned Submarine Base in Balaklava – Ukraine

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Nara Dreamland – Japan

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Nara Dreamland – Japan

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Nara Dreamland – Japan

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Creepy Land

Robert The Doll

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🇬🇧 The story of Robert the doll begins in the early years of the twentieth century in Key West Florida in an elegant mansion on the corner of Eaton and Simonton Street. The Otto’s young son Robert Eugene was particularly fond of a Bahamian maid who was employed to look after him. The maid was dismissed in 1906, some say for practicing Voodoo, others that Mrs Otto was jealous of Robert’s fondness for the girl. Before she left, the girl made a 3 foot tall, button eyed, straw doll for Robert. Robert adored it. Robert was heard whispering to the doll, not so unusual children often confide in dolls, but what was unusual was that the Otto’s and their servants heard another deeper voice answering back. The doll seemed to exert some kind of hold over the young Robert. He is said to have begun using his middle name Eugene or Gene because he said the doll’s name was Robert. Violent commotion was heard in his bedroom at night, upon entering, Gene would be found cowering in his bed, Robert sitting opposite glaring at him with furniture overturned, toys mutilated. When questioned Gene invariably said... it was Robert, Robert did it. The doll was banished to the attic of the family home, but the sound of tiny footsteps and childish laughter was often heard in the attic. As Gene grew to become an adult he became an artist and married. When his parents died he inherited the old family home and he and his wife Annette moved back in. It was not long before Gene found Robert in the attic and the two were reunited. The adult Gene was constantly accompanied by Robert much to the distaste of his wife, who is said to have loathed the doll. Eventually Annette, exasperated by Gene’s obsession with the doll, exiled Robert once again to the attic. Naturally Gene obliged and fitted out the Turret room, his studio, for Robert. Gene would spend hours locked away painting and talking to the doll. Rumours soon spread about the neighbourhood, children going past the mansion on their way to school would try not to look up at the turret room because Robert had been seen staring malevolently back at them. Worse still, he had been seen running from window to window when the family were out. Gene died in 1974 Annette was sane enough to get out quickly and leave Robert behind. It is said that Gene Otto’s will stipulated that the house could be leased but that Robert should be left in peace. The new family who took the Otto’s house found the doll and brought her into her room. From that day, he began to have terrible nightmares and in more than one occasion he said the doll had tried to attack her. After this episode Robert was donated to the East Hammer Museum.

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Creepy Land

Xochimilco - Mexico

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Xochimilco - Mexico

🇬🇧 The island of dolls, situated in Xochimilco district Mexico contains the forests where the trees originate with dolls’ heads. It has become a natural process that the dolls’ heads originate from the shrubs and roots of the trees. It is said that a little girl died in this island and her dead body was found in the nearby canal. It is her soul which creates those doll heads naturally from the trees and even when one cuts such trees, the new trees bring the same forms of doll heads.

🇮🇹 Don Julian Santana era il custode di questa isola e si diceva che lui avesse trovato il corpo di una ragazza annegata nelle acque della zona. Subito dopo una bambola comparve galleggiano sull'acqua ed egli l'appese su un albero come segno di rispetto e di supporto per lo spirito della ragazza. Per cinquant'anni, fino a quando lui stesso annegò esattamente come quella povera giovane ha continuato ad appendere bambole. Il tutto rende questo luogo decisamente terrificante.

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Creepy Land

Sturdivant Hall - Alabama

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Sturdivant Hall, Selma - Alabama

🇬🇧 Built in 1856 in the Greek Revival style, this beautiful antebellum mansion was bought in 1864 by John McGee Parkman. In the years after the Civil War, Parkman was arrested and imprisoned for cotton speculation. While in prison, Parkman attempted to escape but was shot and killed in the process. When his wife was forced to sell their house a few years after his death, his ghost began to appear regularly throughout the house and grounds, where it is still seen to this day. People often report hearing windows and doors being opened and shut when no one else is in the house, as well as doors that close behind people and lock on their own. The apparitions of two little girls are also frequently seen, though their identities remain unknown.

🇮🇹 Costruito nel 1856 nello stile greco di Revival, questa bellissima Villa dell’anti guerra, fu acquistata nel 1864 da John McGee Parkman.
Negli anni successivi alla guerra civile, Parkman è stato arrestato e imprigionato a causa della speculazione del cotone e, per disperazione tentò persino la fuga;
una fuga che però, segnò per sempre il suo destino infatti, a seguito del vano tentativo, fu processato e ucciso brutalmente da un colpo di fuoco.
Quando sua moglie fu costretta a vendere la propria casa pochi anni dopo la sua morte, si disse che il suo fantasma cominciò ad apparire regolarmente in tutta la casa e nei terreni di proprietà, dove è stato avvistato ancora fino ad oggi. Le persone spesso riferiscono che in quella casa abbandonata le finestre e le porte si aprono e si chiudono da sole; ci sono persino molte testimonianze di apparizioni di due bambine, le cui identità rimangono ancora sconosciute.

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Creepy Land

Shi Cheng City - China

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Shi Cheng City - China

🇬🇧 The ruins of Shicheng have been submerged for 53 years after the Xin'an River Hydro Plant flooded the area, causing the death of many innocent people, now this city is an attraction for the underwater.
The city of Shi Cheng, also called Lion City, was originally founded 1300 years ago and submerged for half a century.

🇮🇹 La rottura di una diga della centrale idroelettrica Xin’an River ha sommerso da 53 anni la valle in cui si trovava causando la morte di moltissime vite innocenti, ora quest’antica città cinese, è un paradiso per i subacquei. La città di Shi Cheng, detta anche Città Leone per il nome delle montagne da cui è circondata, è stata fondata circa 1300 anni fa e sommersa da mezzo secolo.

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Creepy Land

House of the Bulgarian Communist Party – Bulgaria

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House of the Bulgarian Communist Party – Bulgaria

🇬🇧 The former headquarters of Bulgaria’s Communist Party has an eerie feel to it. The building is shaped like a flying saucer and was probably an architecture marvel when it was in use from 1981 until 1991. But it went silent and deserted after the fall of the Soviet Union. It is now a ghost of its former self, putting people who visit it in a trance.

🇮🇹 Sede del partito comunista bulgaro, Bulgaria - Questo era il quartier generale del partito comunista bulgaro dal 1981 fino al 1991, poi con la caduta dell’unione sovietica è stato abbandonato. Nonostante ci siano dei piani per restaurarlo, sarà difficile renderlo meno inquietante

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