It should have a bounce up from this range: 92.6 - 92.8, I may enter a bit before if we get at least 1 green candle on 1h chart. This entry (92.6) has many confluences, hidden bullish divergence and known resistance point.
Читать полностью…I don't like Solana but I need to admit that it's gonna be one of the main narratives this bull, if things remains as it is
Читать полностью…Price drop usually due to people taking profits or cutting their losses, after the etf hype. Dips and stabilization is gd o worry
Читать полностью…Hi @shottaboss97 . Idk how or why I got restricted from CourtDefi . This is surprising to me cos i never shill or did anything wrong. Can you clear this for me ?
Читать полностью…It's a long way , it's already taking supply off the streets, bitcoin have less supply available on exchanges each day, most of the funds were buying Bitcoin since early-mid 2023 ,that's why price didn't skyrocket immediately after the approval, it's not like they couldn't buy it themselves before, they just couldn't offer it to costumers... Now we got another group of giant players who can absorb a lot of supply, there's only so much Bitcoin out there, supply shock is happening either way...
Читать полностью…Meanwhile, look at Sol guys, the experts all say its gearing up for a run @iggoat @akselp
Читать полностью…always be careful when using gate to buy smallcap coins, they always tend to fuck ppl up with low liquidity, usually the order book is manipulated there
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