(1 + 5) Dhk 2, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(3 + 6) Nr 38, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(1 + 1) @jvhfghu, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(8 + 7) Nr 41, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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✅ From now on users can send media (photos, videos, files...) and links in the group again.
🚀 2024 Taipei Blockchain Week 即將登場!
CryptoWesearch與 Grenade精心打造【區塊鏈活動攻略】,吃喝玩樂一次滿足✨
🍜 必吃美食 - 牛肉麵、火鍋、小吃一網打盡
☕ 深夜咖啡廳 - 隨地工作沒煩惱
🏙️ 熱門景點 - 踩點打卡!解鎖台北地標
(10 + 4) @tawertqwet, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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Lunex Network 價格上漲至 0.002 美元
Lunex Network 憑藉其獨特的功能和對用戶保護的高度重視,已經在 DeFi 市場中崛起。LNEX 代幣的售價爲 0.0021 美元。該項目已成功吸引超過 200 萬美元的投資。這表明投資者對其未來發展充滿信心。
該平臺還擁有投資組合追蹤器。該工具允許用戶在一個地方跟蹤和管理加密貨幣以及股票和 ETF 的投資組合。同時,安全性是 Lunex Network 的首要任務。SolidProof 已審覈其智能合約以確保其安全。
此外,代幣質押也是可能的,LNEX 代幣持有者獲得的質押獎勵可以達到年收益率的 18%。總而言之,Lunex Network 的投資組合跟蹤、強大的安全模型和高回報的質押使 Lunex Network 在 DeFi 的未來中脫穎而出。
(8 + 4) @Gjufufigigig, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(5 + 10) @Ifjghjthh, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(3 + 4) Jdhd, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(3 + 4) Bjjnj, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(10 + 5) Tttt, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(3 + 9) Sisak, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(6 + 9) Asha Hwhw, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(9 + 8) Sop11, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(4 + 1) Nr 37, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(6 + 6) Nr 33, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(2 + 1) @Hcgfug, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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❌ From this time until 7 o'clock, all users will not be able to send media (photos, videos, files...) and links in the group.
(10 + 5) @fmvp4623, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(4 + 6) @Hcgfug, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(2 + 1) @Cufiyythh, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(9 + 4) lll Www, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(2 + 4) Djhdh, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(8 + 1) @Kkjbvvvx, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(1 + 1) Hdf, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(5 + 5) Bayeyid Sk, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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(4 + 7) Hfg, please, send the solution to the arithmetic operation provided within the time amount specified to this group, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
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